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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. They can't cancel the Sub' orders when certain people have already taken the 'Bungs' !
  2. Been happening here for years; they charge for just about everything, even poor little Somchai who saves his 10 Baht's in a China Pig gets charged to put coins into his Account. You wouldn't mind so much if they gave First Class Service but they are a World away from that.
  3. Looking down you see a Cornacopia of Cracked and Chipped Plates and Dishes; the damaged items filled with dirt and germs and where Plastic Dishes are used they are often old and stained ! Quite often the 'Cutlery' is total junk or should have been replaced months or years earlier. Some of the food is not too bad but the Mrs can do much better than so called 'Hiso' Establishments.
  4. ''Thailand Expects '' ...Now where have i read that before ?
  5. They haven't seen half of what's coming from The North yet; it's on its way now with more to follow !
  6. Shame they don't start Trials of laying decent Road and Pavement Surfaces instead of the rubbish they lay now ! They could also spend money on teaching people to build Homes and Factories properly, on Road Safety TV Adverts instead of the mindless drivel that interupts programs all too often and on actually teaching people to drive properly and pass worthwhile tests ! At least a Hundred other area's to spend money more worthwhile than Military Weapons only ever used to suppress their own people.
  7. Oh Dear; this could lead to another Senior Policeman having to leave the country in fear of his life and taking his Family with him. 'Policemen' are not allowed to be Policemen here unless they are only targetting the poorer Somchai's !
  8. He is supposed to be concerned for people's Health; yet never says a word to promote the use of Helmets when riding on Motorbikes; using Seatbelts in Cars or Drink Driving habits that cause the Death of many. Of course; there is no money in those subjects but promoting the wearing of Masks no doubt brings in revenue !
  9. Most Malaysians I've met over the last 20 years only want to come here to sell something or for chaeper sex than they can get at home . General opinion seems to be that Thailand is a Lunatic Asylum !
  10. It's all Government Workers. All the Banks offer crazy amounts of money to Government Employees. My Wife was a Midwife for 25 years; retired in 2008; no need for any debt as she has plenty of her own money and she has me too but the Banks are constantly offering her huge loans because she has a Government Pension. We have been telling them for years to stop sending her this junk but they still continue as if it just falls on deaf ears. They encourage all these people to be in huge debt when it should be done on an individual basis depending on personal circumstances; it's almost like some sinister Master Plan to keep millions in deep doo doo !
  11. By the time they all get to Court and actually convicted he will be long retired and most likely be Ashes. They and their Families will never be in any danger of losing the spoils either as they will have been spent or moved Off-Shore !
  12. A lot of people still rob Banks in Thailand but mainly it's the Staff doing the robbing of both the Bank and plundering Customer's Accounts ! Apart from the last bit i'm happy if anyone robs them as they are the worst Banks for Customer Service on the entire Planet !
  13. I'm sure the Locals will be forever grateful to this Goon. The same Goon whose job it was to make sure Flood Prevention Measures were in place well before any Flood could occur !
  14. Ah yes; this will be the one that was going to be 'the first' in Asia in 2020 !!
  15. RIP the Lady and her unborn Child. Will the Murderer plese own up as the Police are waiting to do the usual useless 'Reconstruction', from which they will learn nothing !
  16. If you continually build on a Bog; then excreta will come your way.......just ask the people who built Suvarnabumi Airport !
  17. And which 'Officials' do we blame for not ordering the Klongs to be cleaned out properly before the Monsoon Season starts ? Much of the rubbish is well known to be there for many months but nothing happens because sitting in cozy offices; running another business, playing Golf, or out with the Mia Noi take priority over 'work'. Serious Management of just about everything in Thailand is ignored until some disaster happens........and then it's 'nobody's fault' !!
  18. The usual Thai 'sit on the fence' stance. One day someone will come along and shoot them off it; and the sooner the better !
  19. Hard to feel sorry for these people; majority of Thai Drivers appear to be as Dumb as Bricks !
  20. The Powers That Be do not want millions of highly educated people challenging their every move. No; they prefer to keep the Sheeple as dumbed down as possible whilst they go on raping the countrys coffers. Can't see wothwhile change coming in the next several Generations.
  21. Just means being removed from the monthly shareout for a pre-determined spell of time. Wife has Cops in her Family and they all just laugh at this 'Punishment'.
  22. A lot of Thai People take 'Monks' too seriously; especially Women who seem to think that they are some sort of 'Guru' with all healing powers and magical ways of predicting the future...mainly Lottery Numbers ! Truth is they are just normal Men wearing Orange Robes and many are there because of bad behaviour of some sort and believe they will be absolved from all responsibilty, guilt or blame for 'all' wrongdoing. So; excercise for them is similar to exercise for Prisoners in Jail !
  23. When you have Police and Soldiers selling Guns to anyone for the right price there will always be 'A Problem' !
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