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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. NONE if his so called 'Reforms' have happened; not even something as simple as the price of Lottery Tickets !
  2. Thai Drivers don't need anything or anyone to make them have an accident; they are very capable of causing one themselves !
  3. They are well equipped for any Conflict; two Submarines with no Engines and two F35's with no Armaments !
  4. Since 2003 they will have moved most if not all of their Assets Offshore or to other Family Members. Probably won't be long before some or all of them are released on grounds of sickness !
  5. Just more Bull; they can make up as many Laws as they like but nobody will obey them and the so called 'Police' will not enforce them for longer than 24hrs max !
  6. Three on a Bike; two with no Helmets and it's raining.....what could go wrong ? Help or Hindrance? You decide !
  7. I don't believe their figures. People up here in The North are struggling with ever increasing bills for Gas, Electricity and the price of Pork and Chicken has stopped thousands eating anything but very small portions of Meat. On our weekly visits to Supermarkets there are times when they are like Ghost Towns; particularly after the halfway point in the month. The cost of almost all Consumer Goods is up whilst Wages remain static. Rigging Economic Fugures is easy in The Land of Lies.
  8. Just one small problem; Thailand is totally incapable of 'Getting its act Together'. And; never forget the Xenophobia factor !
  9. He has plenty of plundered funds and the 'Powers that Be' here know all about plundered funds; so he will be welcome to stay here as long as he 'invests' here, be it for 90 Days or 90 years, as they will want to extract as much as they can get !
  10. Just another example of Thai's being dragged back to the Dark Ages by Ultra Conservative Knobs !
  11. Of course they were kept onboard so that nobody could tell The World what had happened. People's comfortable lives are not important in Thailand....only FACE !!
  12. Nobody ever seems to teach them 'Speed Kills'; not that they would listen of course , because they are 'so clever' ! RIP the innocent dead.
  13. 'Shaping the Future' in Thailand means keeping the Sheeple dumbed down as much as possible in order that nothing changes at all; the Rich will continue to get richer and the Poor will get poorer, it's happening around us right now and unless the Sheeple get up and fight it will still be the same in 100 years time as Thailand moves further back into the Dark Ages whilst their Neighbours continue to move forward !
  14. What Police ? Must mean those bald fat blokes who sit oin their Jacksy all day Zzzzzzzz; or going out for another round of cold drinks before counting more 'Takings' from the 'Protection Boxes' last night !
  15. Just an excuse for a free lunch and some very good wine at Taxpayers expense !
  16. When as estimated 40% of them are driving without Licences it won't make much difference !
  17. Just one of the dozens of reasons why Thailand is not progressing in The World !
  18. RIP the Innocent Lady. To the thousands of Drunk Drivers on the roads in Thailand this won't mean a thing; as they are arrogant enough to think it will never happen to them because they are 'too clever' to let this happen . Only way to stop it is instant Breath Tests on anyone suspected of DD and if they are positive taking their Vehicle and crushing it. Do that for one month and see the results; but of course, that would mean the so called 'Police' doing their job !
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