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Everything posted by connda

  1. That's because anyone in the right mind uses condoms.
  2. Back to the bottle bob? You're screaming for help. Here's your life-line: https://www.aathailand.org/all-meetings?language=en
  3. FYI, This 'experts' are using the selling rate. The selling rate affects virtually none of us. It's the buying rate that we're interested in as we sell USD to the Thai banks with foreign currency transfers. BKK Bank as of today for buying / selling $50 - $100 Buying: 35.52 Selling: 36.25 Yeah, we got a nice bump since the beginning of the year. It may trend higher, it may not. Every central bank on the planet is now addicted to debt, so the global financial markets will probably be interesting over the next few years. Beat the heck out of the Buying price of 29.34 back in late 2020.
  4. Start having shortness or breath and chest pain and perhaps they'll put you in the room next to Tony. Unless Tony has the entire floor to himself that is.
  5. Of course. 1 minute after being "released" Tony will be a shining example of a healthy, fit senior (A Miracle some will say) and will get right down to the business of leading the party through Srettha. So, an October release date or December? My bets are on October.
  6. Bob. Friendly and serious advice - Hook up with AA Thailand. https://www.aathailand.org/all-meetings?language=en And you'll find more support in the AN "I Drink Too Much Forum." There are other venues where your story will be welcomed and you'll find the support that you obviously need. If you believe you are going to address sobriety while maintaining connections with your drinking buddies, you are sorely mistaken. Get help. Really. https://aseannow.com/forum/98-i-drink-too-much-forum/
  7. Every day I here from the room where my wife if watching TV. "KWAI." "*%&(^%)&%&$" "F***" (yeah she does use that US Navy expletive). ???? Who is she yelling at. <laughs> Srettha. This will be a solid Move Forward Party family come the next election.
  8. Well, restructure your system of tariffs, your immigration, and level the playing field.
  9. Well, yeah. That's how my last home was disposed of as well as all my assets. "I Want Half." <cheating b****>
  10. And if you believe that your perceived "wealth" somehow makes you better than your peers here at Asean Now. Go soak your head. You don't know what other member's financial state is. You simply guess by appearance. Appearances are deceiving mate. And yet there are those members who spend their days trying to show the rest of us what superior a******s they are. Trust me. We already know.
  11. Why is anyone in the "<deleted>e !" whatever that means. You assume that if anyone leaves Thailand they will HAVE to return to their home-county. That's a rather daft assumption. Perhaps that is correct for you, but for many of us, if circumstances dictated that we had to leave Thailand, we would chose to land in another country other than where we were born. Other than family, there really is nothing in what has become an economic and social disaster of a "home-county" to return to. I wish I had bought a bunch of crackerboxes for under $10K apiece in Seattle in the 1970s. I'd be a multi-millionaire ten times over. But if you put wishes in one hand and ???? in the other guess which fill up first? Grow up. There are no givens carved in stone regarding anyone's future. This temporal existence is the essence of change. You throw the dice and you take your chances. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you walk away with what was in your pocket when you arrived. Life is fickle. Accept that and stop worrying about the future, live for the day, one day at a time, and enjoy life. If you worry so much about 'what might happen in the future' <Egad!> ???? you'll create your own Hell right here and now. Fyi. Culture your family connections. You can sell everything, cut ties to all physical assets (other than financial assets), but - stay close to your family.
  12. You can see where this is going and who is supporting it. C***bis. You have to be f*****g kidding me? ???? So the MSM is going to make the word 'cannabis' into some sort of expletive that can't be uttered in 'polite company' nor in public? Utter tosh.
  13. You have 7 days after the due date. When you reach that date and have not received approval, you'll need to schedule an in-person submission of your 90 day on the last day.
  14. Other than Kimchee I'm not fond of Korean food at all. One of my least favorite places to eat on this globe.
  15. They can make life a lot tougher on you than you can on them. Just saying..... TIT.
  16. I love it when a news article looks at one day of trading and thinks they have the entire picture when all they have is a one day's slice of information. For some reason their is a real push to claim the THB is tanking. Why? Gold moves with the debasement of the reserve currency (USD) as well as to Geo-political and regional destabilization. Swings in the prices are normal and they swing both ways. You look at the trend line as well as inflation statistics. And best to look at 'real' inflation as opposed to government stats which are monkeyed with to make the government looks as though they are controlling inflation - the are not! Look at the trend. The Trend Is Your Friend. Where to get 'real' inflation and CPI stats? Shadow Stats. Fyi. I can only get this site to run properly in Chrome.
  17. Is it better to be single or attached in Thailand? As a wise man once said to me, "It depends.........."
  18. Love...comes and goes as fast as money. Often together at the same time. "I WANT HALF!!!"
  19. I wonder which Karaoke bars the officers celebrated at? ????
  20. connda


    I kinda like this "Topper" myself!
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