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Everything posted by connda

  1. Turn off your VPN if you are using one. Go to this site. I checked it and it works. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/renewing-your-u-s-passport-by-mail/
  2. You have to do it by mail. Period. End of discussion. US embassy changed their rules. Roll with it.
  3. Old Toyotas? - I have a guy. Old Fords? Not so much.
  4. Yeah, I was thinking, "I never had any issues opening an account at SCB," but then again, I had a drivers license and pink government issued id in my wallet. Had my wife in tow as well. Never got asked for proof of address. But had they, it would have been a trip back home to get the Yellow Book. Like immigration, different branches have their own unique complications I guess.
  5. I've done it more than once discreetly. When nature calls and you gotta go? Then you gotta go. Again - discretion is your friend. Best if its a single loo room with a locking door. Then when you come out you simply look confused. "Chai?" "Puuying." Play the foreigner card. "That's not a men's hong-naam? Kor tote"
  6. Tomorrow. "The <enter Thai agency> forecasts a 30% drop in tourist arrivals in 2024."
  7. I hope they get it. Better chances methinks if the parliament passed legislation allowing for legal civil unions between same sex partners. Then TAT can promote the new "Gay? Get Married In Thailand!!!" promotion.
  8. The current population of Thailand is 71,828,356 as of Thursday, October 26, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. So a "whopping" 535 divided by 71828356 equals: 0.000745% <--- your "whopping" chance of contracting the disease. (Let's not even discuss the demographics of those contracting the disease, although it is a valid point of inquiry). Or put another way, a "whopping" 1 out of 134258 people in Thailand will be 'struck down' by monkey pox. Based on what I read, 1 out of 71,828,356 will die. Now, compare that to the 21,000 to 24,000 people who get killed on Thai roads every year. 🤔 "Be afraid. Be very afraid!" <not>
  9. I've learned that quoting individual studies on this forum is an exercise in futility. We are going to need to patiently wait 3, 5, 7, and then 10 years for the metadata research and analyses to be published (assuming that any research not reflecting the mRNA technology and vaccines in a positive light isn't actively suppressed). Metadata analyses is the "Gold Standard" of research. "Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of individual participant data (IPD) have long been recognised as a gold standard approach. They offer many advantages over analyses that use aggregated data extracted from publications. These include: increased opportunity to identify and include unpublished studies and obtain full outcome data (thereby reducing the potential for bias arising from the absence of unpublished studies and unreported outcomes); checking and transforming data to common scores or measures; standardising analyses across studies; and undertaking more flexible and powerful statistical analyses including exploration of potential effect modifiers." --The Global Health Network, "Gold-standard reporting of IPD meta-analyses." 13Jul2015 Eventually - one way or the other, given time - we'll have factual research analysis. And let the chips fall where they may.
  10. Heck. I have no problem with the mRNA Covid vaccines. I want all those AN members who believe in their heart of hearts that Pfizer, the WHO, the FDA, and the CDC only care about saving humanity from the deadly Covid disease to continue taking the mRNA shots every time a new batch is releases. And don't ever miss an opportunity to take one of those new boosters. If Pfizer recommends a booster and the FDA approves it - get it as soon as possible. Me personally? I'll wait to around 2030 to see the long-term effects of all Covid vaccinations based on mRNA technology. And I'll wait 7 to 10 years as well for any mRNA 'vaccine' created and approved by the FDA for human use in less than a year. But for all of you who "Trust The Science?" Please. Get the new and novel shots early and often. Me. I trust the 'scientific method' which requires that all inquiries into the safety and efficacy of new vaccines and new vaccine technology be thoroughly vetted by independent researcher with no affiliations to the vaccine's creators or manufacturers or conflicts of interest with any public or private stakeholder associated with the vaccine's creation or approval. This include research into the long-term effects of both the vaccines and the underlying vaccine technology.
  11. Younger. Significantly. People have generally missed my actual age by upward of a decade for most of my adult life 30s and onward.
  12. Thailand doesn't need a submarine. It's vanity. Like so much of other Thai status bs. "Look!!! We have submarines!!!" Big whoop! And what are you going to do with it? Plus your Navy just proved that perhaps it seriously needs to reassess it's mission and overall preparedness after that fiasco with the HTMS Sukhothai (FS-442). Buy another frigate. That's all that is needed for patrolling the Thai coast.
  13. The Panama Canal is current backed up do to droughts and the low water level in Gatun Lake. This isn't a normal year.
  14. Fair warning. If you do. Make sure you have and up-to-date health insurance policy that includes coverage for motorcycle accidents, life-insurance if you're married, and a last will and testament include how to dispose of your body if you are killed. As far as bikes. Honda Wave 125 is all you need for in city driving. And if you total it or someone else totals it for you, your only out $1000 USD and change. And you can get it fixed virtually anywhere in Thailand. You need maneuverability in the city. Not speed and power. But? Unless you have a whole lot of MC experience before driving on Thai roads - It's still dangerous as hell. You've been warned. Don't take it lightly. Best of luck.
  15. advice on purchasing a motorcycle Don't.
  16. No. "Dr. Ivermectin" didn't receive a Nobel Prize as "Ivermectin" isn't a human being. But? The two researcher who created Ivermectin, Dr.Satoshi Ōmura and Dr. William C. Campbell were awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the novel application of a bacterium, Streptomyces avermitilis, which was the source of the active ingredient in Ivermectin. Ivermetin's anthelmintic properties radically lowered the incidence of River Blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis among other parasitic diseases. This information is in the public domain and is easily found with an internet search. So you're posting misinformation claiming it is misinformation. That's just lazy and willfully misleading. The term "Misinformation" is another term used to shut down discussion on a subject of debate. Like the use of pejoratives and ad-hominid character attacks, it's the craven's way out of actually debating an issue in the public domain base on the merits of a well-form argument.
  17. That's the problem. Corruption makes it untenable.
  18. Put stuff in a box. If you don't use it for 1 year - give it away.
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