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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Because it was posted here as news. A basic fact check shouldn't be too much to ask if you purport to be a news site.
  2. Seeing as BKK has only one terminal where exactly is Terminal 4? Does nobody proof read these things any more? An appalling article which gives utterly confusing information. Seriously what's the point?
  3. Wow, what a leap. Maybe you should switch off Fox for a little while. A little lie down might also do you good.
  4. Here we go again. Let me use your same paragraph but just swap a few key words and see how it looks: Any normal person free to think should hate the USA as well, responsible as they are for the deaths of millions of people and the maiming of millions more. Then the abuses in Iraq, and concentration camps for people who are not charged with crimes, oppression and brutality against black people, really what''s not to hate? Not the Americans, the USA.
  5. I came through a couple of weeks ago. The main Fast Track entrance is closed for renovations so instead there is a Fast Track queue to the left of the normal queue that goes to a few Fast Track counters and there was no queue, However in the normal queue there were plenty of desks open and only a few people - maybe 4-5 deep at each desk maximum. It was the same when I came through last month. The airport really is no where near as busy as it used to be. If you have access to Fast Track it's great but imo it's not worth paying for at the moment as it hardly saves you any time.
  6. Would be nice if the article mentioned where to get them. Haven't found a good Bahn Mi here yet. I do like Vietnamese food. Chili crab is way over rated. Every time I go to Singapore the people from our office want to take me for chilli crab. "Be careful, it's spicy, are you sure you can eat it?". We eat way spicier stuff here. It is not even slightly spicy, it is just messy, too sweet, and not particularly tasty. A nice fresh Thai poo neung with nam jim is a million times tastier. And Filipino food is generally disgusting, oily and bland. A good rendang is delicious.
  7. As opposed to the good old USA who withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change under Trump. And the US is second in the world for total CO2 emissions, double that of India in 3rd, and almost four times that of Russia in 4th. Per capita the US releases more than two times the amount of CO2 than China. But yeah, China....
  8. Because it has become an increasingly cynical website that appeals to the cynical TVF populace and therefore generates more clicks. 90% of the "news" articles have a cynical slant. Personal opinion, of course.
  9. Yes, it would be if that had anything to do with it at all, which it didn't. Have you ever used the BTS?
  10. There's always one isn't there. Can't stand a good news story about Thailand so you have to somehow make it as though there's a negative that "the west" does better. UK passport renewals are a shambles and an embarrassment. Renewed my son's Thai passport recently, we were in at 9am, out by 9.15am and picked up the passport at 2pm. Caught a flight that same evening, stress free, as we knew there would be no problem getting the passport quickly. Absolute efficiency.
  11. To add to the others no-one does canned Guinness here anymore - you used to be able to buy it a few years ago but not enough demand I guess. I bought a few cans in Malaysia a couple of weeks ago and they are now sitting in my fridge. As mentioned lots of pubs here have draught Guinness although the supply chain is very sketchy so they are often out of stock for periods of time. But it is not Irish Guinness from Ireland - it is brewed in Malaysia if that makes any difference. I also find that most of the pubs in Bangkok don't pour it properly, they just pour the whole thing in one go and you don't get that nice creamy head. Had a few pints in Muddy Murphy's in Singapore recently and the Guinness was miles better than what we get served here - and they made you wait for your pint just as they should. It was so good I took a pic.
  12. I remember it - it was a widely reported rumour but was completely untrue. They actually went bankrupt before they could finish it and it was seized by the banks. Accor (owner of Sofitel) eventually wrote it off. A few years later it was bought by a Singaporean company who finished it and turned it in to the Hilton. The same company also bought Exchange Tower which had been abandoned when almost complete and several other abandoned projects. So I'm afraid your engineer just believed an urban myth. (I also believed it at the time until I found out it was <deleted>) Here's an interesting read: https://www.afr.com/property/thai-ghost-buildings-given-new-life-20060620-j74wz
  13. The "News" section on AN just gets more and more interesting. Sometimes I think it is too high brow, too serious, and perhaps they should dumb it down a bit. A car at a jaunty angle. Wow. Hold the front page.
  14. I'm waiting for the first "Don't they know retail is dead" type of response.
  15. Taken in by another ridiculous AN headline. The last line of the article says: "the maximum the court can give is 20 years under the law." So actually the headline should be "Actress Pinky faces 20 year sentence" but that wouldn't get you frothing and clicking.
  16. Oh dear, try continuing your reading. It is obviously referring to foreign tourists. "It found Bangkok to be the number one destination drawing interest from foreign tourists." But OK, if it hurts your feeling that America isn't the best, here you go: Orlando is clearly the best place in the world and nowhere in Asia can beat it. Orlando really is an amazing place and I only wish I could be there. The fact that lots and lots of Americans go there for holidays mean it must be incredible (and has nothing to do with the fact that a lot of Americans don't go to foreign places). Feel better now? USA! USA!
  17. My advice would be the complete opposite. I would definitely choose BKK. I have been in and out of there several times in the last couple of months, maybe 4-5 people in the queue at immigration on the way in and out, bags quick, no queues for taxis - you can usually jump straight in one. And of course there is the train which is fast and cheap......but obviously it's usefulness depends on how much luggage you have and where you are staying. For me DMK is a dump. Low cost flight centre so lots of people, horrible queues, horrible to get to (in my experience and opinion). I haven't flown from there in a few years though so take it as you will. BKK always for me.
  18. I don't think it means they will start charging for it after that as it has always been free. More like they will shut the Bang Sue centre down and you will have to get your (free) boosters elsewhere.
  19. I dare say the majority of Orlando visitors are Americans. We are talking international visitors here and Thailand - pre-Covid - was one of the most visited countries in the world, and Bangkok one of the most visited cities, like it or not. Orlando or Thailand. I certainly know which one I would pick (and sorry, it isn't Orlando, not by a long way). Why do the bashers have to come crawling out whenever there is a positive story about Thailand?? What do you get out of it?
  20. Eh? babies get vaccinated for stuff. It is quite common you know. My kids were vaccinated for several things at that age. What are you shocked about?? Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, whooping cough, hepatitis, diptheria, rotavirus....
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