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Everything posted by connda

  1. I never paid a dime for a meal while on active duty in the US military. So the Thai government conscripts a man into their military and then deducts the cost of the crappy food they feed them out of their measly wages? There is something totally amoral about that. But - TIT.
  2. I buy underwear in the US online and have friends bring it to me when the come on vacation.
  3. Yeah - and if that job doesn't work out, suddenly he'll be staring at the 36 year old cut-off where Thai employers don't want to hire "older workers." Then he'll be pining about about losing his gravy-job with the government, and Boo Hoo Hoo. You can't always get want you want, But if you try some time, You get what you need.
  4. Life's a bitch and hindsight is 20/20. All of us have probably thought back to how we could have done this or that. If I could do it over again I would have gone to a maritime academy. Ahhh, but it didn't happen. And all the "Boo Hoo Hoo 😭" doesn't change a thing, so learn acceptance. The kid has benefits and probably a pension package that most of his peers in his village don't have. He's not seeing the larger picture. But he's still young, dumb, and full of errrr, silliness. And greed.
  5. So 1 foreign wife married to 1 Thai wife - for Immigration purposes - how can the foreign wife stay with her Thai wife? And 1 foreign husband married to 1 Thai husband - for Immigration purposes - how can the foreign husband stay with his Thai husband? There are no rules in place at the moment to cover either of these situations, so new rules will need to be developed and put into law. I'm just saying - I can see the potential for a serious cluster-foxtrot on the horizon here when it comes to Immigration because as it stand, Thai Immigration has two completely different standards for a foreign man married to a Thai woman, and a foreign woman married to a Thai man. What are they gonna do? And then - what about transvestites? Aren't they the "Go Further" of the "Thailand will go further than legalising same-sex marriage?"
  6. I wonder when it will occur to Srettha and his merry band of progressives who all are clapping each other on the backs for being so in turn with rainbow liberalism with suddenly the facts smack them in the face? What are they gonna do? Tell their citizens that only gay Thais can marry their same sex? That same sex marriage will not be an option for foreign couples who wish to get married? I absolutely guarantee, know Thais and their inability to plan into the future, that this hasn't ever crossed their radar yet. And when it does, they are probably going to make a lot of people very unhappy with the slap-trap way the end up handling the issue because it will not have been thought out. It will be 100% reactive. I'm leaning toward that the Thai government will only allow gay Thai citizen to marry other same-sex gay Thai citizens, after which all of this hype that "Thailand will go further than legalising same-sex marriage" will be seen as more of the typical hot-air emanating from government house that ends up being all promises and no delivery. Why? The LBGT+ community is global, and as such when Thailand says it's legalizing "same-sex marriage," the global LBGT+ community is going to react, and when those promises are found to be empty bovine excrement, the reaction by the global LBGT+ community will not be pleasant. Imho.
  7. I really can't wait until the first gay foreign guy marries a gay Thai guy and then wants the same path to citizenship that is offered to foreign women married to Thai men plus not being burden with any financial requirements other than contributing to his husband's 20K / month financial requirement his husband will need to meet. And then the shrieks of horror when the first gay foreign woman marries a gay Thai women and is forced to maintain the 40K/month or 400K in a Thai bank financials in order to "visit her wife during her one year extension of stay - as well as having no path to citizenship. Yeah baby - that's gonna but interesting to watch! Stand by!
  8. Yeah - my wife mentioned that a couple of days ago. It seems the voters are having buyer's remorse with Srettha. They need to get moving on those 10,000 THB handouts. Unfortunately shortly after, the inflation here in Thailand is going through the roof.
  9. And based on the results of the current crop of criminal proceedings, I'm pretty sure that will be a viable option if his money and connections can't get him out of his current bind.
  10. I wouldn't bet on that. Dude has money and access to thing you and I don't. Money can buy the means to leave the country plus I'm sure he has multiple passports. I'm sure he could leave the country easily.
  11. If he's convicted of Lese Magistrate he'll have an immediate 'life-threatening relapse' and the charade with play out again in all of its corrupt pomp and grandeur, and everyone will play their parts for round two. "It's The Big One This Time!!!"
  12. Khun Tony was on his death-bed don't 'cha know, but shortly after his parole, the medical props he was wearing and Buddhist amulets imparted special healing powers healing his heart, his lungs, and his neck. However, it seems that now that as certain criminal charge are creeping back into Tony's life, so are his heart condition as well as the chronic pneumonia and that pesky rotator cuff issue. No doubt if a court finds him guilty of any charges his body will go into full relapse and he'll need to be put back into the penthouse remand prison facilitates which we are told are available to ALL elderly sick prisoners - of course! The fact that he's been seen in public hob-knobbing with the political elites over the last weeks belies his frail elderly body which is barely surviving day to day and it's only through super-human efforts on his part that he can work the crowds of Pueu Thai faithful, and of course through the grace of a merciful Buddha whose compassion shines down on the epitome of morality encased in Tony's frail, elderly body that he can barely struggle on. "Doha! I need the doctors in Doha! Only Doha doctors will do!" Of course Tony. Like your prison stint, Thai doctors are only for the commoners just like Thai general population prisons are only for the commoners. Special people are - well - special! Special prisons, special privileges, special connections - special! Not like the "little people."
  13. Here we go. Rah rah rah, or as Graham's good buddy John McCain loved to sing to the Beach Boys hit "Barbara Ann," "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran!" So the benefactors of the million$ and million$ of U$D dumped into the personal campaign finances and $uperPAC$ of guys like Graham are now going to pay off for the Corporate War Industry referred to by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Industry Complex, is now going to drag us into a multi-front world war with the Middle East as it's catalyst. I guess all my Christian friends with their eschatological ("I can't wait for the Rapture") world-view regarding Armageddon might actually have hit the nail on the head. Back in the day the trope was that the forces of Good & Evil would fight it out on the Palestinian lands claimed by Israel as "The Promise Lands." Of course the line-up was something like this years ago, like back in the 1960s: Forces Of Good: Christian White Americans, Christian White Europeans, Other White Christian Colonists, Israeli Jews Forces Of Evil: Atheist Commie Ruskies and Atheist Commie Chinese Plus the Rest of the Commies, as well as the Commie Muslim Arabs and all the rest of the Commies Now that line-up has changed just a bit. Sorta looks like this: Forces Of Good: Americans, Europeans, NATO, What's Left Of Their Colonies, Western Christians except for Eastern Orthodox Christians, Israeli Zionists, Atheists Who Love War, The WEF and the Billionaire-class, Globo-Capitalist including Wall Street, the "Defense Industry," and the MIC. Forces Of Evil: Russia, Chinese, Iranians, DPRK, Cubans, Venezuelans, Muslim Arabs, Persians, Turks, Chechans, All Shia Muslims, Slavic Orthodox Christians, All Muslims Not Aligned With The West, BRICS Nations and potential BRICS+ nations who won't take to knee to the West including the Global South and ex-colonial nations who won't sign off on the Zelinsky Peace Plan or calling genocide "Self-Defense" So when the bovine excrement hits the spinning blades in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yeman and the first hypersonic missile hits the deck of a US aircraft carrier in the Med, that will drag in everyone else into the cosmic commode <cue flushing sounds> especially if Israel nukes Southern Lebanon. Once that happens, global restraint is off the table and I doubt that any of the "Forces Of Evil" will see any point in not dragging the US, EU, UK, AU, and NZ into a multi-front World War on their own turf. But the Western Christians will be baking unleavened bread, marking their doors with lamb's blood, and making animal sacrifices to show their obeisance to their supernatural Creator-in-the-Sky who will "smite" their enemies, the "Forces Of Evil," and throw them into pools of hell-fire and brimstone forever and ever and ever, while giving their worshipers wings to fly to "Rapture" out of harms way and avoid the slaughter on the ground where the Middle East used to be. Prologue: The Forces Of Good win, the Forces Of Evil Lose as a beautiful multi-color sun sets over a burning cider where thermonuclear "global-warming" has just taken place. And the future "Morlocks" as as snug as a bug in a rug in their Continuity Of Goverance bunkers a mile or so underground, all waiting for the day when they can reemerge and fire off what is left in their nuclear arsenals. So have at it. The human race are war-like and always have been. Nuclear weapons in the hands of humans is like a box of locked and loaded SAW M249's in the hands of a pack of chimpanzees. What possibly could go wrong. Thermonuclear BBQ anyone? Graham has firing up the grill! https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/iran-news/article-812801
  14. Op is even going after the mods too, in this case Rimmer. Arnold Judas Rimmer - Red Dwarf
  15. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ "The proliferation of trolls is due to the relaxed rules this forum now follows." Perfect example @BritManToo. A member makes a kind assessment of the state of the forum, then his post is trolled by the Op who is on a fishing expedition in the first place.
  16. But trust me. Any Thai living in the Thai enclaves around North Hollywood would be screaming bloody murder if Los Angles Metro ran a "senior discount" and Thai were told, "Sorry. American citizen only." Oh people would be screaming, "RACISM", and the entire fiasco would end up in US Federal Court as discrimination. In Thailand? Racism is institutionalized and approved by the government and society. "Solly farang."
  17. A lot of Thais are to the point where they wish the Prayut would return to "over-power" them all.
  18. She has the entirety of the Obama Chicago Democrat Machine behind her now. She doesn't have to think, all she needs to do is to remember the script she is given to her. Lies and all.
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