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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ok, so you can just make up the fact Russell Crowe has never heard of the story before and state it as fact. And you state - with zero evidence - that he is just posting what the Thai authorities are telling him to. And that is not a "host of negativity"? Righty ho, okie dokey. It must really pain you to think anyone can genuinely like Thailand or celebrate the actions of Thai people. In the US that man would have been shot dead without a shadow of a doubt. But this officer showed enormous compassion for a human being in trouble. Well done to him, and well done to Russell Crowe for the personal visit.
  2. Look at Crowe's Twitter feed and his posts about Thailand - he is loving it. Perhaps he is genuinely enjoying Thailand, enjoying the Thai warmth, the hospitality, just like he says. The story of that policeman went around the world - BBC, CNN, national newspapers globally. Perhaps Crowe saw the story - as did millions of people - and asked to meet him. Ever thought about that? Once again, horrible negativity and cynicism by the TVF populace. Quite sad. Do you honestly think Russel Crowe had not seen this story and the Thai police just asked him to pose with the guy and call him his hero? And he just agreed? Sometimes good news stories are just good news stories. Get a life and feel some positivity.
  3. Sky Dance Media have the rights to the production and are shooting the US parts. Do you honestly think production companies fly all their own staff all over the world bringing all their own crew? Of course they don't, not here, not anywhere. Key people, yes, but 90/95% of the crew are local. Sky Dance Media hire a service company in Thailand to do the local production. A Thai company with Thai crew. I know the company. You have absolutely no idea how the industry works, I do as I have worked in it for nearly 30 years. If you want to believe there are no Thais involved in a Thai production shooting in Thailand then I cannot help you. Move along.
  4. Wow, just wow. So ignorant and blinkered you truly believe there are no Thais involved in a movie set in Asia, shot in Thailand with a Thai production company that uses Thai equipment and Thai crew. Unless I name them all one by one. And I work in this industry and have been on countless of these sets (but of course unless I post pictures of me on a set you won't believe that either - I am not going to by the way). I have no words. Actually I have a couple but I'll keep them to myself. Move along.
  5. Some people on here are just ridiculous. I happen to work in this industry if that matters (it doesn't, this is just so obvious it shouldn't need explaining). It is a production shooting in Thailand using a Thai production company, Thai equipment rental houses, Thai crew. They are shooting in Thailand because this part of the movie is set in Asia (Vietnam mostly, but they are shooting it all here), so of course there are Asian people in it. Just because I can't name all of the extras you assume they are shipping in farangs to play Thai and Vietnamese people? Shipping in extras from Hollywood to act as Thai and Vietnamese background people?
  6. Of course the crew is Thai. A lot of supporting cast and of course extras too. What a ridiculous question.
  7. So you are saying Thailand hasn't enforced strict pandemic entry rules for the last 18 months? What on earth are you on about?
  8. Really?? Cambodia that needs Covid tests prior to flying and on arrival (like Thailand), Cambodia that needs $50,000 Covid insurance (like Thailand) and Cambodia that still enforces quarantine. So why are you off to Cambodia when it has tougher rules than Thailand??
  9. Yep and with around 80,000 new cases and 1,500 deaths daily it's going pretty well isn't it.
  10. Yep, it is not rocket science........except for the regulars on here.
  11. Unbelievable negativity on here again. M Flow is going to replace cash and Easy Pass. There will be no gates. M Flow is gateless and works in the same way as Singapore's ERP and Dubai's Salik. I know nobody on TVF likes change or advances but you will not have the option to keep your Easy Pass, sorry.
  12. Excellent news - I hope it works! Would make a huge difference if/when implemented across the network.
  13. Ridiculous - you are just a typical old man making a typical old man comment. She is genuinely world famous (just not to grumpy old men on TVF). She was on the Jimmy Fallon show a few weeks back. Blackpink performed a sell out world tour before Covid, they played twice at Coachella. Their UK debut at Wembley Arena sold out in under three hours. To say she is unknown is plainly ridiculous. And yes, she is talented.
  14. So what are you getting over charged for at 7-Eleven, Makro, Lotus?? Please tell me, prices in all of them seem pretty cheap, service is good. How are they ripping you off??
  15. I use Bangkok Dental Hospital. Not the cheapest but absolutely superb. http://www.dentalhospitalbangkok.com/
  16. Oh this is getting tiresome. Do you want me to say Boris Johnson personally hugged everyone and Thailand has been butchering its people? Thailand closed borders early, introduced quarantine for those it did allow in to the country, took other costly measures to protect its people. It decimated the tourism industry but generally protected the people as evidenced by the generally low infection and death rates. Could they have done better? Absolutely! They were very slow to begin vaccinations. Anyway, believe as you will, I am just trying to make sensible posts whereas you think the UK is superior just because it is "first world" and Thailand is a disaster just because you are bitter with your life here or whatever your beef is with the country. Carry on!
  17. Sigh. I never made a claim Thailand was donating anything to anyone, never claimed Thailand was doing anything other than trying to look after its own people. All I did was post a counter to an incorrect claim that the UK did everything better and was happily donating vaccines around the world to "third world countries" (hee hee, I called Thailand a third world country) when it is not true and the UK was charging "third world countries" (including Thailand, hee hee) for these "donations". That's it. I am British and the UK has done many good things but I am not totally blinkered and I do not need to constantly belittle Thailand, nor do I need to make things up. The UK made a horrible mess of Covid. If that is hard for you to deal with that's fine.
  18. How can you take anyone seriously who can't read their own links. Donated at cost price. So these "third world countries" (you gave yourself a little kick again there) are paying for them. From the article posted: "Over half a billion doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have been delivered at a non-profit price globally, with two-thirds going to lower- and middle-income countries. Or here: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-56117120 Boris Johnson: "There is no point in us vaccinating our individual populations - we've got to make sure the whole world is vaccinated because this is a global pandemic and it's no use one country being far ahead of another, we've got to move together." He said he wanted to "ensure that we distribute vaccines at cost around the world - make sure everybody gets the vaccines that they need so that the whole world can come through this pandemic together."
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