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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Best to keep practical but tight daily spending limits on all cards and adjust ad hoc for the odd, rare larger purchase or withdrawal.
  2. Utter gobbledygook and geographical garbage. And we got some soccer news inserted again at the beginning. Lordy.
  3. Be grateful you've got the funds and time to see this through and make the best of it. Choose a nice place to go to and decompress for a few days. Vietnam seems like a cool gig for a short notice side trip while you work out what to do next.
  4. That's a handy bit of paper to carry tucked away in a side pouch of the old laptop case ;D
  5. Didn't the cops return someone to Jeffrey Dahmer despite escaping from him - or maybe another serial killer. Cop 440 fatal error.
  6. I'm very much inclined to agree and hope he does.
  7. Smith would have to apply for political asylum somewhere before Trump takes over if the SC goes against him. He'll have from November till January to find a nice place to live without an extradition treaty ...
  8. If I'd been born into a millionaire inheritance I doubt I'd have even s t a r t e d working ...
  9. Can't be bothered to read the whole thread so if someone else got there first my apologies: Age of consent in Germany is 14. Age of consent to prostitution is 18. Commercial sex with someone under 18 potentially attracts jail of up to 5 years for the john. The age of majority is 18, therefore a person under the age of 18 cannot legally contract to commercial sex - it is regarded as exploitation/trafficking. I consider that correct, and, while I'm not sure if it's a legal statute, I'm sure a court would view it as such. Obviously age difference would also be considered as relevant. 55 to 17 won't get you out of jail faster.
  10. You could trace the line of degeneration back to Nixon at least. However the really cancerous rot of the US body politic set in and became firmly rooted with the puerile thug 43 and his backers and henchmen. A lot of what's happening in the world today is the still reverberating ripples of the. historic 1989 tectonic shifts. And it will continue for at least another 20-50 years. But the world would be much much better today if 43 hadn't been in place when the US, and by implication the world, actually needed a statesman.
  11. So you equate 'manhood' with dicksize. ... OK. Before you get too obsessed suggest you check this out ... https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/escaped-prisoner-recaptured-in-thailand-following-penis-enlargement-surgery?utm_source=Thaiger+Daily+EN&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2023-12-11
  12. Wrong. The person on trial makes the US look like a banana republic.
  13. You may be right, and I'm no expert and don't want to start a discussion. However it appears to me to be about income that is brought into the country. All I really set out to do is point out that the threshold is extremely low. But as I said only those without a dual taxation agreement will face any problems. I'm well over that threshold (like most retirees I suspect) but because of DT agreement I won't be submitting a tax statement unless approached for one, and that probably also applies to most. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  14. The interesting take-away in this article is that if vloggers post stuff the authorities don't like they'll come after them with the labour permit laws.
  15. The THB120,000 threshold m u s t affect almost anyone on a Non-O (+ extension), or similar, who spends 180 days a year in country. That, unless they can prove dual taxation agreements with their home country. 120,000/12 = 10,000 = $281.00/month There is no one not begging on the streets who is living in Thailand on less than 281 dollars a month for 180 days or more. Not even in Pattaya behind a 7-11.
  16. Like these people who approach and say ''Excuse me. Can I ask you a question?''. I immediately say ''No!'' and move on. They're trying to start a conversation which won't be in my interest. Being a basically helpful if savvy person, someone who asks me a question straight up I'll answer if I can or say ''Don't know sorry''.
  17. In my experience it can be both or one or the other.
  18. I was asking myself the same question. I can handle girls dressing up amore as boys as in the real tomboy version. But the other way round really ain't the boat I float in.
  19. Knowledgeable and competent people like General Milley. Who Trump wants executed for treason. Trump like all the authoritarian and dictatorial losers can't handle knowledgable competent people. They surround themselves with sycophants, which they burn through and destroy one after the other. Everyone who came close to Trump over the last few years at least is now in the pits, reputations and careers ruined. Despised by all decent folks. And finally rejected by Trump when they didn't kiss his ring. Sorry for the English English pun. He has himself, I have seen and heard him, issued the most dire threats to the US system of government and American society the country has ever seen. He's been very up front about it. Be careful what you wish for - you might just get it. And the sad MAGA acolytes are the ones who will suffer most under his 'policies'. Simply because they are the weakest and they're groveling at the feet of bullies.
  20. ''Inbound and outbound passenger terminals'' in a train station like this? What on Earth is that all about? (From the HH Today story.)
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