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Everything posted by connda

  1. The nature of human inquiry which leads to advancements which work for the betterment of the human condition are good; The nature of human inquiry which leads to advancements which work for the detriments of the human condition are not good. When science can not be separated from religious fervor and supports a pseudo-advancement which is propagandized as a 'betterment' but is little more than a conduit for greed and predatory exploitation? That's bad too. Science as politic is equally as bad. Science which entertains only one 'accepted' narrative which can not be challenged in scientific debate is no longer science - it's religion.
  2. 1 omicron 2 omicron 3 omicron 4 5 omicron 6 omicron 7 omicron more
  3. I don't know who is "panicking." I've never panicked about Covid in the last 23 months. I'm not starting now. But ya'll? Feel free to panic. What a s****y why to live.
  4. Sure. Take a home ATK test. If you pop positive, shut up and recluse at home until pop negative. Or Run to your nearest private hospital who will forcefully incarcerate you for a price tag between 100K to 1M THB. Remember - you're not a human. You are a rich farang and a walking ATM.
  5. Unfortunately the average Thai is dyslexic and what they perceive is the Government Promoting “Drink And Drive” Campaign for New Year Holiday
  6. Let's see. 1. Have sex with 100 20 year old Thai pretties. Let's see how the works out this year!
  7. But of course, he could have sustained significant head injuries before his fall. No CCTV. No witnesses. No crime.
  8. You are vaccinated and yet you are afraid of contracting Covid? Why? You're safe. Most the the world leaders said if you get the vaccines you won't get Covid. Only the unvaccinated spread Covid. Are you unvaccinated? No? So you have nothing to worry about. Test and quarantines should be a thing of the past for clean, vaccinated people! I hate it when people spread conspiracy theories that the fully vaccinated get Covid no less spread it. It's an "epidemic of the unvaccinated." All vaccinated citizens are "Safe!" Stop spreading lies and rumors. You'll create a panic. Vaccinated = Completely Safe!
  9. I was thinking more along the lines of Anutin dressed as superman wielding a Fauci-Ray-Blaster and blowing Omicron into oblivious after which arresing Lex Xi-Ping Luther for crimes against humanity and sending him to a penal colony in North Hollywood to live out his days as a minimum wage 'extra.'
  10. Yesterday they talk about legalizing it; today they are out busting everyone who isn't connected somebody. "It's immoral!" So's graft, lying, fraud, abuse of power.....blah blah blah.
  11. Home isolation for your Thai wife, community isolation for the kiddies sans parents, and high-end highly expensive private hospitals albeit forcefully incarcerated milking institutions for their "rich farangs" husbands and fathers.
  12. Said so. Open up the entire country to travel for New Years and then lock it down for the next 3 months. Songkran 2021 redux. It' almost looks planned or these people at the top are complete idiots.
  13. Because when you can charge $15 bucks for a 30 THB plate of food - Come On Big Money!!!
  14. I'd say a massive outbreak of Omicron is pretty much a given after New Years. And for the same reasons as a massive outbreak of Delta occurred after Sonkran.
  15. So the scheme is to get 'rich, well-heeled' Thais to travel and spend lots of money. As for the commoners? Well, just stay home. Somebody has to work the menial **** jobs while the rich Thais enjoy their vacations.
  16. I've got close to a Rai of land. Most of that belongs to the pack of dogs (7). But I've got a nice space for digging up dirt, planting seeds, water, and viola! Produce. Other than elbow grease it's free. Don't use chemicals. The bugs get a bit, we get most of it.
  17. It depends where you go to shop. Here in the village, a bowl of noodles that cost you 20 THB last year costs you - 20 THB today. Produce costs haven't budged. Where I can see price increased is at Big C who jacks up prices for things that I never buy from them anyway - like produce. The other items getting jacked up in price are imported items. Meat prices have increased marginally but often you can find sales. The only thing I miss is Salmon which I use to buy at Big C but the price about doubled. So I'll just eat locally bred fish now. A few items have marginally increased in the local fresh markets but it's supply and demand. When there is a large supply they can't jack the prices up. This ain't the West.
  18. More like a glorified sniffles as they just stated it doesn't effect the lungs. Break out the salt-water and your Hashi nasal irrigator (about 250 THB on Lazada). Personally I add 1/2 teaspoon of 10% providone-iodine and Bob's your uncle. What I find amazing is that run-of-the-mill colds are highly infectious but people don't run around like the sky is falling. And I get the distinct feeling that as of about now, most will not be able to tell a run-of-the-mill cold from Omicrom unless you take a test. I wonder how many farang (most) would get the sniffles, take an ATK test which is positive, run to their hospitals, then get incarcerated for 14 day after which they are handed a 100,000+ THB bill for sitting in a bed with the runny nose? Make me wonder. It's past time to learn to live with this. And if you get this mild form - then you'll have memory killer T and B cells that will be effective in combating infection for most of your life well after you antibody titer is gone.
  19. It will be Omicron-Central by next week.
  20. If you're fully inoculated why do you need a test? You're safe? Right?
  21. Yeah if you indulge in the Thailand National Heritage at the moment you'll be throw into prison.
  22. Wat Pah Nanachart. You're ripe now for a Buddhist conversion.
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