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Everything posted by connda

  1. All my best and hopes that you heal up soon. Motorcycles mate. I don't drive mine any more. Every time I get on it I get this creapy-ass feeling that I don't have enough eyes in my head to stay safe. I don't know what else to say. Best wishes, get well soon. I'm glad your still sucking air. Coulda been worse.
  2. The primary IO down there is a bureaucrat but a fair guy. How long did it take you to get seen? Many people?
  3. To interject levity, sort of like court jesters in medieval times.
  4. Watch any Thai soap opera and the theme is repeated over and over. The wealthy are all kind, beautiful, benevolent, and above reproach which is why all the rather uncouth, course, and unkempt servants and slaves worship the ground they walk on as they lay prostrate at their feet.
  5. Shouldn't the Thai military be dropping JDAMs and other large munitions on suspected "insurgent" terrorists and the neighborhoods that they live in? Doesn't Thailand have a right to defend itself???
  6. I find this hysterical as virtually any photo of a vehicle must have the license plate blurred out. Typical Thai reporting. Mr. Roger Hamburger is a German citizen Passport number 498377549 and residing at 23/4 Soi 3 Baan Sunuk, Tambon Kaow, Nakhon Sawan and riding a 2018 Kawasaki Intruder VIN number T28377499377238749994XA and with license plate CG3877 and insured by Thai-Best Insurance policy number TB37388830-93993 was accused of swerving in front ......................... Well, you get the idea. But they crop out the license in any published picture. Insane.
  7. Bingo! As well as the annual large-scale arson in the forests in order to clear the under-bush and stimulate mushroom growth. It's the 500lb gorilla in the room that the climate-crazies like Extinction Rebellion and their WEF, NGO, and governmental partners are willfully ignoring.
  8. But but but - you need to cut all of those down to make way for solar panels! Don't 'cha know? "Since 2010, more than 500 ground-mount solar projects have been developed across the state, covering 8,000 acres, of which about 60 percent are forest acres, according to the report. This illustrates a terrible irony: Deploying solar often means cutting back on tree cover and losing the climate change mitigation it provides through pulling carbon dioxide from the air, storing the carbon, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere." --Anne J. Manning, The Harvard Gazette, Oct 13, 2023 Personally on a global scale they are low-balling the amount of area being deforested to put up solar panels.
  9. Carbon Neutrality 2050. For the plods: Neo-Feudalism for the average commoners. Bicycles and your feet are transportation. You'll live in a box, own nothing, and you'll be happy - or else. For the wealthy and their minions: Nothing changes other than there is no longer any traffic on the roads and airports cater to private jets as commercial air travel, other than corporate sponsored, is dead and buried. That is if they can get a boot firmly on the necks of the common public before they revolt. Just saying. 😟
  10. It's sending this message. "Thailand and Russia are open for mutually beneficial trade." The West and Western citizens "We hate Russia (and China too). Russia must be punished. The Russian government must be overthrown and Putin removed. And all ethnic Russians must be punished too." The rest of Asia and the Global South. 😁 "Trading with Russian and China is good for business." My own observation: If you have solid international trading partners that are mutually beneficial, then you aren't bombing your partners into oblivion. Creating instability in countries globally, then creating the conditions to either overthrow their governments or create an artificial casus-belli to bomb the target country into oblivion (then extract their natural resources and park military bases on their property) is the bailiwick of Western colonial powers. That era is coming to a close. And it's accelerating. It is being replaced by trade and mutual cooperation agreements between Asian, Middle East, and Global South partners. I.e, BRICS+ and BRI and other economic trading corridors and agreements. US neo-con Michael Ledeen pretty much summed it up in the Ledeen Doctrine: "Every now and again the United States has to pick up a crappy little country and throw it against a wall just to prove we are serious." Problems being? All those "crappy little countries" are getting tired of the West's colonial foreign policies, and now are beginning to rally around stronger players (China and Russia) in mutual economic (and defense) agreements because they are getting sick and tired of getting "thrown against the wall" and are banding together for self-protection, and to make themselves resilient to Western sanctions and interference. In the end, the West will alienate themselves from the rest of the global population who wish only to trade and prosper right down the the average man and woman on the street. So to recap? Thai-Russian economic cooperation is good for Thai businesses and for the Thai population. As is all good-faith trade. "But I hate China and Russia. They're evil." Yeah. Whatever. That attitude just create war.
  11. But if you're talking about sex? "Boom-Boom." You do know you're in Thailand?
  12. If I told you, the aliens would abduct you and take you away. Shhhhh. Quiet.
  13. Until you died. You'd go into ketosis and start burning fat as energy which in itself isn't bad - I mean - that's the point of a ketogenic diet. However - Olive oil isn't going to provide you with the minerals and vitamins that are need to keep you alive. But, nice slow way to kill yourself though.
  14. Honda as you can get service virtually anywhere in Thailand.
  15. No. Never have had a full bread. I'll grow stubble, which then chafes and itches, and then gets shaved off. I don't mind the three day shadow look, but can't stand how it feels.
  16. I know what kind of neighbor that your neighbors have. The type that is in everyone else's business and thinks that they are somehow above their poor, course, commoner neighbors. Mine are normal folk with all their own personal failing and strengths, just like me.
  17. Only for those wishing to live forever. I don't, so I enjoy the pleasures of life while I'm still sucking air. Ice cream is great.
  18. Speaking for yourself no doubt. 17 posts but, yeah we know, you've been in Thailand for the last 20 years and expats are your field of study and you're just getting around to Thai Visa AseanNow to school the rest of us on expat psychology. I have a wife, a family, property and a home, and a life - here- in Thailand. Many of us do. Honestly. You don't have a clue. No disrespect.
  19. Eat more ice-cream. Worry less. Enjoy the moment.
  20. Why do you want to live so long? I don't. I'm good with checking out any time. I'm more worried about living this long.
  21. They don't have the grid to support EVs and EVs are beyond the reach of most Thais, most of whom are so indebted that they'll never see the light of day again. Then add a two or three million THB EV, which of course they won't get insurance for, and after their first fender bender they are out another 500K THB to fix a dented bumper. Average Thais can not now afford EVs and they never will. Yeah, EVs. But first, they'll have to implement "You'll own nothing and be unhappy," and 15 minute cities and villages, then EVs. For the rich and wealthy. Everyone else can suck a rock. But -- It all depends on how p*ssed off the general public gets when this is rammed down their throats and they are force into mind-numbing debt in order to drive. "But we need to save the planet!!!" The planet is just fine. It's the greedy b*****ds who want to rule the world who are the problem.
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