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Everything posted by connda

  1. Why would anyone from a Western country which have liberal medical marijuana laws - ie, where you can actually buy marijuana (flowers and leave) for medical purposes as opposed to running a medical gauntlet to get approval for a limited number of medical conditions in order to buy extremely expensive extracts made by special, connected companies. It's still very illegal to possess marijuana for even medical purposes. So - it makes no sense to come here as the medical marijuana industry is a joke. And most liberal Western countries have either legalized it or decriminalized it. Not Thailand.
  2. "Look! Totalitarianism is great. Heavy-handed state repression saves lives. Let's embrace a fully totalitarian state. That will keep the commoners in line by golly." Creepy in its connotation for the future. ????
  3. A cheap, long-term resident who doesn't seem to remember the name, Troy Lee Pilkington. There is no excuse for the Thai on Farang violence, but ignoring the reality can cost you your life - over freaking 10 THB? And the Farang now has a bad reputation in the Thai community - that isn't good. And now it has become worse. Somebody need to change the tune they are playing with the locals before it becomes downright unhealthy.
  4. If you believe that, then you don't know where to shop for rentals.
  5. Yep. Mia Chaos (rentals) are a much better investment and you get more bang for your baht. Mia Nois (minor wives) come with baggage. Thai guys will go the Mia Noi route as there is status involved. Farang don't care about status, so best to stick with the rental market. And you can switch models on a whim.
  6. One's a headache enough. Why torture yourself?
  7. Wasuthon is being deported back to Thailand by Danish authorities. Good. Quid pro quo.
  8. Thailand needs more testing. That will open hotels up again!
  9. Enough to burn thought the population and reach herd-immunity.
  10. Good! I can't think of anything more appropriate. "Millions of Tourist in 2022. Billions of THB revenues!!!" Of course. No doubt
  11. If the shoe was on the other foot, how would Thai immigration act? There's your answer.
  12. Truthfully. You expected something different? <laughs> That's as funny as tapping a keg and expecting that nobody will ask you where they can find a plastic beer cup. ????
  13. I could send my wife over the explain the joys of online shopping to your GF. Nothing has changed for my wife either other than the amount of **** she buys online vs the 20฿ stores has about doubled. It's her own money so I don't say diddley. As happy wife is an accommodating wife.
  14. What do you do to pass the time during covid? I do the same things I did before Covid. Not much has changed other than having to don a mask to make others feel safe when I enter a Big-Box hypermart for bi-monthly shopping. Of course I have other activities my life revolves around other than shopping at the mall, going to restaurants, and getting drunk at bars. I have a nice, boring, "retiree living in the rural boondocks of a third-world country" type of life - tend to your garden, enjoy your family and the beauty of nature in Northern Thailand. So not much has changed. If people are depressed because they feel the activities that they used to love are no longer available to them - perhaps they should use this time to reflect on what is really important in life and reprioritize their lives. I don't dwell on it or worry about the things I can't change. I leave the fear and worry to others. I have friends, family, and acquaintances who are doing double duty in the New Normal fear and depression realm. They generate enough fear and worry for themselves as well as me. Why should I add to it? I feel for them all - I'm glad I'm not them.
  15. "People are not being responsible enough after lifting of lockdown measures, official says." Well just lock up all the dirty commoners up again - forever. Little people don't need freedom...they need servitude and an iron fist to lead them. I walked though Chiang Mai today. What a freaking train wreak. Businesses not decimated - one out of 10 business destroyed would have been as sign of growth. No. How about 1 out of every 5 business are still open and gasping for life with everything else closed and shutter? And that's a conservative estimate? The tourist areas are destroyed, and "No", they aren't going to recover as long as government "safety measures" are imposed. "We must stay safe!" No you don't - you need wake up, you need to open it all back up and let the chips fall where they may. The government can anoint themselves as saviors - but they will continue to destroy the economy and livelihoods of the Thai small and medium size business class well into the future. Hell - even large corporate hotels are closed. It looked like a war zone. In fact, I've been in war zones that have looked more robust. Freaking amazing. Tokenism will become the banner they wave at the front of their propaganda and marketing campaigns - "All will return to Normal 6 weeks from now if all you commoners will just obey!!!" , they will say from one side of their mouths as they extol the virtues of New Normal Austerity from the other. The people telling you that all will be well in 6 weeks told you that they only needed 6 weeks to flatten the curve - 15 months ago. This doesn't end. Thapae Road is a testament to where the New Normal leaders of tomorrow are taking the world - today. It's a wreak of biblical proportions. Recover? I personally have a number of friends and acquaintances who are now out of business - New Normal. It's not going to recover. The lives of countless business people have already been destroyed. Happy-talk isn't going to bring it back. Further restrictions aren't going to bring it back. New Normal ain't gonna bring it back. Endless fear is not going to bring it back.
  16. What doesn't kill you only makes your stronger. There is a reason wisdom comes with age. The kids and grandkids can't grasp that the sage elders have already unsuccessfully done most of the dumb stuff and still managed to survive.
  17. Sound advice right up there with "Don't anchor the wood you're chopping with your foot." The corollary to the truism is "Don't turn down the doctor's offer for a pain killer prescription." Speaking for a friend. ????
  18. Edward Deming had a lot to say about the total ineffectiveness of sloganism. "Freedom Day." Yeah that worked so well in the UK. How about Hopium Day. It would be more apt.
  19. Yep. They threw one sacrificial lamb under a parked bus an a high-lift. That will show the commoners that the top brass mean business by golly!
  20. Hear that? <slap slap slap> That's that sound of someone being whipped with a handful of wet bamii noodles.
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