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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Sinario wife being arrested " Did you call the police". Husband " Wasn't me darling honestly ". ????
  2. Not bother wrong or not just stating what the police said and she was 24 years old at the time.
  3. Yeah don't know why the 15 year of age was all about really.
  4. Could be so a policeman in our village was suspended because his wife was running a small casino.????
  5. Are you getting into to any debt is the discussion you need to have whether your wife likes it or not.
  6. Yes they did the same here in Sukhothai Big C saying that my account goes to the main BK bk in Sukhothai new city. The sub branch was handy not that busy and easy to get things done like the letter for year extension money proof. I guess because not busy was the reason to shut it down. The main branch is a nightmare.
  7. Nothing to do with consent the police said now that she is 18 there's nothing you can do.
  8. The police won't do anything we tried to get them involved when my adopted daughter took off in her car suddenly one day and went missing over owing money everywhere. They just said she is over 18 she can do what she wants, unless she breaks the law there's nothing we can do.
  9. Gold bought in 2005 is still around my Mrs neck from time to time but she does not ever want to sell it so what's it all about Alfie. ????
  10. Yeah I can get maybe 18 to the litre out of my 900 but it's a lot more fun only getting 10 or 12, to break a record for less to litre is what I like. ????
  11. Not we I dumped and escaped the UK tax prison and heath & safety brigade in 2005. Many disagree with you about Brexit as would my family in UK they knew there would be problems with leaving the mafia.
  12. The first time there in the clouds. The second time going it was good to see to horizon. ????
  13. I have to say it's rare to have back disc brake problems and they don't need looking after to often. Sounds like brake fade to me. A brake fault is only down to a few things. 1. air in the system. 2. faulty brake fluid. 3. low brake fluid. 4. faulty brake pads. 5. lack of use causing lack of pad movement. 6. As said grime build up. 7. Brake fluid cylinder fault. With respect sounds like you use the back brake too much unnecessary.
  14. So will I and will go many couple of days trips so to put pix same you as I have not bothered before. Ride to live. K.
  15. I do stop and take pix and slow down in many places but we like to stop at Ma and Pop places for a break we are in no hurry. My buddy has a Triumph 660 and another buddy who comes sometimes has a Phantom so on those trip we have to stop and wait for him. ???? I'm looking forward to December doing the Mae Hong Song loop again with 3 other riders. We will do a 4 day Nan trip again before then though and maybe 3 or 4 day trips as well, great fun.
  16. Yeah you must be fit, I had a CRF250L and it was comfortable to ride but to do 11 hours would have been too much. These days me and biker buddy ride to enjoy and stop every hour or so and wherever we end up no later than 4 o/c we find a place and chill out. ????
  17. There ya go again "A lawyer told me" . With respect if you don't understand what I'm trying to say when a falangie hits the bucket as I say get a lawyer then. I don't need one.
  18. Fling me it's up to you. E.G. If only money in bank and you want your wife and no-one else to have anything and you provide your wife with access to the account why need a lawyer. If you own a condo a house, truck, cars, motorbikes I would say yes get help from a lawyer to do your Will.
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