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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. And face ... just look at that foto 555
  2. Dammit the autocorrect kicked in again even after I corrected it ... but I see someone else also spotted the 'panticipation'.
  3. I find it really hard to imagine cabin staff behaving like this with otherwise normally behaving passengers. Maybe they tried to be funny or some such (also a fail in my opinion but not a sacking offense) and need to apologize. Not saying it couldn't happen, but those are the kinds of comments usually made in the crew debriefing room after the flight when letting off steam. When they can safely say what they think about some of the unpleasant, antisocial and ignorant pillocks who manage to book flights and actually find their way to an airport these days.
  4. 'Participanting bars ...' Takes some stamina I guess ????
  5. Why should I, who never travels without insurance, and also adheres to the small print, have to pay a thousand baht on exit for those who can't be bothered, feel too entitled or immortal, or are simply too stupid as not to do so themselves?
  6. Yeah thanks, that's the one, I just trawled it from memory like I said. That's where the fortune originates ... DNA I suppose.
  7. I'd like to say 'we can but hope'. Except that would mean he had probably committed treason - meaning the damage would sadly already be done and no longer undoable.
  8. From what I remember his father was something of a slime bag as well ... slum landlord and exploiter of prospectors or something on those lines I believe ...
  9. Indeed it's all hot air and has been since the election. People are simply incapable of just waiting to see what the Senate actually decides and then discussing that. Gossiping makes them feel knowledgable about things they are unable to know such as what other people will decide in the future, which is an uncomfortable feeling.
  10. Isn't that what Uncle Tu did? Has tradition here - thwarting the will of the people.
  11. Or a 'Beijing solution' either - which has more tradition in LOS.
  12. Why ''shock'' victory? It's only shocking for a few dinosaurs who are completely out of touch with their country and people.
  13. The wedding was probably widely known out there in the sticks ...
  14. I wonder what any human being with two brain cells to rub together thinks about someone like MTG being elected into a country's parliament. Irrespective of political leanings.
  15. Not only that, but ''Blue cities are the leading murder rate areas in the USA and distort ...'' distorts the fact that CITIES are obviously worse for murder rates than rural areas for obvious reasons. That they tend to vote blue for obvious reasons is also clear to anyone capable of non-polarized dogma-free thought.
  16. Interesting.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/may/14/homegrown-book-review-jeffrey-toobin-timothy-mcveigh-oklahoma-city-trump-republicans This offers some interesting context.
  18. As in ''Long may s/he reign o'er us ...''
  19. '...the ads pushing a dystopian vision of cities ridden by murder, robbery and assault, and of Democratic politicians unwilling to act.' Well if people are stupid enough to fall for that they'll get what they deserve. I have no sympathy.
  20. Good analysis. It also means that broadly the two camps, i.e. the older generation across the populace and the younger generation are set to join in a coalition. That can only be good for the country as it also sidelines the dinosaurs who've been trying to divide the country. But to paraphrase Mao: It depends what the men with the guns say - and we've seen what they're happy to say in the past when their privileges and chokehold on the country came under threat. 'Soft' coups were the nicest things they said.
  21. Perhaps they offer a whole range of welcomes ????
  22. I highly recommend that fans of this thread read David Graeber's 'Debt: The First 5000 Years'. For my part I've been waiting calmly since the late 90s for the euro to collapse - ahead of the EU following the withdrawal of the irreplaceable lynchpin UK 555.
  23. Because it's huge in comparison to national averages. Though I am not challenging its justification.
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