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Everything posted by connda

  1. I tend to see more fat Thai kids in urban setting than rural settings. McDonalds and 7/11 have yet to make it this far out into the rice fields or nowhereville. The normal village kids, as a whole, are definitely well fed, often taller and fuller built than their parents and grand-parents, but not obese. I find it really sad to to see little porkers who as adolescents are clinically obese. Especially when they are portrayed as "normal" and cute on Thai advertisements. Obese is neither normal, healthy, or cute.
  2. Maybe because they neither are highly effective at stopping the contraction or transmission of the flu and Covid. These viral vaccinations are not "sterilizing vaccines" like smallpox, measles, and polio. I've posted the CDC's reports in other threads on the efficacy of flu vaccines between 2010 and present and the average effacacy is under 50% and can easily be found on the CDC's website under "historical efficacy of flu vaccines." Anecdotally every family member in my nuclear and extended family who took the Covid "vaccines" had a break-through case of Covid. More concerning, my own step-son had heart issues after taking an AZ Covid shot. As employers and government agencies are getting sued in court for mandating the shot - and losing - healthcare workers are declining the shots based on "Informed Consent" Regardless of whether the CDC and NIH say that shots are "safe and effective," healthcare workers are opting for Informed Consent and making up their own minds as to whether to take the shots or not. As it should be. It the mRNA and viral vector shots had long-term testing and were proven to stop transmission (sterilizing vaccine) then I too would be on board for their use.
  3. At an intersection the bike stops on the right side of your car and then cuts right in front of you to get in the left lane instead of stopping in the left lane and proceeding safely. The fools who do this generally pull out at a snails pace. I'm guilty of doing this myself, but he difference is that I can out-accelerate every stopped car, put distance between myself the them, and then drift to the left not cutting off anyone.
  4. The price is already there. Add a few more thousand and get a properly mounted inverter installed.
  5. Does Thailand even have a functioning Consumer's Protection agency?
  6. He's probably better off. if he had had sex, she'd had claimed rape.
  7. What to do when you know too much? Become a ChatGPT tutor?
  8. Yeah. If you are in ICU completely broken racking up a 1,000,000+ and counting hospital bill? It ain't gonna cover your injuries or rehabilitation. So, try your best to never get into an accident in the first place. You gotta be highly vigilant and 100% focused on the road, including 360 degrees around you. It's difficult.
  9. Yep. After your here for a decade or more, you'll simply accept reality. Doesn't mean you have to stop being incensed about it. I still comment on it quite often. But when I'm on the road, whether in a car, on a motorcycle, or crossing the street - I'm completely focused on my surroundings and in 100% defensive mode. Expect the unexpected. What gets you will come for the direction you weren't looking. That's just freaking reality here. "But it's unfair and against the law!!! Errrrrgggghh!" Yep - learn to adapt or suffer the consequences. It does suck. But it is what it is. This ain't the West.
  10. You can b*tch and complain about it until the buffalos come home, but the lesson I learned the first week in Chiang Mai after a near miss: As you cross, keep your eyes on all the traffic, especially behind and in-between the cars where motorcycles are most likely to shoot though, at speed, without stopping. "But they are breaking the law!!! Arrggghhh." But when you get hit by a car, truck, bus, or motorcycle - it's your broken body in the hospital and you'll probably be paying all the bill as half or more will hit and run. The other 40% will plead poverty and no insurance. So? You do what you learned in Kindergarten (or at least my Kindergarten): Look both ways, look again, and keep scanning for anything moving as you cross. It's your butt on the line. "But they are breaking the law!!! Arrggghhh." Whatever!
  11. Of course not. You think this is America? TIT - This is Thailand.
  12. Given your choice of riding styles, you have a high percentage chance of becoming a statistic. I took MC classes in the US and had a few years riding experience on a 750cc before coming to Thailand. I was in three accidents in the first year here. Throw everything you think you know out the window. Because here in The Most Dangerous Roads in the World where 80% of the fatalities are on motorcycles? The Western rules of the road don't exist. I walked away unscathed but I completely changed how I ride. Over the next 14 years I've avoided the situations that got me into trouble that first year. Learn to adapt or die. Literally. You'll learn too if you survive. That's not hyperbole. Keep committing sins on Thai roads? You may be speaking to Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates well before you had planned.
  13. I wish that some US Highway Patrol would become part of the RTP road safety strategy. They might actually lower the death and injury statistics on Thai roads.
  14. Exactly. Paige VanZant says she makes more money in a single day on OnlyFans that she made in her entire, successful MMA career.
  15. Use to back in the day. Dated the daughter of a CEO of a major food corporation and a timber baron in the Northwest. Friends with a number of kids with very well to do parents living in Lakewood, WA on Gravelly and American lakes. A lot of very wealthy people in that area. Been there, done that. My experience was that I never saw or interacted with the fathers except for the the high powered banker of a girlfriend in Lake Oswego OR who was an interesting man. But I found all of their mom's were very down-to-earth people. Now - I could care less. I interact with Thai villagers. I'm good with that near the end of my life.
  16. There is no winning the "War On Drugs." Adopt the Portugal model, or just keep filling the prisons with drug users by calling them traffickers for having some minuscule amount of drugs on them for personal use. Users need medical intervention and retraining - not freaking prison FFS.
  17. Thailand is in the dark ages regarding palliative care. If anyone noticed, Chuwit Kamolvisit just moved to Scotland to die. That is about going to a country where self-administration of morphine at end of life is allowed. Here - well good Buddhist doctors consider that you dying in agony is simply your karma.
  18. So these obviously was a one-off. Hopefully it's a one and done now that they have my facial ID.
  19. I was asked using the the desktop application. The only way to verify was by using the phone which meant the need to install the app. So it's not the Android app creating the situation.
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