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Everything posted by connda

  1. How many 18 year olds travel to Thailand alone? What's the difference between 17 and 18? A few months. He probably didn't want to spend his life as an Incel and found that there is (sex) life outside of the rather sexless life that Western women impose on Western men if they aren't considered to be "Mr. Right". "Nice guys" don't get sex in the West, but they sure can here.
  2. Which is essentially kidnapping. I would not touch that offer with a 10 foot pole. If they are serious, hire a private investigator and legally grant the agency to ability to find and detain the kid. Asking Joe and Somchai Average to do that for them. That's a criminal and civil lawsuit just waiting to ripen.
  3. N-acetylcysteine will make thick mucus thinner and easier to cough up/blow out, but at the correct dosages. The acetylcysteine sold in the pharmacies is rather low dosage (200mg). I have sinus issues during the Hot-Season burning and take 1000 mg of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) that I buy from iHerb at night as well as antihistamines (which also help with insomnia). That amount of NAC does help me personally. Your mileage my vary. Look up N-acetylcysteine (NAC) online for the various dosages. It's not a cure, but it will help with the symptoms.
  4. You should probably get the Pfizer Covid bivalent booster shots to stay safe. Maybe that will clear up the mucus!
  5. connda

    Thai beef

    Yeah, pork loin has been dropping in price. It seems fatty cuts like pork belly are what are expensive. When I can buy an eye of pork loin for less than ground pork? It's a no-brainer.
  6. connda

    Thai beef

    And your martinis 'shaken, not stirred?'
  7. connda

    Thai beef

    With Thai beef, a stainless-steel pressure cooker is your friend. It tastes fine once you have it softened up. For those who insist on having their beef rare? You're gonna have to pony up for the imported cuts, and even then it's iffy. Anyway, the pressure cooker works great for making Thai beef palatable enough to use in stews and soups. These "dairy beef" cuts sells for 99 THB at Makro. Works dandy for stews or when I feel like giving the dogs a change of diet.
  8. The regulations are the regulations depending on the time of day, the mood of an individual IO or their superior, the location of the immigration office, the temperature of the sidewalk after lunch, the direction of the wind and approximate wind speed, the time of the month (as in "that time of the month"), and of course sunspot activity, gamma-ray bursts from 2.4 billion light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sagitta, and the quirks of Quantum Entanglement - all of which can cause a change to any individual or collective written Immigration Police Order(s) at the spur of the moment for no known or otherwise seemingly random reasons. Like OneMoreFarang said, anyone who has lived here as a long-term "temporary guest," especially those of us who have been "temporarily visiting" our wives and children for the last 15 or 20 years should know that. My Rule Number 1 for dealing with Immigration: Allow my wife to get chummy with the head IO then shut my mouth and let her do all of the talking. My Rule Number 2: Smile like a imbecile even when you have the overwhelming urge to throttle a petty bureaucrat and otherwise keep my mouth shut. Those two rules have been working pretty well for the last decade.
  9. Let me guess. Eventually these senators will urge the military to come back in to form the government because Thailand's experiment with 'democracy' didn't work because the previous military junta stacked the deck? Just guessing.....
  10. Until all the parties fulfill their promises to hand out free cash to the public at which time it will go back to 40+/USD as the Thai printing presses go "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."
  11. Liberal govt led by Move Forward may be a pipe dream Nyah. Can't be a "pipe dream" as Pita wants cannabis to be criminalized again. More like a Johnney Walker Blue Label dream.
  12. I wonder if the military are polishing their rifles for another 'democratic election' Thai military style as history so aptly provides multiple examples. "Change must come through the barrel of a gun." --Mao Zedong, Head of the Chinese Communist Party 1949 - 1976
  13. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I submitted my 90 Day Report Online on April 11. I received the approval today dated May 16th!!! One full month AFTER the due date. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Needless to say I had already taken a trip to Immigration on the last possible Friday before I would have incurred a 2000 THB fine to have it stamped manually at Immigration. And no doubt they would have fined me 2000 THB. Online? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
  14. They can't - that's the trick. People take the money then vote however they want.
  15. Talk about having your head in the sand. Vote buying is wide open and prevalent throughout Thailand - it's the norm, not the exception.
  16. I asked AN ChatGPT how many successful and unsuccessful coup attempts there have been in Thailand since 1930. (caveat - AN ChatGPT will not give consistent answers on this subject, but you can get a ballpark feel) "There have been about 20 unsuccessful coup attempts in Thailand since 1930. There have been approximately 12 successful coup attempts in Thailand since 1932, but the actual number is debated among sources." So about one every three years on average. So much for taking the word "coup" out of the dictionary. When all else fails, turn the apple-cart upside down.
  17. A 3 ton truck governed at 90 is plenty of speed. It's not a bad idea for all Thai drivers imho. Most Thais simply do not have the driving skills to handle higher speeds. And governors would end the aggressive driving especially if set to limit top end speeds. Well, as the old saying goes, if put wishes in one hand and s**t in the other, guess which one fills up first.
  18. That was a truck? Looks like the aftermath of a vehicle being put through a car-crusher.
  19. Thai banks continue to lend at usurious rates, pay their depositors nothing, and then levy more charges.
  20. You can't find Ivermetic on Lazada anymore. Use to be able to buy 100 for under 400 THB. Can't even find it anymore. <Poof> and it's gone Works for ticks, fleas, worms, and heartworms as was dirt cheap. Was!
  21. Nothing changes. You can't police moving violation at a road block, and it's the moving violations which are consistance and dangerous, but considering there is no such thing as a highway patrol who stops and cites drivers for moving violations - nothing changes. Oh, yeah. I know. They have cars with Highway Patrol written on them but they are pretty much strictly VIP escort. They aren't used for policing. Then driver education - who is going to teach Thais to drive. They are already taught the wrong way to drive and if you have ever looked at the video you are required to watch to get your license - well, it's a joke at best. Thai have no idea how to do the most basic of driving skills like, merging into traffic, yielding and stopping at marked intersection, or basically given a s**t. Sorry, but the idiocy is self-perpetuating. Thais don't have the typical driver education you get in the West, and even if they did, they ignore the rules. What makes it worse is the lack of uniform police enforcement. Some moron could hit your car head on coming the wrong way down the street or running a stop sign at an intersection, and yet the police and insurance companies will want you to pay because Somchai broke the law and got himself/herself injured - but you get the blame and expense - and who fixes your vehicle? You do. Nothing will ever change. Thais love being Number 1, so they can keep that Number 1 in world traffic fatalities year-over-year and claim bragging rights. This is a social problem, and Thai society doesn't have the will to change how they drive. Hell, even the cops don't know how to drive. It will never change. Ever.
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