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Everything posted by connda

  1. With a heartbeat and two three four shots and three four five PCR tests and at least $50,000 $100,000 $300,000 in a bank account in their home country with a ream of documentation to prove they are wealthy worthy enough to visit.
  2. The Gulfstream crowd will be supplied with stretch limos with medically purified air and VR-Glasses providing an antiseptic view of a CGI created Thailand of old as they are ushered between their luxury hotels, spas, malls, and golf course. No need for these uber-riche to dirty their feet on the ripped-up side walks and infrastructure meant for "commoners" and other riff-raff or breath The Most Dangerous Air In The World as the Cool Season pollution fades (disappears) into true horror-haze of Hot season burning.
  3. Every year after the annual flooding they do nothing to resolve, they blow hot-air at the annual PM 2.5 problem that they do nothing to resolve. In the cities they need to focus on the vehicles; in the rural boondocks they need to focus on the Ag burning and forest arson. What will they do? Kick the can down the road to next year.
  4. Maybe they can successfully hammer the country's IQ down into the 80s.
  5. And what percentage of that were returning Expats on long-term visas as opposed to actual tourists? 2022 is going to bring a stark reality into clear focus if they choose to continue lining the path to the entrance to Thailand with gauntlets of regulations, new expenses, quarantined, special expensive hotels and facilities, invasive medical tests, forced hospitalization, and the Land Of Smiles new airport greeters dressed in Bio-Safety Lab Level 4 PPE and medical gear. Now that most of the returning Expats are back, the actual numbers of 'tourists' can be ascertained. No doubt the TAT and fearless leaders will dump a ton of sugar in that bitter-lime juice and call it champagne <Wait! No champagne - it contains alcohol - 'gasp'>. Yep! Exactly. Case in point.
  6. Thailand's grand awakening will be in the form of Vietnam beating their butts in both tourism as well as international manufacturing and business in general. I've worked with Vietnamese in the US. Those I worked with were incredibly intelligent and creative and integrated into US life. Vietnam will adapt and simply take business that could have been Thailand's for the taking. The Thai elites see themselves as the center of the universe with non-Thais revolving around them with the express purpose of serving and benefiting Thailand. Their wake-up call is about to arrive. My guess is that Thailand will carve out a niche for the foreign wealthy to support the Thai wealthy and the Thai 'commoner scum' inside and the foreigner 'commoner scum' outside of Thailand will be kicked to the side or the road and urinated on. That's already happening. Vietnam will pick up the flotsam and jetsam and fill in the economic vacuum left by Thailand. Thailand will whine and buy more subs. Thailand needs to get over their nationalism and xenophobia and embrace the global realities. But instead they'll just successively shoot themselves in the foot and claim victory. As the economy (except for the wealthy) takes a beating, watch for an increase in nationalism and reactionary xenophobia as Thailand's woes are blamed on outsiders. Just a guess.
  7. It's also clear that the government is aiming to take advantage of the pandemic disaster to end the lower class entrepreneurial enterprises such as street markets and other activities which have a low price for entry but competes with larger corporate business and enterprises which the government supports. Just keep putting Thai low and middle class Thai entrepreneurs out of business and then deal with the unemployment and social unrest that will create. The WEF promised the commoners that "they will own nothing and be happy." I doubt that. It;s more like you'll own nothing, live like a Neo-Feudal serf or peasant out of the Dark Ages (or Thailand in the last few centuries) and you'll be miserable but your over-lords won't give a da*m. The New Normal Thailand is just heating up the mold to start shaping their new society for the uber-riche and wealth as they impoverish the commoners.
  8. Here's why tourism will never rebound in one picture. Nothing will recover as long as people are met at the front gate by a team that looks like they came from a Level 4 Biosecurity Lab.
  9. I will not disagree with you there. There is truth to that. But - although a minority - there are women who have a child and ditch the child and the father. With all the above being true for them. To claim that it's only a "man thing" is tosh. And I really am tire of it as I raised my daughter with **** for support from my ex-wife at a time I should have collected public assistance, but both my daughter and I - jointly - forged a path alone. With me? A full-time student in university and working a side job to keep food on the table. I get the struggle. It's not limited to women.
  10. You completely understand! I love the "Get Out Of Jail Free Card!" If you are a Christian you aren't perfect! You're forgiven. That excuses all. <laughs> No wonder I'm Buddhist.
  11. You're right. She doesn't drive. ????
  12. I believe you miss the subtleties of Thai culture in its baser forms. I haven't lived in a "farang" community since 2011. I live in rural Thailand. There ain't no other white folk or foreigners out here. I do understand how it works, not how someone from another country believes it works. Chose to disagree? That's fine. Don't try to convince me that there is a Thai reality that I don't already grasp first-hand and up-close and personal. I see how it works - in reality - out in upcountry Thailand.
  13. "Covid" did it. Not the government - but "Covid!"
  14. Now, if we could only convince Thailand that those of us married to and supporting Thai citizens aren't 'second-class' citizens. And I wonder? How many Flipinos coming to Thailand will be welcomed as 'first-class' citizens? Probably as many as those of us married to Thais.
  15. Probably a conspiracy theorist and far-right extremist and racial bigot too. It makes good press.
  16. Best of luck. Haven't see a change in 14 years. Tell the commoners that wearing helmets prevents Covid. You may have better luck as it seem about 100% wear masks.
  17. What a moron. These people simply don't get it. Wielding power is more important. "There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Covid Limits."
  18. If it's lucrative enough, the pubic won't matter. I just wonder why they haven't pull the trigger on this earlier?
  19. It's a waiting game. The facts will rise to the surface over time. Eventually. In the meanwhile? It's Post-Covid Traumatic Stress Syndrome or Climate Change that is causing a new phenomenon. Athletes collapsing of heart problems. Da*m medical journal lies. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 "Correlation isn't causation!!!" Ok. Tell that to the now retired footballers in their 30s who have had heart issue on the field. "There's no proof it's heart issues!" Well, other the grasping chests and problems breathing. It's 'bad air' and heredity. And they eat too much fat!" Of course it is. Silly.
  20. Of Of course, like Ivermectin, the Mix & Match Vaccine Protocol has undergone extensive double-blind, placebo-based clinic trials with a large sample-size?
  21. Then suddenly the masses question the commonly accepted narrative. Why? ???? Because the experts have said so! Why? ???? Everyone is slowly getting there. Give it time.
  22. Translated: The corporation with the most clout will be the winner. ฿฿฿Cha-Ching฿฿฿ First place: Thai-made AZ. Second place: Pfizer Runner-up: Sinovac
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