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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Indeed. Knowledge is power. It's why so many governments try to suppress it.
  2. Personally I think when someone in that position abuses their powers the way he did to virtually ruin innocent people's lives and livelihoods then 148k is quite reasonable. He effectively bankrupted and cast into chaos the lives of his victims. Why should the same not happen to him? A lawyer of all people. He's a disgrace, but as I said above only one of the bunch being gifted power over the US in a few days. Enjoy.
  3. Oh I'm sure he can organize that 😉
  4. He's just one of the gang about to take power in the beacon on the hill ...
  5. Why not give him a knighthood. Or make him a lord. Then he can take a seat in the 'upper' house.
  6. In the cities and major towns no. But outside those (many) hotspots it is still a developing/emerging economy. A quick search showed me Bangkok has the second highest regional GDP in Thailand. (Rayong is No.1, presumably because of all the oil business there, Mapthaphut etc.)
  7. Dozens of 'em. The same applies to making women out of mens' bits like ribs. This is really interesting: https://gsgriffin.com/2016/12/08/other-gods-born-to-virgins-on-december-25-before-jesus-christ/
  8. You clearly missed my point, but I expected that.
  9. It's really funny to watch this stuff. Some say Starmer's the problem. Others say Farage/Badenoch etc. Most blame the weakest in society be it immigrants, long-term sick or just 'different' minorities, and beat up on them. Everybody slags each other off and blames each other. Those really responsible in the meantime laugh their backsides off all the way to the Cayman Islands. Cheered on and worshipped by their divided and ruled minions.
  10. Don't kid yourself. Bigots of a feather will flock together whatever anyone says.
  11. Probably a disenchanted bargirl.
  12. I thought she was the 'sex worker of color' he was complaining about.
  13. Believe me you can also tell the BKK departure lounge in Frankfurt without looking at the announcement boards 😉
  14. The freshly brewed coffee is a treat - I never touch their diabetic lattes etc.
  15. I don't pity the dopes - they elected him.
  16. That is just the usual projection by an administration teeming with utter morons - beginning with exhibit A at the top.
  17. Yeah, that's a pretty solid, no nonsense point. The right amount of tension in the arm, authoritative hand pose and wrist position. Business end close to and right on target - no mistaking who's meant. Powerful, aggressive, angry, not like the limp, off target wimpshots we get all too often these days where you can't even be sure they've even seen what they're supposed to be 'pointing' at.
  18. Thought about a cross trainer / elliptical trainer? I've been using one since I stopped jogging about 15 years ago because of my knees starting to twinge. No further problems. Obviously you don't set the resistance too high. Start off low and ratchet it up slowly as far as it'll go without causing symptoms. Would knee replacements be a possibility? But definitely see an orthopedist before you make any decisions.
  19. Not so obsessively that it destroys our quality of life, no.
  20. It's actually a Möbius strip, which is why some who don't travel far think it's flat, and those who do travel far wind up at the same place again and think it's round.
  21. Agreed. All I'm saying is I can't see the point in maintaining 800k for even 1 day after the current extension has been granted. But he'll have to ensure those 65k payments go in like clockwork.
  22. By the time he has made 3x 65k transfers he will have 195k in the bank anyway. Can't see the need to maintain 800k once the extension is granted if he doesn't aim to use it next time. Never heard of Immigration getting people in to show it 3 months after extension - no need as any reduction below 800k would be apparent with the next extension application anyway.
  23. They're symptoms not the problem. No-one wants to talk about the problem and rectify it.
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