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Everything posted by connda

  1. Actually that's sorta slick. I may have to buy one for when the power goes out and takes the Wifi router with it.
  2. What is this? It's a: LTE 4G WIFI Dongle SSID 4G-UFI-XX WIFI KEY 1234567890 Router IP Login Password: admin Download speed 150Mbps Upload speed: 50Mbps
  3. A whole lot of Thais don't swim. As far as laughing. How many here who are outraged routinely tuned into 'reality TV' shows featuring people getting hurt while the "laught-track" howls? Then you wonder why people laughed.
  4. Ken bought you 4 drinks. You are over 15, 'eh bob. Wouldn't want Ken to get in trouble. 😉
  5. You can drive stoned too. It's like running a video in slow motion.
  6. Nyah. Whiskey with a drop of green tea bob.
  7. No. My family is my family and I do miss them. A number of my friends come to Thailand, so I still meet up and see people. However, the people I use to work with post-retirement have mostly faded away into obscurity. Which actually is just fine. No reason to burn bridges.
  8. In the meanwhile poor elderly sick Tony get loving care in the hospital well away from the Thai Gen-Pop commoners. Tony ain't ever gonna see Gen-Pop. They need to seriously visit there own habit of extended two-tiered justice to 'influential figures.'
  9. Personally I never cared much for 'young women' except perhaps when I was a pre-teen. My preference has always been gals in their 30. Still attractive, usually have experience in the sack, and hormonally ripe and ready to rock as their genetic imperative to reproduce before its too late kicks into overdrive. I've never been interested in gals that I need to be concerned about whether of not they are at "the age of consent." And that was even when I was a teen and in my 20s. 30-something year old women have always been near and dear to by heart (and other parts of my anatomy. So I've never been in the situation to ask a gal if she was old enough to bump nasties. The women I dated were "women" and not jail-bait.
  10. Probably so. 70% of the population were scared out of their mind (present company excluded). Two years of a constant message of "FEAR" promoted by medical authorities, pharmaceutical companies, their regulators, and every government on the planet (except for Sweden) all funneled through the bull-horn of the main-stream media. Trust me. It's not just those over 50. It will be a population-wide, long-term, psychosis as those impacted by the fear-based messaging are affected the worse. Then the kids? Two years of masks and lock-downs didn't do Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha any favors. Worse, they are still at it. "It's A New Variant! Be Afraid." The most mentally damaged in global societies, buckle every time they hear that message. "Be afraid - new variant - this one will kill you."
  11. Never 'vaccinated.' Had Covid in August and it was a mild flu. I'm not worried about a new variant. Virology 101: as viruses mutate they become more infectious and less virulent. I don't know what you people worry about. Covid will take its rightful place and another type of flu, i.e., one based on a SARS virus. If ya'll want vaccines, please take them. I encourage to do so. Especially if you are worry. I'm not worried and I don't understand the irrational fear.
  12. I've got 10 dogs, I take care of about 15 other temple dogs, and have probably cared for over 50 animals since I lived here. If you take in one dog, people aren't going to drop anymore off at your gate. Take the pup in. It's good karma.
  13. Exactly. At 55 I was still a sexy "Hansum Man." At 71 I'm now a gracefully aging, distinguished-looking, farang who is now called Luang and Puu by the villagers and family. (Uncle and Grand-dad if you're wondering).
  14. Why? Develop self-esteem, accept 'aging gracefully,' and save a ton of money. Take a look at Super-Stars who have it done. You can tell. Not in a good way. Even those who have 10s of millions and can afford "the best" often come away looking like like someone stretched Saran-wrap over their skulls. Personally I don't see the point. But? To each their own. Best of luck. And yeah, get some recons for reputable plastic surgeons (AN members will be happy to assist), book an appointment, and get a consultation. Bring your wallet.
  15. Next up they will say that any Thai woman with a farang husband will be cut from the benefit. "Farang all rich people. Walking ATM. Thai wife with farang husband no need money. Cut cut cut!" Yeah. Can see that coming a mile away. I'll know when it happens. Wife will be watching TV in the kitchen and I'll hear her gentle, diminutive Thai voice exclaim, "KWAI!!!" 🐃 Actually that's toned down as my wife has picked up on my US Navy expletives over the last 15 years. She's actually make references to "Richard" 🍆 and a commonly used US Navy term (that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb) as to what Srettha can do with it.
  16. Budget Deficit? 🤣 😁 So let's get this straight. The Thai government, whose leaders promised the Thai public 10K per head if the Thai electorate would just do them the kindness of putting them into office, now plan to give the Thai public money that the government doesn't have? So far so good? On top of that, Thailand will have to borrow to make up the deficit. Of course, injecting 1/2 a trillion THB into the economy all at once is going to cause inflation to sky rocket. Then in order to address the now screaming inflation the Thai central bank will need to raise interest rates. Thai bonds tank and money finds a new home. Expats make out like bandits on the exchange rates which the Thai government will attempt to tax. Let's not even talk about when they push to go "cashless" nationwide to "Save the planet" or some such trope. "May you live in interesting times." Yep. That does sound like a curse.
  17. Always crowded though. If I had "flu-like" symptoms I'd stay at home to isolate from other people and treat it with Tylenol, fluids, and rest unless I was in some kind of respiratory distress. Just like I did when I got Covid.
  18. But the guy said, "I know Thai," so obviously the ref didn't use the American inter-city word, "ni**a." He said something in the Thai language that the player said was the word "ni**a." Lost in translation is more like it.
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