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Everything posted by connda

  1. Only if you wish to live vicariously in the past. I'd rather live right here, right now.
  2. Has anyone gotten two dosages of Sinopharm vaccine here in Chiang. If so, where did you get the shots, how did you sign up for the vaccines, and how much did they cost? I believe Lanna Hospital offers it but everything online is in Thai. If anyone has gotten their shots from Lanna Hospital, is there an English Language portal to sign up for the Sinopharm shots. Also do any other private hospitals offer Sinopharm in Chiang Mai as well? Please stay on-topic. This topic is only about how and where to get two Sinopharm vaccinations in Chiang Mai at the present time. It is not about the efficacy or the Sinopharm vaccine or about the country who manufactures the vaccine or about any other Covid vaccines. Those issues have been beat to death elsewhere. I'll request that the mods remove any response that strays off-topic. Thanks.
  3. "Giggleing in high-pitched and strange voices?" That's not Nitrous Oxide - it's Helium. Nitrous Oxide is heavier than air. Those balloons will not float and breathing it in will not change the tonal pitch of your voice. Helium - which is lighter than air - will cause balloons to float and the lower density of the gas causes your voice to sound squeaky, "high-pitched and strange." But? You know Thai doctors. They need to get the 15 minutes of fame in the MSM. Funny though when a medical doctor doesn't seem to grasp very basic chemistry and physics. <laughs> The primary danger from both is that if you fail to breath normally between inhales (of either N2O or He) you can pass out due to lack of oxygen. Other than that though - heck - it's just good fun. I've done both. Great party fun as long as you don't have some goodie-two-shoes telling you it's going to kill you for sure. Lordy, how did I survive my teens and early 20s? According to doctors like this, I should be dead or permanently injured. <laughs> Nope.
  4. Park Entrance Fee: Thai Adult - 50 THB Thai Child - 25 THB Thai over 70 - 15 THB Foreigner - 5,000 THB That will get them back on track.
  5. I believe the Op is less interested in 'effectiveness' and more interested in the vaccine technology's safety profile. mRNA and AVV Covid vaccines have no long-term (5 to 10 years) efficacy studies. Inactivated virus vaccines technology has a long, time-tested safety profile. A large percentage of "vaccine hesitate" are essentially balking at taking vaccine technologies which have no long-term safety data, but would take a vaccination based on inactivated virus vaccines technology if they could find it. These people are not "anti-vaxx", they are pro-safety.
  6. The government has been pushing prohibition for year. Now they have an excuse. They simply drive it underground and make otherwise good citizen into bad citizens.
  7. Oh my. A 13 year old human trafficking mastermind. ???? No doubt. Of course.
  8. It's best to pay cash. Can't afford cash. Then you should rethink the car purchase.
  9. Phuket prepares for more road accidents Phuket prepares for a normal day on the roads.
  10. At least you're willing to stack the odds in your favor however contrarian it may seem to others. At the end of the day, you're responsible for your own health. People can criticize your decisions, but it's your life. Not their's. They can do whatever they deem best for themselves.
  11. There are literally hundreds of thousands of dogs in Thailand in need of a loving home. Contact your local temples and tell them you are interested in puppies should any of the temple's bitches have a litter. It's sad to hear that farangs working with adopted animals are now gatekeepers. Or just look online in Chiang Mai Facebook groups. Then you are dealing with the dog's owners and not some middle-man. One of our bitches had a litter this time last year. When looking for potential adoptees all we were concerned with was that they'd have a loving home and be well cared for.
  12. This isn't just Thailand. It's becoming global in those countries without constitutions which explicitly protect the public's right to gather in protest. This is all ushering in a new era of explicit totalitarianism. That's - scary.
  13. Pfizer only has full FDA approval to their product Comirnaty. Pfizer-BioNTech, although perhaps the same vaccine, is legally not Comirnaty. There are different laws applied to the two brands. Only Comirnaty is FDA licensed. Pfizer-BioNTech is still only authorized for use under a EUA. "The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that uses PBS buffer and COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) have the same formulation. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness." Quote from: FDA Letter of Authorization (Reissued) linked below https://www.fda.gov/media/150386/download
  14. The people at the top have a knee on the neck of society and they are rather fond of their new powers. Don't expect them to give that up anytime soon.
  15. Why not a Teddy-bear. A Lego set. Let the kid have a life without screens during his formative years. Encourage the kid to play outside in the fresh air using their imagination. The kid will have plenty of time to get permanently hooked on screens in the future.
  16. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is readily available at most drugstore over-the-counter. You can check online for dosing as an alternative to Fluvoxamine. While you are at it look up studies on Povidone-iodine (Betadine) as a nasal irrigation. The improvement in symptoms has a similar rate as Fluvoxamine.
  17. Just an observation. The title of the OP is To Vax or Not To Vax which is an open invitation to comment. However, the OP post is about quarantine rules. So the OP's title doesn't match the OP's post, which I imagine is creating a load of confusion. Perhaps the OP's title needs to be edited to reflect the true nature of the post? Just being "Captain Obvious" on this as I agree with you - The 'vaccination' question is being beat to death elsewhere, however the OP's title invited the commenters to come and visit.
  18. Filed under "Waste, Fraud, and Abuse." Who benefits by shelling out the equivalent of $3+ million USD of taxpayer money to two entertainment personas? Thailand should leave entertainment to the private sector.
  19. You obviously have not read The Fourth Turning. If you had you'd understand where we are in that cycle (don't get too comfortable) and why other generational archetypes can't stand 'Boomers.'
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