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Everything posted by connda

  1. Most of us learn the hard way, but you want to keep a cloned copy of your disks or your partitions, as well as keeping backups of your data. If that doesn't make sense, it will after your first large data loss. Best of luck.
  2. I'm assuming you're using Windows so get your HDD back, install Macrium Free cloning software, if you don't have one buy an external hard drive to save the cloned partitions or disk, and you should be on your way. https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree Another option is to use Clonezilla, but that does require a bit more technical skill but it's completely free. You'll need a thumb drive to boot to Clonezilla. You can find "How To" videos on Youtube for both these products. Once you learn how to use your cloning software, always keep a copy of your cloned system saved. It will keep you from suffering data losses and the headaches that go with them. Like you may be about to experience.
  3. The number of coffee shops <noodles shops, smartphone kiosks, etc> has reached absurd levels, but Mr. Market takes care of that in his own due time. Same with cannabis shops. Mr. Market will shake out the weak and unprofitable. Mr, Mrs, and Miss Free Market just need to kick back and watch.
  4. Who are the closest neighbors? How isolated will you be. If you're isolated, how long do you plan to stay alive? TIT.
  5. I hadn't heard of that one before, but with opioids that would make sense. They slow the peristalsis and can cause constipation. Interesting. Hummm. ???? Learn something new every day. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17916540/
  6. For those posting "laughing emoticons." That's pretty callous and disrespectful. I wouldn't call this a laughing matter, nor the care you can receive in India. It is a option. There is nothing funny about that, especially considering the OP's issues.
  7. One 50mg Tramadol tablet a day - from my own experience - isn't an amount that is going to cause you any serious problem when you decide to stop. You can buy Ultracet with is 37.5 mg Tramadol and the rest paracetamol in order to step you down in dosage. Use that for a week, then cut the Ultracet tabs in half for a week, and you should be able to simply stop. However, I understand your frustration about not being able to find the root cause of the problem. Things it could be? H. Pylori infection if they have ruled out structural issues. I'm surprised they haven't check that. There are invasive and non-invasive ways to check. If you doctor does an upper GI scope they would usually take a sample for biopsy and H. Pylori culture. H. Pylori can cause the symptoms your describing. Hopefully Sheryl can recommend a good gastroenterologist to see. He's probably talking about Giardia which can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. But "many farangs get this." Nonsense, unless you drink pond water or contaminated sources. If you're drinking bottled water you shouldn't have a case of Giardia, and ethnicity has nothing to do with the susceptibility of infection. You really need to talk to a good GI specialist
  8. The power structure will never allow him to ascend.
  9. Bucket List: Online Boat Cruise From Laem Chabang Visiting Thailand Mexico
  10. Thank goodness that bad snatchers like this have the smarts of a truck load of rocks. Especially in this day and age of smartphone tech.
  11. Really - how odd. If you've already done a marriage extension with the same wife - it's just a paper-pushing exercise for some IO bureaucrat in Bangkok. Maybe for the first application I could understand an additional wait, but if you've been doing this for more than a couple of years, I couldn't imagine why they'd challenge you on the validity of the extension renewal - well, unless your 40 year old Thai wife suddenly looks like a 20 year old.
  12. It will be ready. The return to get the stamp is pretty much an in-and-out, no-brainer exercise in wasted time, well, unless you think there is a reason they'd reject your application. If they were going to do that you'd probably already know.
  13. BM2 - you're always an inspiration on how to enjoy life off the beaten track. My guess is that you can find some really cool places that tourist completely miss while enjoying a exercise and alcohol buzz.
  14. They're making the assumption that they are catching most of them as opposed to only catching, say, 10% of them. Well, pats on the backs all around, photo ops of serious looking IOs, pictures of foreigners with their faces blurred looking dejected and pointing at their passports, official requests for more BMWs, and file the story for a few weeks as this can be rolled out every six weeks or so to fill empty copy space in the Thai news rooms.
  15. Yep. Like you, I'm waiting for the charges and the arrests. Although, I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. ????
  16. Maybe that was me. I had on my red shirt today. It means nothing other than I like the color 'red.'
  17. I like Harleys except they are totally overpriced. I'd rather have a good rice-burner with the same engine displacement. I don't need that "Whomp Whomp Whomp" sound. Like, as I kid I put playing cards on my bike frame so it would make a "Brrrrrrrrr" sound against the spokes. It's all perception and had nothing to do with performance. "Whomp Whomp Whomp" isn't worth the extra money and I don't wear 'colors' so no reason to have one. All the same - I still like them.
  18. RIP. Nice bike but even those big bikes like that tour-bike don't offer any protection in an accident. Another sad story.
  19. Dry season expected to end next Monday with the arrival of rainy season I am soooo ready. I hate this time of year. Between the oppressive heat and the air quality, there is nothing good about it with the exception that a lot of the local trees bloom this time of year. If the air quality didn't suck so bad, it would be beautiful. Anyway, I need to get the "project" cannabis plants out of their pots and into the ground and good soaking rains would help that venture along. ????
  20. Sounds like the cannabis vendor was either drinking or on yaba. Pretty rare to find violent stoners.
  21. If you find that 17 year old Brit kid in Pattaya and detain him, the family will give you enough money to buy 5 and 1/2 of them!!!
  22. I had a car and was doing inter-state travel without my parents at 16. I had good parents. They were there as a safety net when I couldn't sort things out by myself between 16 and 18. Funny back in the 60s. One month you're "A Minor" and the next you're getting your a** shipped off to Vietnam. Maybe a few months later you come back in a body bag. From "minor" to morgue in a matter of months. It's stuff like this that make teenagers rebel in the first place. My parents had the wisdom to loosen the reins and allow me to grow up between 16 and 18. I had went to school, held down a job, had a car and a life. This kids parents would be wise to follow suit. And a 235 quid "reward." <laughs> That's embarrassing.
  23. Why? If he's got the money, then he'll find some honey. Double chin or otherwise. ฿฿฿ํ You so hansum and sexy man ฿฿฿
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