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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Happens in the land of the free and home of the brave all the time. Some don't even get a trial they just get shot dead at road stops.
  2. The problem is they're all at it. The better off shifting the normal costs of doing business (allowing for breakages anyone?) onto minimum wage employees. Something similar happened to a friend of mine recently.
  3. Fell out of bed lol ... But yes they do seem to pay out. They wouldn't try to sell me the insurance anyway as I'm over 65 555 ...
  4. Clear answer thanks. I too am pleasantly surprised. Good to know if I decide to open a Thai account. I'll probably check out SCB first of course ????
  5. Has anyone heard of them actually paying out after an accident?
  6. '' ... from places such as Brazil and Nigeria, where populations have a far more spiritual conception of the world and where good and evil are understood as operating in everyday lives ...'' from places such as Brazil and Nigeria, where populations are far more superstitious because generally less well educated and therefore also more gullible and desperate for 'solutions' to life's problems they see as overwhelming. Just like US evangelicals. There. Fixed that.
  7. It is seriously disturbed. And even more screwed up to think she'd get away with it long term with an MO like that 555.
  8. Thanks. I was hoping someone would save me the bother. For the record EVA's e f f i c i e n t check in staff in VIE queried me on my way to BKK visa exempt last year. Told them I was going for a Non-O retirement - no further questions.
  9. To get some perspective on a track some of these erudite comments are following: Russia may be big by land but its economy is smaller than Italy's and is mainly reliant on raw materials exports. The rouble is not exchangeable on international markets because it would collapse otherwise. The 'official' Russian rate set by Putin's hangers on is laughable and noone's taking. Ukraine is one of, possibly the world's largest exporter of grain. it is still nowhere near back to pre-war levels of exports. Africa is highly dependent on Ukrainian grain. Right now there are serious problems and bans even transitting it through the EU to other countries. It is also one of the largest exporters of potash required for fertilizer. I can understand why so many people (like someone further up the thread) say 'I shut my ears when I hear the word expert'. Yeah, cos real information as opposed to 'alternative facts' disturbs some precious notions about how much people really know and how they see the world, right? Not a nice feeling right? Maybe we should stop sending kids to school and exposing them to all those expert teechers?
  10. Is that any different to 'baptizing' a baby? (Or anyone else?)
  11. Find out what they love and get them to focus on that ... the money will follow. (And no I don't mean sex drugs and Rock'n'Roll - that's the R+R bit.)
  12. So what you're saying is that having been here 6 months now but not driven, I am not legal to drive a car even though I have license and IDP? Might just make sense in as far as only 'valid' for 60 days after entry. But when I return in September I'm not legal either? Any lawyers around can clarify this? Doesn't seem to make sense. It means even a tourist on 30 days extension can't hire a car after 60 days. Or one who's on multi-entry TR likewise on re-entry.
  13. When your primary care givers as a child become your primary source of fear - physical, emotional, even sexual or otherwise - then you have a serious problem which will follow you into adulthood, and require much courage and painful work to resolve and even approach normal living and relationships. In many cases the damage is permanent.
  14. Now that is a winning argument to remember, even if for this year I've already been to local immi.
  15. The Repugs really want to go full on banana republic eh?
  16. And this is the country that wants to be the 'world's policeman'. Sad state to be in ... but lots of guns for the kids to play with.
  17. Ok, back then it was a triple entry for 60 days a time, + 30 days extension a time - 270 days in all ... the requirements also didn't involve a financial striptease for the previous six months. I find that last extremely onerous. Others may differ.
  18. Extendable by 30 which would see OP OK.
  19. They are much more difficult to obtain than when I was using them some 20 years ago. A list of utterly ludicrous 'requirements'. Can't be bothered with that lot. If I didn't have a Non-O I'd be squeezing the visa exempts for what they're worth.
  20. Dreadful 'English'. Why would they want to avenge a rival? Pure nonsense.
  21. Probably. And an enormous number of the immigrants the German immigrant racists refer to are actually funding their German state pensions right now.
  22. Indeed. I live there. Unless of course you count the so-called 'sovereign citizens / identitarian' nutcases.
  23. I'm not gonna argue, but my source was reputable. It was some time back and maybe the wording/classification was different. But Fox 'News' and CNN are AFAIK regulated differently in that sense. Quite prepared to accept I may have misunderstood something. But that would still be no recommendation to choose Fox over others ????
  24. As far as I know. I retained that mentally from a reputable source some time way back so cannot quote/link. But TBOMK that's the case.
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