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Everything posted by connda

  1. Only one dose is needed. More isn't better, but it does make Merck more revenue. Link to research below. I'd give it to my own teenaged kids (if I had any), but only one dose. There are numerous lawsuits in the US regarding Gardasil, but lacking other independent research on adverse effects (which I can't find) I'd in this case agree that the benefits outweigh the risks. But again, I'd limit it to one shot. Research regarding HPV vaccine dosage: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(21)00453-8/fulltext
  2. Trying to change the helmetless driving behavior of the average rural (and many urban) Thai motorcyclists is like trying to turn an aircraft carrier with a rowboat powered by a trolling motor. Best of luck.
  3. Haven't had a flu shot in 20 years. Haven't had the flu in 20 years. About 100% efficacy.
  4. I'll check out Space Trees the next time in Chiang Mai. Look like they have a branch over by Thapae Gate as well. What are the prices like? I've never bought them before.
  5. Not as much as the monks who are caught driving, having sex, drinking, and taking drugs.
  6. If their "things ain't popping up enough" it ain't about testosterone levels. It's about coronary issues. I'd source that statement but instead just search on erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Adding testosterone to the equation is only adding to the problem.
  7. Leaving Thailand to a country where he can receive advanced palliative care.
  8. The science behind flu shots: A roll of the dice. A pull of the slots handle. A spin of a roulette ball. Around and around and around it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows. Best of luck. Reality (average effecacy under 50%) Source: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/vaccines-work/effectiveness-studies.htm
  9. But but but - Orange Man Bad!!! Caveat: I don't like any of them. I already have my vote lined up!
  10. Politicians are serial liars and Boris Johnson is a consummate politician.
  11. Bar girls and alcohol. Why else? Who am I to break the commonly accepted narrative, 'eh?
  12. Does anyone know where to purchase THC gummies in Chiang Mai (or online)? I just have no interest in smoking any longer. I quit smoking cigarettes in my 20s and significantly curtailed my pot intake around the same time due to restrictions with my employers. Gummies would be nice if I could find them.
  13. 98% of the expats there won't give a flip.
  14. Fact-checker - The authoritarian-backed narratives endorsed by one side of the political line.
  15. There are plenty of stories of home invasion targeting rich farang with Thai wives. With self-defense weapons? You either understand or you don't. Nothing I say will change your mind. Nothing you say will change mine.
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