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Everything posted by connda

  1. It's cold and flu season in many parts of the world and Thailand is an international tourist hub. Colds and flus happen, including SARS-based flus. Get more sun, rest, drink fluid, take a pain killer, and wait it out. It ain't the end of the world. It's the SOS that has been happening as long as I've been alive. Ginger tea is nice when you have the sniffles.
  2. Essentially a "Load-master" on a cargo plane does exactly this. Their is a methodology for distributing weight in planes.
  3. Just saying - I don't see anything unusual about this other than perhaps the House Committee on Anti-corruption and Misconduct should check to see the average price that Thai Airway charges to charter the type of plane that Srettha is using. You'd think that there would be some bureaucratic agencies within the Thai government responsible for arranging travel for the Prime Minister of the country as well as other government dignitaries whose primary task is to work with private airliners carriers to negotiate service contracts for air travel, including chartering planes - transparently.
  4. Ok. How much would it cost for Thailand to buy and service a "Thailand 1" which is equivalent to the Boeings and Air Buses that the US and EU heads of states travel in? Billions of USD and EUR. Air Force 1 costs approximately $200,000 per hour to fly and billions to build. How many heads of state fly commercial as opposed to charter flight or via a plane whose purpose is to carry state leaders and dignitaries? As a head of state and the leader of Thailand, Srettha using a chartered flight is pretty much business as usual. What has his predecessors use? What did Prayut use? Military planes? If so, what was the net cost per trip after factoring the cost of the plane, depreciation, and operating costs?
  5. Eventually someone is going to write, "Does that mean farang's pension income too." Short answer would probably be "No," at least for those countries with bilateral tax agreements with Thailand. If you're paying income tax in your home countries, then Thailand has no claim to tax the income twice.
  6. Best advice I've heard yet. Use the proceeds to see a doctor.
  7. My one toe with gout tells me exactly where my uric acid level are. As far as treatment, what can you really do. My sister had her toe fused a bunch of years back but now requires orthopedic shoes. I always thought that was a rather drastic approach, but I'm not her. Other than taking Colchicine and painkillers and watching your diet, what can you do? Thank goodness flare ups only happen rarely.
  8. Gouty arthritis although a doctor would need to make of formal diagnosis. Welcome to advancing old age.
  9. The current "Western democratic model" is becoming more dictatorial and authoritarian by the year as their citizens quality of life deteriorates rapidly, especially the middle-class which is being slowly decimated. Nothing like a world war to facilitate a 'great reset,' so I would not be surprised if a major, non-Western Leader or Foreign Minister has a Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment and it's "Game On" for WWIII. Pity to be a Millennial or GenZ as they will be the new draft-aged conscription pool for Western militaries. As well, at the dawning of WWIII which so many of you seem to want, most of you living here who are vehemently pro-West/anti-East will be beating on their embassies doors to get a flight out of Thailand. I admit, I'm an anti-war veteran, and I really don't understand what evil drives some of you to call for the assassinations of heads-of-states and promote the global war that will follow in the aftermath. It really is insane! Even George Walker Bush referred to those who held views like this as "The Crazies In The Basement."
  10. Our new AI friend ChatGPT disagrees. ❓"ChatGPT. Which is the correct phrase? "Out in the sticks," or "Out in the Styx" when referring to a place far out in the country-side?" ???? Answer: The correct phrase is "out in the sticks" when referring to a place far out in the countryside. "Out in the Styx" is not a common expression and is likely a variation or misspelling of the former phrase.
  11. I can go into the back yard, pick a blender full right now, add some ice and - Free! ❤️ However if you're too lazy (like me) and simply want someone else to do it, I can drive about 500 meters to the local village coffee and fruit shake stand. 20 THB. Which is the point. Is it cheaper out here? Yep! ????
  12. I'll compare Thailand to the US as it's still a Western country. Basically, in Thailand if it's edible then there is not much in the way of "rich and diverse." In the US, there are so many game animals that they, in many cases, are a nuisance. Then various states have so many 'endangered species' and wildlife protection laws on the books along with a forest service capable of enforcing wildlife laws that most citizens are happy to look and not kill. My guess is that wildlife protection is about the same in the EU as the wildlife protection mindset is about the same. Here in Thailand, wildlife protection is paid lip service as rangers and wildlife protection staff are under-paid and rare as hen's teeth and are predominately found in national and regional parks. About the only place you'll find "rich and diverse" in Thailand may be in some of the National Parks, that is if they haven't been poached. It's a rare day that you see a mammal (other than rats and dogs) unless it's roasting on a spit. Very very very sad state of affairs. 50 to 60 years ago there was signicantly more forest as well as animal diversity. Want diversity. Try the Amazon before its made into a parking lot. They paved paradise Put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swinging hot spot They took all the trees Put 'em in a tree museum Then they charged the people $50 dollars and change A dollar and a half just to see 'em Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone? They paved paradise Put up a parking lot -Jonie Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi
  13. Everyone I know who finally had knee replacements wished that had not waited so long before having the surgery. It's like night and day. If you can afford it, get them replaced.
  14. Let me expand on that. The day a head of state of one of the worlds super-powers or nuclear-armed nations is assassinated, all bets are off regarding the global contagion effect and Quid Pro Quo by the affected nation(s). Can you image the impact on the West if it came to light that Russian and North Korean social media content started to trend to have Biden and Trudeau 'eliminated' in their next bilateral meeting? This isn't a game. See that big fusion blast above. That's no joke and we haven't been this close to MAD since I was 11 years old living on a SAC base in the US. And yet, we have utter morons calling for covert assassinations of the heads of states that the West doesn't like. Your people calling for this are quite literally insane.
  15. What's your opinion on this? Jordan Peterson on Woke Mentality The 'woke' will be offended and will seek to censor Peterson. Most everyone else will nod in agreement.
  16. You mean, the exact same things Thais do? The only difference is that these are foreigners and "Arabs" and somehow different. Same Same But Different. Thai - no helmet, no license, loud bike - Bad! "Arab" - no helmet, no license, loud bike - Really bad and a menace to Thai society. I truly believe their is a bit of a racial/ethnic matter going on here, and its not good.
  17. Are the "Arabs" really being a nuisance or are the cops just Islamophobic toward dark-skinned (kon kaerk) Middle-Eastern foreigners.
  18. Every man should make their first love their own solitude.
  19. Whatever trips your trigger. FYI. Tony Dakota is America and was born in the US. Not Danish.
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