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Everything posted by connda

  1. Good sign as the monsoon are starting to crank up. I'm ready for rain. Other than the really beautiful flowering trees (yellows, oranges, and purple) I'm not particularly fond of this time of year. It's not the heat by the absolutely horrid AQI day after day after day. We spend most of our time inside running an air filter in our room along with the A/C. Come-on Rain!
  2. I stand corrected. Based on what an officer actually earns on the books, that probably compensated the family for lost wages. Maybe. Maybe not.
  3. The kid that killed my daughter was fined $450 dollars in a US court. So - I know first hand what justice is and what justice isn't. The unremorseful little snot should be happy I'm not an "eye-for-and-eye" type of man. The state would not do anything, his family distanced themselves from him, and civil court was out of the question as he was filing bankruptcy in anticipation of a civil case and I had no desire to file a civil action. What do you do when there is no justice for your child who's life was cut short before it had a chance to start? And I lost my only child. It has a huge impact on my world-view. Some days I wish I was an "eye-for-and-eye" kinda guy as I have suffered immensely and still do. However - justice is not 197 million THB either. Her daughter may have been a flash-in-pan <poof>. One and done. Or fame and greed may have gone to her head and she may have just cut her mom off, or just an argument over anything and "Bye Mom." Anyway, money doesn't replace your child which is why I never considered a civil suit although my lawyer was geared and ready to go. The kid should have been locked up for a year or so to give him time to do - penance - like in a penitentiary from whence it got its name. He should have sat in a cell and reflected on the consequence of his negligent action . I would have considered that "justice." He was completely unremorseful and hid from me like the little ***** Nancy-boy he was and still is. But no - my daughter's life and my suffering according to the US justice system is worth: $450 US Dollars. Yeah, he should be really, really happy I'm not an "eye-for-and-eye" type of guy. 26 years later and I still agonize over her death. It does not get any easier over time. Regarding this case where mum wants 179 million THB. My impression is that money is more important to her than the loss of her kid. If money assuages grief and loss - then there isn't much in the way of grief and lost in the first place. In her place I'd pass on the money and ask the court for prison time for those involved. Penance! Forcefully provided the time to reflect on what they did. That's the only justice there is in my humble opinion.
  4. I believe that the Red Bull kid's estate paid the dead cop's family something like 90K THB. So it depends who the victim is and how rich and connected the perps are.
  5. 10 years ago I'd say Ban-Ti but now that they've made noise about an airport out there? It's probably out of sight as well. Try rural Lamphun province.
  6. Funny I should mention that. Some people in CM own a smallish parcel of land next to our own land. In reality it is a piece of land that may have been owned in the past by my wife's grandfather. She owns three plots and this is a matching plot the same size as our rear lot. Actually, if you put the front lot they are trying to sell together with the larger rear lot of ours, then they may be able to swing 500K. But we ain't going to sell as that is my garden area and it's the high ground where our water tank sits. Anywhere, their lot ain't much without our back lot attached. They aren't getting what they're asking. It's maybe less than a quarter of a rai. Horrible location though as whoever buys it will need to truck in a s***-ton of dirt to get the plot level with the road. And then there is a utility pole smack in the middle of where you'd put a driveway. They have been advertising the land for 500K THB for over a year. I'd take it off their hands for 100K just to use it as a garden. Interesting tho' as they came by today and posted a sign dropping the price to 350K THB. It's still over-priced. It's worth 100K at most. Or it's worth what people are willing to pay. They aren't going to sell it for 350K from the original 500K they wanted - which is fine by us. I'd rather not have anything built next to us as long as I'm alive. It's nice a quiet just the way it is. But like I said. Wait. Patience will be rewarded to those who know the parable of the ant and the grasshopper.
  7. Take a 1 hour trip in virtually any direction. Rural land prices are reasonable and you're just 1 hour (or less) from CM. I've lived in CM. Too crowded and like a few of us weirder farang expats - I much prefer rural Thai life. A lot. And honestly - rural Thai life ain't that far away for expensive Chiang Mai. But if your heart is set on buying property in CM. Be patient. The bottom is going to fall out of most global markets including CM and then? Cash Is King. Fyi. For the observant? Property prices have been falling... ????
  8. Tour the Philippines or Mexico. You may never want to come back to Thailand. The PI and Mexico actually want your tourism dollars. Better beer in both places, PI girls are hot and they virtually all speak English. Mexico - great food and Latina gals are hot and family oriented.
  9. 17420 posts and 581 pages to the thread. Mods - Is this a record? That's pretty amazing.
  10. Because you need a work visa. If you have a job, change to a Business Visa and keep going to school.
  11. Search on the internet and you should find at least one video of a panda trying to rip the arm off off some smuck who stuck his arm in the Panda's cage. Look up "panda attacks man at zoo," and I'll add a note of discretion as it is graphic. These are "Bears" and they do Bear-like things - like maul humans. The are not "Cute and Cuddly" which is an inaccurate and extremely dangerous anthropomorphism.
  12. Pandas, like elephants, should be in the wild or on reserves - not locked in a freakin' prison cell in a zoo.
  13. Well yeah. The Beamer and Benz and Porche and Lambo crowd will frown on you (although upwards unless their Beamer, Benz, Porche or Lambos are SUV varieties), although the poor working class natives from Isaan working in BKK may think you are rich and hansum. <laughs> This is an entertaining post, but really. Some people need to bash their heads against a wall before they see its a wall and walk around. Best of luck.
  14. That's a ridiculous reason to keep it. Trade it in for a small city car, take the loss and rack it up to experience, and bask in the enjoyment that your new city car will have red plates and 1 year of free 1st class insurance. That Celerio I recommended comes with 1 year free 1st class insurance too. Just get used to it that your going to take a loss on the truck, but you'll be a wiser person.
  15. The large trucks and SUV are Status Symbols here in Thailand. Nothing more. They can physically sit higher than other road traffic, drive like bats out of hell, and feel superior.
  16. I've never heard a pickup referred to as a "City Car." If you live in rural Thailand? Good choice. In metro BKK? Not so much. And 11km/lt? <gag> You can buy a Suzuki Celerio for about 320K that gets 23km/lt. THAT - is a "city car." Well, live and learn. Erase 100K THB right off the top for your mistake and move on.
  17. And here's a good link to track them: https://weather.tmd.go.th/lmpLoop.php
  18. Mine never got approved online this last time. I printed all the paperwork and took it down to immigration on the last day of the one week 'grace period' after expiration. I filed the report the day that the 90 day system prompted me to file. Sort of a PITA.
  19. Bank of Thailand governor gives veiled warning TO VOTERS on the danger posed by populist policies "Vote For Our Party And We Will Shower You With Public Money - Don't worry, we'll just print some more!!!" ???? This is the message on virtually every political billboard tied to lamp-posts nationawide. But??? It IS the epitome of corruption and should be Illegal to do. And it's fiscally irresponsible. Of course tho' the Bank Bigwig blames the voters and not the politicians who are making these inflationary policies. But it will be the voters who will suffer immensely when the chickens come home to roost and extreme inflation hits them square between the eyes. Elitists must stick together to keep the commoners as the focus of all the national ills and poor governance decision. Bigwig Governor Sethaput will probably chide the voters once more as inflation sets in with real teeth six months to a year from now. Perhaps he hasn't seen the posters with politicians offering the voters 10,000 THB each out of the government treasury if only their party wins wins WINS!!! "Happiness To The Debt Slaves!!! Too bad about the inflation! It the voters fault!!!" And then the THB depreciates 25% over the next year, gold goes to 45K / baht-weight, and the USD (which has its own problem due to money giveaways) goes to 40+ THB/ USD. And the prices for staple items in Big C and Makro really start going through the roof. Villager double the prices for their fruits and vegetables out of their own gardens and its Inflationary "Game On!" The only decent policies I see out of this bunch is the one being touted to give the elderly a bump on their monthly public "safety net" payment of 600 THB to 3000 THB. That by itself isn't necessarily too inflationary as it is targeted for the Thai elderly, although I think it should be capped to those who have no other sources of income, like an elderly rural couple who would have combined 6000 THB which is just enough to live on in a rural spartan manner. However, with all these other giveaways being funded by the public treasury, that 3000 THB will be worth 600 THB in about two years. This is insanity but it seems the purpose of all the insane policies globally is to create a new class of debt-slaves and economic serfs with the Neo-Feudal elites lording over all like some Lakron TV show with uber-wealthy masters and their lowly servants and slaves.
  20. Started smoking pot when I as 16. Years later I graduated University at the top of my class. Maybe they should promote the use of cannabis to teens? But? Reefer Madness Will Get You!
  21. Out of "The current population of Thailand is 70,291,278 as of Wednesday, April 26, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data." So out of 70,291,270 (plus the tourists) your chances of suffering Covid lung inflammation is .00010385356771% and of being put on a vent at 0.0000426795484% - but be very, very afraid. I wonder if the media fear mongering will ever end? ???? Are Dengue cases hyped? No. Are Colds which led to pneumonia hyped. No. Are influenza cases hyped? No. Are road deaths hyped. Sort of as upwards of 50 people are killed a week and countless more injured. But is anyone scared? No. But week after week the media hypes Covid like its Freddy in Nightmare on Elm Street. Lung infections up 143%. Vents up 84%. What's the media message: "Done let your guard down or Covid is gonna get you for sure!" Then look at the numbers. Probably not. I agree with other posters. Fear-based media like this serves no meaningful purpose other than to yell, "Fire!", in a crowded theater and to stoke needless public fear. And it's getting old.
  22. Does your Thai partner know much about history outside of Thailand? Nope. But on the flip side, most people I know in the US are pretty ignorant about anything outside of the US borders as well.
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