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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. Like this? Putin on the ritz..
  2. Well done. An amazing fellow.
  3. Chaplin wrote the music, not the lyric
  4. Sure, I am from USA and I am tired of it too... I rarely click on it - I also rarely click on anything automotive and worst of all is people complaining about Thai people because they can't even comprehend that it is a different culture here and what that means,
  5. It was the oldest of the malls - young people like the latest movies and I like the big screen movie experience... try going on a Saturday and see the crowds...
  6. From an investor point of view... I hope not, but think it is possible that there will be violence after the election. Those of you with investments in the stock market or govt bonds - are you considering selling?
  7. I guess that might be true in Pattaya but not what I have seen throughout Northern/Central Thailand...
  8. Spot on - bad form and a bit nasty FAT IS A TYPE OF CRAZY
  9. more fun than quibbling over a few baht with a poor old lady selling bananas...
  10. On the other hand: What we have here is an age old issue. For millennia men have been searching for a fountain of youth... An older man comes here and finds a younger attractive female. When he is with her, he feels like he is 20 again. Is there anything else that can make him feel more vibrant and young than having a lovely girlfriend who loves him so much - real or not. He has discovered the fountain of youth... Can you put a price tag on this miracle? Is there anything else in the world that can accomplish this miracle?
  11. I am so sad reading this... sometimes there is no fair or decent alternative... This could have happened to anyone. I also prefer buying to renting and surely could have fallen into the same predicament. I hope things turn around for you in the future.
  12. I thought the USA is made of people from many faiths... As for me, as long as her work is done in the kitchen, and the house is clean, I don't care what she does in her spare time. [just kidding before you get your undies in a stitch]
  13. Actually, this is what you wrote... I just gave away 10,000 baht to people who have lost wages due to the floods and lack of work.. no particular connection other than I have known them a long time and know they are hurting for money at the moment... this must be really weird for you - I have other neighbors who help people affected by the floods too... At various points in my life, people have helped me out too... usually with information and mentoring but occasionally with money too when I was young and in need. I will never forget their kindness. I am sure others appreciate the gifts I have given today and in the past.
  14. I have been coming here a long time before retiring here. I never heard a government official or anyone promote retirement here because it is cheap... sounds like your mate just talking eh? I enjoy that many things are much cheaper, but I do not expect it or feel it is a guarantee... there are many things that go into the price equation...
  15. Easy - at $4.2 a jar, they might land it at $7-8 and then a 50% mark up as it is probably not a high volume item but they stock it to meet the requests of a few customers. I have never tasted the stuff myself... but when you do the math and figure in their costs of doing business, it doesn't sound that expensive to me..
  16. It's called sharing - - Would you fly first class and get your wife/GF a ticket in coach? etc etc... have you never cared about someone and want them to have a better life with more security? Do you not want your GF to have some happiness? {Assuming you can afford it] My wife is happinest when she can help her family live a better life. She is a very kind person. I like when they are all happy too...
  17. I believe this is quite correct - - though I do know people who do not speak well and do fine as their kindness and humor shine through but I also speak Thai and it makes for a different relationship... than many, not all.
  18. When i was a young 1950s innocent kid, my mother would always tell me, someday you will find the perfect person. It took me to one night in college with some experience under my belt to realize that the person would not be perfect, but that we would have interlocking neurosis, and in that way, she would be perfect for me... As to the OP - No No and No... I chose a woman who I like and respect. And I have no interest in trying to control her.
  19. The living? I would start there.
  20. Chevy? You left out Chevy...
  21. Oh, so I should stop sending letters then...
  22. Toyota are reliable and service is good and plentiful
  23. A+ for creativity... but reality? I would challenge you on that one - indistinguishable by skin color alone.
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