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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=China&country2=Thailand&city1=Beijing&city2=Bangkok&tracking=getDispatchComparison
  2. Please enlighten us with ''the truth''.
  3. Totally unlike all those idiots who got vaccinated. None of whom is capable of doing their own research, and all of whom are a mindless herd that just takes orders. You can tell by the text and tenor of these ''anti-vax'' posts, and listening to them being interviewed at their ''protests'' on TV, that the originators are of a spoiled generation who have never known serious deprivation or disease, and who have never in their lives genuinely faced off against authorities which can seriously compromise their lives and livelihoods and are willing to do so. Most of their ''leaders'' disappear out of their respective countries when the heat mounts over their ignorant, damaging rants and lies. Like the vegan cook in Germany who obviously knows more about virology than the Robert Koch Institute, and has put even more ''research'' into the subject than its scientists and doctors. He's been hiding in Turkey since just before his arrest. No guts even to face off against the relatively cushy German justice system. They make me wanna projectile puke.
  4. Time to update. 500g tea so theoretically not dutiable. Value just short of €200. DHL had it ready to ship at FRA airport on 16.12 Arrived in BKK 21.12, cleared customs and Thailand Post import center and arrived Ratchaburi hub by 24.12 Delivered on 29.12 No duties or claims for VAT. (German VAT paid.) Thanks for all the info you guys posted. Have a Happy and Safe New Year ???? everyone ... Edit: by the way, came across the simplyduty.com site on my wonderings. Covers a lot of questions that get asked on the forum. 3 free calculations a day.
  5. You said yourself she just moved office. Obviously it went down in the chaos of the move. She screwed up under difficult circumstances ... maybe an underling put it on the wrong pile... give her a break mate, she is trying to rectify it. And of course no-one will admit what happened - that's all part of the 'face' culture ... and ain't that why we live here? TIT eh? As long as she's nice about it and all's well in the end I wouldn't give her the boot. She's taken care of you for 15 years, and anyway the next one might be even worse ????
  6. People who tout racist, transphobe, homophobe, misogynistic, white supremacist and/or fascist bigoted opinions are liable to find themselves being called out as racist, transphobe, homophobe, misogynistic, white supremacist and/or fascist bigots. Simples.
  7. I came across this just now and thought it resembled the topic here enough to justify posting. Called ''SIM Swap''. Used to gain access to bank accounts ... https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/sep/13/sim-swap-is-on-the-rise-how-can-you-stop-it-happening-to-you
  8. They are a pathetically small minority of pathetic losers. They can cause some damage and even death, but like the recent ''Reichsbürger'' in Germany they are ultimately impotent fools. As long as you keep them away from the levers of power.
  9. Oh I hope they do ... I'd love to see him lose again.
  10. Definitely not a 75 - the droop nose is missing ...
  11. Exactly what I was thinking ... maybe they forgot whilst they were too busy praying for someone important ...
  12. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/307230005826651173/ Maybe more often than not, but he also did doubles. I was referring more to his pedal work though that put him ahead of the pack. Videos on YT. They were all brilliant. Perfect band in my eyes and ears - they were also art performance. Saw them once, 78ish, glad I managed, he was dead 2 years later. Sadly missed the London revival concert a few years ago.
  13. ''Journalism'' is mostly about gossip, $h!? stirring and backstabbing. And tends to attract the appropriate characters for it. Mostly. There are ethical journalists and broadcasters. Just not the majority.
  14. All to do with shame, shock, trauma, power gradients and things like that. But those kind of explanations don't usually fly far on this forum.
  15. Bonham was the groundbreaker of that generation alongside Baker, although few realize that. Just listen to his base pedals (apart from the furious rest).
  16. I was always far too far into progressive rock from Zep to Purple, King Crimson etc to be anything except revolted by glam rock ????
  17. Trusted supplier and product ... I'll see what happens.
  18. I'll keep you all ... err... posted. Many thanks.
  19. Thanks for the tip Charlie, however experience taught me a lifetime ago never to go to anything with the word ''office'' in its title without ID ????
  20. Thanks very much. I hoped it would be the post office, but was worried it might also be swampy customs. Fingers crossed. And yes, I'm tracking it.
  21. I am expecting a small package from Europe via DHL, which will be passed on to Thailand Post for delivery here. It looks like I will have to pay somewhere between 500 and 750 baht VAT. There should be no duty according to WTO schedules which LOS is signatory to. How do they collect that? COD? Bank transfer? Credit card? Cash at the local Post Office? - then how will they inform me? Do I have to pick it up in BKK? I have never done this before so I'm grateful for any experienced replies.
  22. ''... as they speculated who might take responsibility for the incident.'' I'm sure there's a really long queue for that privilege ... /s
  23. ''... usually they were mild mannered .... this was the first time they'd killed someone ...'' I think they almost killled irony as well.
  24. Yes but if they'd gone ahead there could have been a lot of dead. Reading their plans, policies and intentions they obviously had no idea how stupid their idiotic little pipe dreams were. They expected to be able to convince the masses and military to back them. Clueless. Pack of spaffers. But nasty, spiteful and dangerous spaffers.
  25. That is a very similar scenario to the one the US faces right now with Trump. His potential replacements tout equally hateful and anti-democratic policies but are far scarier because they're far cleverer than the maga nut.
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