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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. And also make sure you have it in writing that your insurance will pay if you are hospitalized with no symptoms ...
  2. Not only that, but even if (as seems likely) the death RATE is lower, the sheer number of infections threatens to cancel out that gain, with a corresponding number of carers off out sick as well ... quite apart from the potential effects on the rest of the economy, which in many countries is already short staffed. Let's hope this is a hint of an easing of the threat in general but let's be cautious till it's proven. The other way round is simply stupid and potentially deadly.
  3. That headline is a disgrace - it makes it look like 20-30 tourists come in daily with omicron which sounds like a huge number of tourists spreading the plague. The article says however that 20-30 are found in Phuket daily.
  4. I was referring to SARS CoV 2, although I also wouldn't want a pilot with a cold to be flying my plane either ... think about it ... Or driving a train, or a 40 tonne truck, or any other number of infrastructure tasks ... as a supervisor I told people to stay at home with colds - before they infect others at work as well. And I have never worked with a cold or flu. Much less Covid-19. But maybe it doesn't worry you.
  5. Would you like to fly on an aircraft piloted by someone who was suffering from any kind of coronavirus? Maybe you would. Maybe you've not seen how people can go from having a laugh one minute to fighting for their lives a few minutes later when their blood oxygen levels plummet. I don't know, but I do know from experience that flying staff love to fly.
  6. I suspect most haven't even noticed how many flights the airlines have had to cancel because of staff off sick. The same is beginning to bite across the economy ... everything from ATC to water suppliers and shops ... It's not just about the medical services, it's about the whole economic infrastructure if everyone gets hit at the same time. And all the talk about the low death rates in South Africa ignores that something like half the population is under 40, the group that is least affected.
  7. I wonder who's paying for it? How's their insurance responded to being hospitalized with no symptoms? Until that kind of thing is clarified, my trip (long-stay) is on hold ... ASQ's one thing, as is sandbox, but 10 days in Bangkok hospital is out of the question.
  8. This is also the (perfectly correct) argument against superstition aka religion. That it cannot be disproved. It ignores the fact that the onus is on those making a claim to prove it.
  9. Friends have been asking me "When are you going to Thailand?". And I've been telling them I'll look at the requirements at the very end of December/first week of January because it's changing all the time and I have no idea how they'll respond to Omicron. Well, looks like the Sandbox Phuket for me now ... for now at any rate ... till they change it again ... sigh ... It's not such a big deal for me because I'll be using a non-O/nonO-A. Time is no longer a major factor in my life right now and this won't stop me coming. This kind of U-turning will probably put paid for 2022 tourism though. I hope you make it back OK ...
  10. Brilliant! And just think he'll have to go through the whole of his life dealing with that. Puts all the whingers to shame.
  11. Understood. Sorry to hear it.
  12. Thanks for replying ... I'm sorry to hear that. It must also be quite devastating to have your home violated like that regardless of what gets taken. I was just wondering though, because as you say the helmet is noticeable and valuable so I was wondering if it was 'stolen to order'. That does happen. My mother's place was broken into a few weeks after they'd bought an expensive TV (as pensioners they spend a lot of time in front of it so figured they'd better get the best) - it was all that was taken, police said 'stolen to order'. They've got a burglar alarm now for what that's worth - makes them at least feel safer. All the best.
  13. Did they take anything else?
  14. I've had my eye on the Landmark since the days of ASQ. Thanks for the info. I usually decant at the airport Novotel on arrival (after 18 hours travel) to use the gym and swim. Then get a good meal in the room and a great breakfast buffet before traveling on the next morning. I doubt you'd be able to use the gym before a negative test is returned though.
  15. This year for the first time I got a flu shot as I was boosting my rabies shot. Hardly ever had flu, never took the shot cos it didn't seem worthwhile. But this year they're expecting something a bit worse with flu, because the strain's developed but there's less resistance around because the mask wearing and distancing and lockdowns mean practically no-one has had the flu for 2 years. At my age I thought OK, I'm here anyway, so I took one left and one right. I've got an appointment for a Covid booster in mid December five months after my second jab. And if I have to get another in a few months to tackle Omicron, then so be it. So what?
  16. Especially where debts are involved as well. Only really poor sods get knocked off like this. I've heard they are also offered up as a kind of 'tribute' while the real consignment sails through ... but 36 odd kgs seems like more than a tribute, unless they're shipping tonne or two of the stuff.
  17. OP I think you'll be pretty lucky to find that in CM. My own gym which is modern cutting edge with tchnogym etc stuff only just recently got one of these - never seen them before ... Good luck. I haven't tried it yet - prefer the cross trainer.
  18. The main take-away for me from this is that 'test-and-go' is available from Cambodia. That's handy to know for a multi-entry non-O based on retirement.
  19. I once had a 'policeman' in Pran Buri city centre tell me it was OK to ride a motorbike without a helmet, I said it's not, and argued. He said 'no-one cares', I said 'I care' and walked instead.
  20. It's like they really just do not care or have absolutely no grasp of how bad things really are. And even worse, how much better they could be for everyone involved - especially the innocent victims.
  21. One day, people, each and every one of us, will learn to take a good hard, deep, long look in the mirror, the Chinese as well, and will start to rectify their own iniquities and crimes rather than pointing towards others as justification or excuse for some more of them. To take responsibility for what their side has done, and their own individual part in those crimes, even if it was only through tacit acquiescence. It is unlikely that the 'other' side can ever be reined in by outsiders. The destruction of Germany and Japan in such an obvious good versus bad scenario is the exception not the norm. On that day peace will have a solid chance on this planet. Till then it's all pots and kettles. On an individual and an international sense.
  22. No they had second thoughts and realized they could make a few bucks with it. With luck maybe they're having third thoughts.
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