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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. She makes 3 times what a hotel worker friend of mine makes doing 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, with 3 weeks a year holiday broken into smaller breaks. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, but millions deserve a dammsite more than they get in this country.
  2. I have no idea offhand. But having anything to do with them is an act of terminal stupidity in Thailand under current circumstances. In Thailand you can be removed as Prime Minister for taking part in a cooking show for godz sakes. Was it really worth holding onto them? Are they really so important? What is wrong with these people? Of course the EC has yet to give its verdict and apparently it's all above board according to him. But it certainly calls his judgement into question. And it could still cost votes at least even if he gets the all clear. It's the whiff of corruption and privilege even in those who are supposedly challenging the system. And as I said above, the suspicion is reasonable that he could relaunch the company as a broadcaster once he is elected.
  3. That doesn't surprise me, but I was referring to the overall figures - global yuan trade vis a vis dollar trade is about 6% as I understand it, even after all these efforts. So Beijing has a long way to go to ease the grief of potential dollar sanctions. They'd also have to convince a lot more countries as well. Thailand was easy.
  4. The company may be defunct as a broadcaster right now, but a) it's still actively doing lucrative business and b) maybe he's hoping to ramp it up again to broadcast level after election? Stupid stupid.
  5. Which is why someone like this should not be doing something as stupid as holding shares in a media company - even I know that much.
  6. There's no known antidote for stupid.
  7. What .... you mean actually respect the oiks? And do something to their benefit?
  8. ... itself aimed at reducing the effects of potential US sanctions against China in future. China is pursuing this policy hard now. But the volumes involved are still only a few percent. Thailand is not the only country on board.
  9. They don't make 'em like that any more ... Some don't even make it into space ...
  10. Some people don't want to get the obvious. Because then they'd have to swallow their hate or find another target for it.
  11. This character is the living definition of the word cad.
  12. Flew VIE-BKK a few months ago 1-way. EVA staff asked me in VIE and I told them I was going for visa exempt and Non-O conversion. They seemed aware of the procedure and no further questions though they did check my passport whilst asking me. No questions asked at Immigration BKK - all they wanted was passport and boarding card IIRC.
  13. I was thinking of posting something very similar - 5 different topics broached and left dead in the water in less than 4 lines ????
  14. I can remember that moment ... and the feelings of anger, sadness and powerlessness that went with it. They also have a terrible taste in music but then again I wouldn't expect any better from those sorts.
  15. Right! One of the great things about UJ was that you learned a lot from his answers on threads that didn't even concern you.
  16. Only 200 baht for an orange vest in Pattaya? Sure there's not a zero or two missing there?
  17. True comment but to be fair I think many, if not most, expressed their gratitude clearly at the time.
  18. Maybe it's required proof to collect a thousand baht?
  19. Indeed - teach them the 3Rs, English and how to use the Internet effectively. Then they can ignore the 'education' BS. Just like I did all those years ago ???? (Having said that I did excel in the 3Rs, picked up a lot on the side even though I was basically a refusenik disruptor who left at 15, and got a degree at 52 - which was the right time for me.)
  20. And he's advising people to keep their wits about them in Pattaya ????
  21. Really sad news. I had already missed his sage advice and information. I'm one of those he helped swiftly, effectively and in a friendly way, who never rose to any bait and seemed to have eternal patience. I always wondered who the man was behind the handle 'Ubon Joe' and what motivated him. I was actually on the verge of asking in the forum what was up, because I'd noticed his absence recently with Dr. Jack fielding all of the visa balls bouncing all over the place.
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