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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Two of the dead thrown from car - looks like not. Belts would have certainly boosted their chances - most who get thrown out of a car in an accident die. And getting thrown out is a major sign of being beltless.
  2. Another advantage of using an agent I suppose if that works. Of course if the agent gets the stamps from another province things could get complicated. IOs where the retiree lives wouldn't even know s/he exists and wouldn't go to visit. IOs in the province where the visa was issued would be searching high and low for someone who doesn't live there ????
  3. Mine also. Paid direct to PEA: 3.84 baht/unit. 116 units consumption in November. Single in 1.5 room condo.
  4. They weren't going to touch RvW either were they? 'I respect precedent' as one (at seat) of their number said to get instated. Fool me once ...
  5. In particular before the 'Supreme Court' gets its grubby claws on them. As they have already hinted darkly and strongly. Haters gonna hate.
  6. It's a kind of inverse PR. By cracking down in front of the media like this they are reminding the world that Pattaya is still the world's largest ever brothel since Sodom and Gommorha and is now LGBQT+ certified as well.
  7. Some Thais may be proud of it, but the election of non-military parties under the only real constitution the country has ever had suggests the majority don't. The military staged their putsches because they just couldn't stand losing power and the associated threat to their revenue streams.. Most are just hoping to avoid a repeat of 1992. The reason Prayut and these others have to twist and turn and rewrite constitutions and things is because they wouldn't stand a chance on a level playing field.
  8. Drugs are a public health issue, nothing to do with law and order.
  9. Exactly what I was thinking. Of course he might have been on meth. But it's unlikely someone carrying meth and a gun would be so foolish as to try and avoid a poxy gas station bill. As I read 'drugs and a gun were found in his vehicle' I thought, "Really?"
  10. It would be interesting to know what technical state those planes are in and who they belong to. Most of the Russian fleets are grounded. Likely to be impounded if they fly to most countries. Spare parts are sanctioned and unavailable. You wouldn't get my bum on a Russian carrier's seat for now. Wonder who's signing off on the tech logs on the turnarounds? Who's handling them? Thai Airways 555? Likely to be frowned on by the EU and US amongst many others.
  11. I was dead for 13.5bn years before I was born. Can't remember a thing until I was 4 years old.
  12. I just did one to KL close to the end of a 30 day extension. It's an interesting, quite flashy and fun city full of really interesting sights and experiences and you get a free 90 day stamp on arrival. I'll be going back. H o w e v e r, I spent 2 whole days there checking the place out - so a 4 day out and in trip not a straight 'bounce'. No questions asked on return at Swampy. Got 45 days, extendable by 30.
  13. In Bangkok recently they all stopped on the BTS in the ticketing area at 18.00 when the anthem came on. That was Nana BTS I think.
  14. Never has the phenomena of projection been more clearly on public display than in the utterances of Donald J. Trump.
  15. I'm sure Thai media outlets are full of it. It's sexy and sells well to the prurient in any country.
  16. In an earlier life when applying for a multi entry crew visa for the US I recall you even had to state if you'd ever been a member of a communist party which would also disqualify you. Don't know if it still is.
  17. I hope you feel better after that rant. If I need advice I ask for it - here I was expressing a view in a discussion. In May as it happens, which seems to have escaped your superb attention to detail. Why not just put me on ignore if you don't like my 'harping on'?
  18. 'palimoney' even better ;D
  19. It provides 'relief'. That's what they call it in the UK I believe.
  20. Last time I came in was fast track. The female IO went through my passport, got me to pose for the foto, I can't even remember if she asked anything about address, I don't think so. I was the only one so she had plenty of scope to make life difficult for me if she'd wanted. I have a fair bit of history, the last though a 2017 60 day TR visa. I was past her in less than 2 minutes. Formal, efficient, neither friendly/unfriendly. Beginning of September.
  21. "...director of the New Zealand Police’s national organised crime group, previously said transnational groups were preying on vulnerable people." He talking about Goldman-Sachs?
  22. ... ARE about power and wealth as well as social control.
  23. When I was in the business with charter flights in Europe in the 70s and 80s it was THREE kg allowance.
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