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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Well; you watched 18 seconds more than me !
  2. So; it was Chicken all round for dinner in that vacinity that evening !
  3. Every 'Official' in Thailand thinks they are 'Prominent' and therefore have license to rip off whoever they want. Nothing new here; happens every day when such people are 'Legends in their own minds' and nobody ever challenges it for the most part. Indeed; most Thai's seem to applaud such behavior and would like to be 'Prominent' themselves !
  4. The only 'Standards' they have are either double or extremely low !
  5. Am i bovvered ? Nope; what will be will be but when the Childlike Thai Bureaucrats and Generals do anything at all it normally ends up as a complete Buggers Muddle, so let's see where this lot ends up !
  6. 'Committee's', 'Panels', 'Probes' and 'Hubs' are the daily news here. However; implementation of anything worthwhile ia another matter !
  7. A lot in common with Thailand then. Half the Residents on the hustle, lots of Scams, low on Ethics. Used Car Salesmen here are some of the worst Crooks you can meet on a daily basis; yes, it all sounds very familiar to what we are used to here !
  8. Plenty of talk in Northern Villages about the Party being dead in the water at the next election anyway. They want Move Forward in power and Thaksin well or sick isn't going to work with the Public no matter how hard he tries. His day is past and the People know it.
  9. Thai Parents only have themselves to blame; too ready to hand of Cash thinking the recievers will 'favour' their Children. Wife has two Schoolteachers in her Family and they are constantly going home with 'gifts' from Kids Families, many who can't afford to even feed their own Kids properly !
  10. Give me a break; they can't even decide Internal Policy properly !
  11. Haven't met many well educated British people then have you ?
  12. No such thing as 'Craftsmen' in Thailand !
  13. You forgot the smell of the leaking Sewage !
  14. Ah; Fattist Graffiti ! You just want to Bankrupt Mac Donalds and other Fast Food Merchants you Naughty Boy.
  15. Thai's like making things up; just ask TAT !
  16. Personally i've never had a problem buying a Toasted Sandwich in 7/11; but i'm not as rich as him and i carry Cash. I wonder if he has ever heard of that ?
  17. And later as he sits in his Prison Cell he will be telling us that if he was the President this would never have happened !!
  18. And how exactly will this help the dirt poor in the Villages living in squalid conditions on a daily basis ?
  19. My Father worked in Palestine for three years in the 50's and he told us that every Palestinian he met was hell bent on driving all the Jews into the sea and taking back their Country.
  20. And when they question her the answer will be ''I did it all for my Family''....the stock answer from all Thai Women !
  21. Mr DIY have 1/43 Model ones at around 220 Baht each !
  22. 'Falling Prices' ? Weekly shop at Big C yesterday the only thing lower than last week was Pork Mince. Apart from that most items had actually gone up !
  23. RIP those lost and a speedy rceovery to the injured. Not the first time and won't be the last on Thailands crazy roads. I ride daily; mainly on quiet backroads and Country Lanes but have had a few near misses in the last 17 years, normally from Thai's cutting off bends and corners, they seem oblivious to the fact that there maybe someone coming the other way ! As for riding in the dark....forget it !
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