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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Covid-19 is not a minor inconvenience. And yes we have to learn how to live with it. We're still trying. How many deaths. per 1000 of the population do you think is acceptable? How many who can't get treatment in ICU in emergency because it's clogged up with 'anti-vaxxeers' or people who are in the process of orphaning their kids in their 'fight against the vax dictatorship'. High vax rates, a sensible testing regime and social distancing are the only solution for now if we are ever to get back to a world where social distancing is no longer the norm. And people who work in public either have to bite the bullet or find a job somewhere else. My company checks for vaxxed, tested or recovered at the door for everyone who enters. Yesterday the guard apologized for wanting to compare my ID with my vaxertificate. I said 'no apologies, thanks for asking'. God what is wrong with these people?
  2. But argue with ol' Recep Tayip and you'll get your hot beats. Good luck anyway, I've followed your posts for years. Sad to see your wisdom and understanding leave SEA, but I can understand the draw of Turkey even without a ham license. You won't get much pork there though555 Keep us up to date ... Misquoted, my post is aimed more at Simon43 obviously.
  3. You think Turkey is not authoritarian? They have thousands more political prisoners than even LOS. And the lira is so weak because of the policies of one person who crushes all dissent. Not to mention the refugee blackmail, invasion against the Kurds ... Don't get me wrong, I love Turkey, was there long before tourism started, have worked with great Turkish colleagues, had a couple of really great Turkish lovers, like the food too. But like LOS, no illusions nowadays ... Another country showing how easy a democracy can be lost.
  4. I can remember the old business class lounge - real colonial style with wicker chairs and things and fans on the ceiling 555. Quite liked it actually ... I can also remember swapping the sandals I'd worn for my entire 3 months stay for my trainers just before check in to fly home where it was still winter ... real depressing ...
  5. Exactly what I thought when I read it ... what utter dunderheads.
  6. I've been thinking for a while watching and listening to all this unfold, is that they've got it in for the backpacker masses. Less so the 'middle income' types like me. I really think it's the backpackers they're targeting.
  7. Like the Scala ... what bloody philistines ... they squeal about 'patriotism' and 'Thai culture, yet destroy their own heritage for a fistful of dollars.
  8. Yeah I checked the evisa site via the Thai Embassy here over the weekend - there are some apparently repeated requirements that make no sense and some of it seems like just pure gobbledygook. Fortunately I have time to sit back and simply observe what's happening, and decide on my options ... and for the first time now they include options beyond LOS ...
  9. Speaking purely as a consumer I'm pretty sure there's no check up allowance in normal travel health insurance. Unless of course you're exhibiting symptoms. Routine check-ups? Doubtful. It certainly won't be included in the policy I get for my upcoming trip. I was privately insured in Germany for a while and the policy included check-ups. And standard public health in Germany even PUSH you to get things like colonoscopies etc. They've just reminded me, it having been 10 years since the last one. For that kind of thing there are also stool probe checks which can also be fairly efficient but have a slightly higher failure rate than c-scopes. Prevention is better and infinitely cheaper than cure with a whole bunch of ailments and conditions. As an addendum, and more back to topic, I've never had a medical insurance company, either credit card travel, private travel or private domestic, refuse any bills. A dental top-up insurance I have refused a part of the charge for a treatment but on totally reasonable contractual grounds.
  10. Fair enough, I don't want to argue with your personal experience. But you said it's not routine. It is (in absence of symptoms) a recommended routine procedure later in life. It's about early detection and prevention, at least where I live and many other jurisdictions as well. Bowel cancer like skin cancer, breast and prostate is one of those that can be caught quite easily early on and treated simply by respecting yourself and your own body enough and paying attention. I'm glad it was only a false alarm for you. A Thai friend of mine's father died of bowel cancer aged 60 - totally preventable but undetected. There's no general screening program that I'm aware of in Thailand for oiks like me (or him).
  11. It is indeed routine. I've got my second coming up soon. Health insurance here pays for 1 every 10 years from age 55 onwards. It's about prevention. By the time a colonoscopy is needed because of symptoms, you're already in dodgy territory.
  12. Sshhh! Don't point it out to 'em or the place'll be booked out when I get there in January ...
  13. I would call it a desperate attempt to save face after Thanet's comments the day before. It doesn't have to be realistic - it has nothing to do with tourism or revenues. The only aim is to save face and therefore the bigger the numbers, the better the face.
  14. "Senior officers working with the National Anti-Corruption Commission are also predicting extensive fallout from a probe into the source of Police Colonel Thitisan’s huge wealth" Really?
  15. It goes to show you just how useless GDP is as a marker for a country's prosperity.
  16. They effectively wasted a whole year for all the known reasons. Disgraceful.
  17. Since yesterday I suspect you're not the only one - even I'm considering it ...
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