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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I'm surprised Jingthing hasn't weighed in yet ...
  2. Well the guest is talking utter rot. What absolute twaddle. Of course there are secular arguments against child sexual exploitation/paedophilia. I certainly wouldn't waste my time with any broadcaster/podcast that let that kind of intellectual garbage slip through unchallenged. Not fit to be on the air/net.
  3. I don't think they'll get it repaired. It'll need an engine change - that sounds like a compressor stall (not in itself particularly dangerous if the engine is shut down and extinguished which is what happened). There's not only fire damage, some of the compressor blades will be bent out of shape and the engine is useless for all intents and purposes. So where's the replacement coming from? Who's gonna fit it? Who'll sign off on it? I suspect it may well be abandoned. Fact is that any spares for Russian registered planes are being stripped off other planes, or from unregistered sanctions busters or are naked forgeries which don't match specifications, especially with regard to material quality. You would not get my bum on a Russian carrier's seat for the foreseeable future.
  4. They are the standard measures that are applied to all third party countries (like the UK now is, you are no longer part of the family) whose products do not match EU standards. It's not a punishment, just an inevitable consequence of UK behavior. Your not even exceptional in that regard either.
  5. It's not much different to the UK either and for similar reasons. Don't bother these 'characters' with useless things like facts. They don't do facts. They do unpleasant stuff which in the end does not even bode well for them. But they don't care about that fact either.
  6. ''a republic could be considered a “representative democracy” when individual citizens are not directly exercising legislative authority by voting on laws but delegating that task to the people who win elections.'' Note the last three words. Anyone or party that does not garner 50% or more has not 'won' the election. They are forced to find partners ensuring that EVERY vote counts. Not only those of the actual minority. This is not the case in the UK or the US. In the US one can lose the election yet still be named winner. But there is no claim whatsoever to be a democracy - both the US and the UK claim to be 'beacons' of representative democracy. In no way are they. They do not represent the desired outcome of the entire electorate, because most of the votes get thrown into the trash can. Some may be happy with that.
  7. Trump 'won' only because of the 'electoral college' in 2016. The vote was indeed clear then as in 2020. Both the UK and the US are in no meaningful sense 'democracies' fit for purpose in 21st century. They are literally on a par with Belarus.
  8. First of all I deeply hope you are right - for the US and the rest of the world. Secondly I deeply hope your archaic, no longer fit for democratic purpose electoral system doesn't install him as the winner even if he loses - just like it did with Trump. Some 70 million US voters still thought Trump would be a good idea for a second term not so long ago. Bit like Johnson, the floaters that won't flush down the bog however often you pull the chain. (Remember chains? ;D )
  9. No, he hates Soros, like he hates all decent people with a moral codex and a smidgen of love in their lives. Trump thrives on hate. So he doesn't fawn over ALL rich people ... but ONLY rich people. Oh yeah, and powerful and cruel warmongering dictators. Like Little Rocket Man. His distinguishing characteristic is that of a rank coward.
  10. No point trying to staunch this eruption of misogynist bile.
  11. You really that far out of touch with the old home?
  12. Heat or eat is the UK's latest 3 word political strap line.
  13. Unfortunately it's also a question of what you can afford to eat - the worst foods are the cheapest.
  14. So what? Professional cops who aren't a disgrace to both the uniform and profession would deescalate from a position of firmness.
  15. Love it! Looks like Megamagamoron Trump is also seriously in jeopardy - that would be so sweet. Christ imagine what life would be like if that lot ever got near the levers of power. They have nothing good in store for all you apple pie Americans, they only know how to hate. Trump was merely the appetizer - so be careful what all you gullibles wish for. Look up the name Ernst Röhm. You are hopelessly outclassed by the sinister perpetrators behind this demagoguery and calumny however smart and special you think you are.
  16. Yeah, scum always floats to the top of the swamp.
  17. It's not just about the tax or protected professions. What's the redress if someone dies of salmonella they've been fed in places where people are working illegally? Especially when the illegals apparently o w n the damn place. No insurance, no accessible funds to compensate with, and a dead breadwinner with the family homeless. Illegal working is plague that only benefits the criminals who traffic these people. And that seems to include some people in uniform funnily enough.
  18. Just need to see how the South Koreans reject the 'little ghosts' by the planeload ...
  19. Don't blame you, a team of wild elephants couldn't drag me back to the UK either.
  20. Surely a doctor has to issue a death certificate, and they would have to be more explicit than 'natural causes' ... i.e. coronary, stroke, choked on pizza (happened to a 30 year old colleague of mine). The cause of death must surely be established by a doctor wherever you are. It's not up to paramedics and police to say '''nothing to see here ... keep moving ...'' - they simply aren't qualified to do that. And a 48 year old diving instructor dying suddenly and unexpectedly like that under a blanket is in itself I think unusual and should be looked at more closely. Perhaps it is to do with his regular diving together with an unknown pre-existing condition ... that is maybe important to the diving world. With all due respect to your background there are far too many questions unanswered here, and 'no suspicious circumstances' is far too glib and sloppy even for a civilian like me.
  21. All indications are that whatever it is it ain't pleasant.
  22. He's basically what every decent person feared - a more cunning and intelligent version of Trump with the same mindset, policies and direction.
  23. Do you think that is likely to happen? Sounds very un-likely to me. But the story sure triggered a lot of people right? And that's what it's all about with people like Dosser Santos ... a tried and tested recipe: stir up enough hate, trigger the oiks, and tell big enough lies for long enough. And you know what? ... the oiks never ever learn.
  24. If Trump could fool 'em ... who knows?
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