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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ha ha, I live in Bangkok - just turn left at the 7-Eleven and I'm right there. Hope to fire it up at the weekend and will make a post.
  2. Don't be silly, the whole world is going cashless. I just got back from the UK and no-one uses cash there anymore - several business will not even accept cash at all.
  3. Reporting back. I just arrived home with my pizza oven in its original box plus 20kg of oak chips. Not even a second glance at customs, just walked right through.
  4. Thanks, but the only wood chips I have found - like Hickory - are for smoking. But for pizza ovens you want wood that doesn't smoke. So ideally looking for kiln dried oak or beech. I am sure it must be available in Thailand, I just haven't found it yet. I did find some cedar pellets so will try them and compare to the oak I am carrying back.
  5. Cool, flying back Wednesday with the oven and 20kg of oak so will report how it goes (in my limited searches in Bangkok I couldn't find oak pellets so figured I would haul these back to give me something to compare to). I have also been after this for a long time so really looking forward to giving it a go - good idea to start a thread, I will.
  6. And just got issued my QR code, 29 minutes after submitting my application. It really is super simple.
  7. Thank you Charlie, that is really helpful. I think I'll print out the receipt and declare it, if it's only 7% VAT then it's no big deal. It's nicely packed in the box so I think unpacking and repacking would be a hassle. Plus I already have 20kg of oak pellets in my suitcase.... ????
  8. Yep, the people who say it puts people off have almost certainly never done it themselves. I did one three weeks ago for a trip to the UK, very simple. And I have just done one now for a trip to Singapore next week and they have simplified it further. Previously you needed to upload details of each vaccine shot, state your purpose of visit. Now they don't ask purpose and you only need to upload a QR code of your third shot. Very very simple and quick. Took me less than 5 minutes. And now they promise you get your answer in less than two hours.
  9. Hi, I am returning to Thailand next week and carrying a small wood fired pizza oven (15kg) that I bought. Does anyone know if I can go through the green channel or should I go to red and declare it? And if so what would be the duty to pay? I have searched and can't find if there would be duties to pay or not. It is not an electric item. It cost £250 so not an expensive thing, so if I have to pay it's ok, but if I don't have to I would obviously rather go through green and not have the hassle. Taking it out of the box and making it look used is not an option, I'll be taking it in its original packaging. Any thoughts or advice?
  10. Yep. I hadn't arrived in terminal 2 before. Already done the horrendous up and down, thought I was nearly there then turned the corner and saw that!
  11. This was the sight that greeted me at Heathrow when I arrived a couple of weeks ago. Took 90 minutes to get through and I am a UK citizen and flew business class! It was horrendous and I got told off for taking a photo of it by security! Would be waaaay more efficient at Suvarnabhumi - I'll be able to compare next week when I come back.
  12. No, you need to get your vaccination status verified online before you arrive. https://eservices.ica.gov.sg/STO1/VCP Enter your details, upload the QR code of your third vaccine shot, then you will be emailed a letter confirming your vaccination status that you present to immigration in Singapore.
  13. I did one a week ago from here for a trip to the UK tomorrow. Horrendous article.
  14. 1,900 baht per year does not require deep pockets. I believe you have to pay for long term visas in most countries. £100 for a short term visitor visa to the UK.
  15. What a horrendous article. I don't have a master's degree but have managed to live and work here for 27 years. It really isn't difficult. And how can they state such utterly incorrect rubbish as this? Has the author ever actually applied for TP? Sounds like it was written by one of the "insurance scam" posters here who generally base their outrage on zero experience and made up injustices. "The reason being is they must register online after departure for Thailand Pass with at least 48 hours’ notice required to receive their all-important QR Code. It isn’t possible to apply for an advance Thailand Pass whilst still in this country. " Of course it is possible to do it while still in the country!! I have done it myself. TP does not ask where you are when you apply, you only need to say when you will arrive and the purpose ("returning to Thailand" is one of the options). And it isn't "at least" 48 hours' notice. TP says a maximum of 48 hours. Most people get their approvals within a few hours. Really Asean Now has been going downhill for some time but this is ridiculous.
  16. Ok, I have asked this question to several posters who shout "insurance scam" yet not one has replied. Not a single one. Maybe you can be the first? Explain the scam. That is all I ask. You can use any insurance company you like - Thai or foreign. The requirement ($10k cover) is super minimal and has been continually reduced (form $100k to $50k to $20k to $10k). You are NOT mandated to use a Thai company and I would suggest most foreign tourists buy travel insurance in their own country., so the majority of policies will be provided by foreign companies. If you are employed in Thailand (as a foreigner) you are covered by social security and don't need further insurance at all. None of that exactly says scam does it? A scam would usually have a single beneficiary, no? So come on, you can be the first. I know you have collected all your "likes" already for shouting scam so it is job done for you, but it is really boring and I just want one single scam shouter to reply and explain it.
  17. Yawn, here we go again, and no "scam screamer" has ever answered this question, maybe you can be the first. Explain the scam. The insurance requirements are very minimal and have been reduced several times already. You can buy from any insurance company you like - foreign or Thai - there is no mandate to use any company. If you are employed here you do not need any insurance as you are covered by Thai social security. So where is the scam? Can you please enlighten me. And the cumbersome Thai Pass take 5-6 minutes and is pretty simple, and you receive your approval in a matter of hours. No better or worse than many other countries. Likely it will be gone soon but it really is not hard, I suspect though that you've never done it. Anyway, enlighten me as to the scam please, I might learn something.
  18. You may as well talk to the wall. He doesn't reply to any questions, doesn't respond to logical information, he just yells "scam" and then runs away.
  19. Well done, you managed to drop "brown envelopes" in too! You are on a roll! Don't you think most foreign travellers buy travel insurance in their home countries? So are these foreign companies sending their brown envelopes by DHL? And if they wanted to keep this "cash cow" rolling why have they been continually decreasing the coverage amount required? Why wouldn't they still ask for $100k cover? Why drop it to $50k, then $20k, now $10k? Again, have a think and then come back to me. Maybe in your next post you can add "another nail in the tourism industry" then I think you have ticked all the TVF cliche boxes.
  20. Sorry you didn't answer how that is a scam. If you had to buy insurance from a single company that was owned by someone in government and it was overpriced I would agree with you. But you can chose any insurance company you like: Thai or foreign. So how is it a scam? Still waiting for you to explain. And if you have Thai social security (Ie. you are employed here) you are already covered and can submit a letter from your employer in lieu of insurance. I know people who have done that. So, again, in your own words, please explain how it is a scam.
  21. You do like your TVF cliches don't you. First it was "Thai Pass cash cow". Brilliant. Oh, then when it was pointed out that TP is simple and free you bleat "insurance scam". The insurance requirements are very low (you can get it for 650 baht - I just did). You can buy from any foreign insurance company you like, there is no mandate to use any particular company. If you are employed by a Thai company you are covered by social security so don't need to buy anything. So please explain these cash cows and scams that are free and non obligatory. Please try and explain by yourself in your own words without using cliches and TVF buzz words. And do you not think that everyone involved - government, hoteliers, travel companies - would make a hell of a lot more money were TP and these restriction not in place? Apply some logic please, can't wait to hear your explanation of this scam.
  22. You mean that cash cow Thai Pass that is completely free for everyone??
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