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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Sacrificial. The main consignment went through with (possibly protected) professionals whilst customs was distracted by this mule on the tip off.
  2. I don't believe that for a second. The kid has internalized it and will be traumatized. Too scared of making a fuss. And in a few years he'll kill the girlfriend who wants to finish with him because she thinks he's too uptight. And everyone'll say, ''But he was such a pleasant bloke.''.
  3. What a ridiculous amount of loot to be putting in a gym locker.
  4. That's all fair enough and I understand that. However, isn't the e-visa issued by the Ministry for Foreign affairs by an Embassy using e-mail? And we have to present that to get into the country on arrival right? If OP doesn't present it, then surely Immi won't have any record of it? Same as when they turn people away who have been granted visas but Immi rejects them - it's like they have no direct connection with each other. Maybe I've missed something or haven't understood the relationship between MFA and Immi, but I am puzzled and interested in how you see it ... ????
  5. Something we are repeatedly advised not to do - and that there is a powerful argument for not doing it.
  6. It has been turned into an 'entertainment' zone.
  7. What you are talking about is 'entertainment', not prostitution. Pattaya is famed for its entertainment venues. Nothing wrong with entertainment.
  8. Yeah, sadly if it'd been alc he'd have waied + walked already. It's the drugs they don't like, not the rest.
  9. Indeed, only a cretin would want to pimp a Bentley ...
  10. An unmarked taxi sounds a bit self defeating really ????
  11. Perhaps that's where he's just come from ... the first Wagnerian convicts were released from their contracts recently having done their time under the flag ... We'll find out soon enough when the follow up reports are published. Not. ????
  12. Coker Kohle ... though that drink's for the Germans on the forum ????
  13. ''The faithful cast flowers afore the coffin.'' Who on earth writes this purple bilge? AI or the Thai poet laureate?
  14. It would've stopped the driver being thrown out - the main cause of death from people not buckled up.
  15. And I was taught that a fall from above SIX feet should be handled as a potentially fractured spine.
  16. I had the use for a while many years ago of a brand spanking new top o' the line BMW drop top. I was amazed at how many people all eyed me up when stopped at the lights - never happened when I was on my bike ????
  17. They were corrupt and had an agenda against a community of lesbians who lived there ... I know it from another incident in Southend, but that's another story ...
  18. As a squaddy I was chased through Southend once by greasers ... I got away fortunately or it'd've been pretty unpleasant. Similar happened in Canterbury of all places but there was more fighting involved that time. Squaddies and local youth can be a serious problem in barrack towns. But still ... 'rival' schools? There was a bit o' that where I come from in the north east, but nothing like what goes on in LOS, which sometimes even sees people maimed or killed, explosives thrown and traffic obstructed. Crazy.
  19. Not very likely they stepped off a plane to go straight to a golf course - don't look like they're dressed that way either. Looks like a throwaway Smart Alec comment to get the required column inches in.
  20. Most of these people as evidenced in nearly all their statements have serious problems with adult terms like 'consequences'.
  21. It makes them feel like they belong to a select few who've 'seen the Matrix', which compensates for their very real feelings of impotence and helplessness in a threatening world. Bit like religion. Some very unpleasant people know exactly how to coral those affected. Must go now, gotta drink my daily shot of children's blood. Hillary said it's good for me.
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