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Everything posted by 1FinickyOne

  1. got the home, just need the staff
  2. I doubt that she has any delusions about the sun shining out of his toot...
  3. I assume if Thailand is like other places, the tax is determined by the item, not the cost. In other words, the tax on bringing in a motorcar is not the same as the tax of bringing in a computer.... and then you have the added confusion that many many item can be looked at differently by customs officials... if you bring in drinking glasses, it could be viewed as kitchen items, glasses, items of glass, or crystal.. and each might have a different rate of taxation... that is how it is in the USA and probably here too...
  4. What if your GF is the one who is ill? Are you capable of the sacrifices of being a caregiver?
  5. maybe cause "it" is actually a person?
  6. one of my best friends ever in this lifetime was a Thai motorcycle guy in Bangkok... Very tough looking guy but one of the kindest and most decent men I have ever met. We had many adventures together. One year I paid $300 for him to have a life-saving operation. He gave me his grandfathers ring which I wear every day for the last 20 years. 10 years later,, he told me he finally had enough money to pay m back for the operation. Sure, I turned it down. Lost contact with him but will never forget the strength of his character and goodness.
  7. maybe your not charging enough
  8. Is that an issue for you? Just kidding - have a sense of humor.
  9. I learned that it was more likely kids outside of cities who get involved with drugs because they are bored. They have more to amuse themselves with in a city.
  10. I don't like phones - I don't like being interrupted by calls - and yet, I don't know what I would do w/o my phone. I don't watch movies or read books on my phone - I don't surf the web... And yet, if my wife or daughter need me for anything - I am at their disposal in seconds. It is my camera, my message center for friends who want to keep in touch, I do use it to check stock futures when I am out, I do use the GPS to guide me to new restaurants and places. And just for the ability to communicate and message, I don't know how I lived w/o it for so many years.
  11. What a lovely story and photo... thanks for sharing
  12. I would have thought that everyone knows that you can knock your own country but it is bad form to criticize another country... and you, who likes to think he is well mannered and knowledgable does not seem to know some of the basics of manners...
  13. How kindly of you to attempt to denigrate others... minus ten % for your performance.
  14. Thankfully the world has so many smart Aussies to balance it out?
  15. What has worked well for you?
  16. Everything I think about what is going on in the USA is wrong - - I would not have imagined Kamala to be a good choice but I just spoke with a friend in Harrisburg Pa. who said she is setting the place on fire. Likewise w/T. who I still cannot understand how he has a following greater than 2%...
  17. Very funny - you post that you refuse to post
  18. Fund their wives? Is that what many of us call sharing?
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  20. Yeah, I think the difference is that I was trying to point out that if you cheat, it is not good for you... people who cheat are cheaters... people who constantly demean others are what they are too...
  21. So, you are thinking that a large multinational might have more fat to trim? Now that is crazy - - you see it is not who you cheat but that you cheat.
  22. I would have felt worse having eaten it and not paid for it... A Ms. Steak...
  23. And they are younger and prettier than you are too? Dr. J. - here is the deal - they are selling something that man has been searching for, for a long time. Any 50-60 year old walking around with a "joie de vivre" bouncy bubbly girl with him, he has discovered the Fountain of Youth - - he feels young again. And what price can be put on that? when you re-arrange all those letters after your name, do they spell 'enchanted?'
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