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Everything posted by connda

  1. This forum is a microcosm of primarily the Western world. Even here their only seems to be people who support one side and detest the other. If you can't even attempt to deesculate and rationally seek solutions? Then people, if you can only view the world thought the lens of a single perspective? Then you are truly lost. How many revel in tossing shade at each other. That's what fuels conflict. Enjoy the World War when it comes. Best of luck.
  2. South Africa is the prime example of how two cultures and ethnicities who literally hated each other can eventually resolve their differences and live together. Is it perfect? No. But it is exponentially better then the days of Apartheid South Africa which I remember well. It takes strong leaders who are willing to negotiate and work together for a peaceful society. What is needed - right now - is the Israeli and Palestinian equivalents of F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela and the backing of the entire world to find a solution for all stakeholders. A peaceful solution to this horror can be found, but not with the extremists on both side unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Only rational, cool minds will prevail.
  3. You need to set up both your new smart phone as well as wiping the hard-drive of the computer and installing a fresh copy of whatever operating system you use. If you don't want bloatware on the phone, then you'll need to "root" it and reinstall a clean copy of Android.
  4. Israeli Jews: Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews.1 Palestinian Arabs: Israeli children are taught to hate Palestinians Arabs.2 I'd say the majority of people only see one side, whether the Israeli side or the Palestinian side. Both sides are Abraham religions whose core tenet is "And Eye For And Eye." And as long as an apartheid state remains - it never ends. There needs to be a one-state solution. "Palestinian Arabs bad - Israeli Jews good." "Israeli Jews bad - Palestinian Arabs good." With the attitudes above? There is no end to this. The world is on the razor-edge of World War. If the world continues to back that false dichotomy and turn their backs on diplomacy, well, those who are hoping for war will get the war that so many seem so eager to happen. And if it blows-up in the Middle East / North Africa? Then so goes the rest of the world. You think you're safe in Thailand? Think again. I'm an anti-war US veteran and I don't have "a side" other than anti-genocide. The killing has to stop on both sides, as well as the deliberate genocide - on all sides. Sources (Search on the titles. The articles can be found) 1. Generation Hate: The Indoctrination of Palestinian Children The Times Of Israel 2. It’s not shocking to see Israeli children celebrate the Gaza genocide: Israel has long been indoctrinating its children to believe Palestinians are less than human, and thus not worthy of empathy or compassion. Al-Jazeera
  5. Yeah. I filled taxes for the three years that I worked here - and - when banks where still offering interest rates at around 4%. It all got refunded.
  6. Hate to say it, but 12 year olds in a gang environment make good hit-men hit-boys. This isn't the world I grew up in. It's become violent with extreme violence carried out by younger and younger people. Adults use kids to avoid prison. So yeah. Good idea. And then bust the adults controlling them as well.
  7. It for my dog who has a massive tumor and is probably not going to last too much longer. I'm trying to limit the amount of carprofen due to the side effects and the utterly obscene amount of money vets want for the drug. Like Thai doctors, Thai vets are some of the most callous people I've ever met when it comes to palliative care. So for the time being I'm going to stretch out the carprofen with Gabapentin. At end-stage I'll switch to Gabapentin and Tramadol. I've gone through two vets who are worthless. They botched the diagnosis to begin with. So, I'll do my best to keep him out of pain. You can close this Sheryl (or any other mod). This thread is not about my dog. Just about where to get Gabapentin Thanks!
  8. Thanks kindly. I'll check it out at our local pharmacy or the next time I head in to Lamphun or CM. Thanks again!
  9. Probably better? Check with a cardiologist. ED can be a sign of heart problems. I'm not going to cite that statement as it is easily verified with an internet search.
  10. Eat more salty food at the risk of rising your Systolic BP which is already marginally high. Go see a cardiologist. If you are taking prostate medication for an enlarged prostate it can interfere with you Diastolic BP (yours at 45). This is out of the Healthline article I linked: Try to keep your salt intake to around 1,500–2,300 milligrams per dayTrusted Source , according to the American Heart Association. Read food labels to avoid added salt in your diet. (That's 1.5 to 2.3 grams is about 1/2 teaspoon.) That does not sound like a recommendation to up your salt intake. And buy a BP monitor. One reading is not conclusive of anything. Start taking your BP a few time during the day at set time and keep a record. I had a doctor in the US give me BP med for HBP due to one reading in her office. I was highly athletic. I bought a monitor. My BP average was as low normal as can be. I stopped seeing that doctor. Best of luck.
  11. https://www.healthline.com/health/low-diastolic-blood-pressure#causes-and-treatment
  12. @Sheryl Hey Sheryl. Do you know the Brand names for Gabapentin in Thailand and Thai FDA status, i.e., is it available OTC or only via a hospital. Thanks.
  13. However, the vast majority of Thai Buddhists whom I have met are essentially Buddhist Animists.
  14. Monks don't ask for food. They walk and accept for offered by laity. Spirit Houses are not Buddhism but Animism. So, if you are not a Buddhist or an Animist? Up to you.
  15. I seldom is ever have this issue. Someone cuts in front of me, by Thai is good enough to tell both the cashier and the person cutting line that I'm first. It happened my last visit at Makro. I was in line, someone cut in line, I walked right around them and told them I'm first and the line is behind me. And Thais will do it to other Thais. It's not just you farangs. But overall it doesn't happen very often.
  16. .....which she lost. Honestly. I'd call Haley a Progressive Liberal in Neo-Conservative War-Hawk clothing. She's Hillery Clinton with a "republican" label as opposed to a "democrat" label.
  17. ฿1 Trillion THB land-bridge. ฿500 Billion THB as a "legal" way to get votes by promising to 10K to each Thai. Who knows how much for submarines that a country like Thailand doesn't need except for ASEAN bragging rights. And as long as they have the Central Bank taps cranked wide open, pork-barrel spending on whatever the Thai elites want that will benefit primarily themselves while throwing the table-scraps to the common-folk. Oh well The world's elites are doing the same globally. Up next - A tidal-wave of inflation which will economically impoverish all but the wealthy. So much for happiness to the people.
  18. My first experience in Pattaya was during a ship visit in 1986. It was great! Returned in 2007. Took a bus from BKK to Pattaya. Stayed one night and left. Never been back.
  19. Global economy to grow in 2024, Thai leaders face new challenges Unless it crashes in flames.
  20. Yep. It was "Easy-Breezy" at my local Amphur office. Yellow book too.
  21. You mean the stuff which is on sale up and down Thailand's highways by mobile vendors? I guess they are going to start filling the prisons again. Up next - Cannabis Dispensaries.
  22. You choose to see her. If you don't wish to see elderly doctors, go elsewhere.
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