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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Normally the only thing that 'Spurs Action' here is Wads of Money !
  2. Yawn; after being here 20 years and seeing this so many times i know this will end up either swept under the carpet entirely or at worst for the offender having to apologise and give numerous wai's to the offended. Thailand never learns; still stuck in a Cultural Black Hole created 500 years ago !
  3. He forgot 3...Most Geezers you meet in Bars were once members of the SAS !
  4. Would you expect anything else from a Nation of Chestbeaters and Flag Wavers !
  5. He needed aTug to help berth a Corvette; i wouldn't let him sail a Duck on my Bath Water !
  6. It's the Manufacturers of Food and Drink that need hammering into line as 'The Public' here are too lazy to deal with waste properly except for the ones that collect and recycle for cash. They go on about getting the Cafe's to do away with Plastic Straws and Markets not using Plastic Bags etc but the easiest answer to this is simply BAN the manufacture of these items. Oh dear; can't do that for upsetting too many Rich Business Men who don't care two hoots for the People or the Environment ! Put all Drinks back in returnable Glass Bottles like we had as Kids and do away with all the Double Packaging on things like Biscuits, Cakes etc. We take Cloth Shopping Bags with us to Market and invite Traders to put the Veggies straight in but they want to put them in Plastic Bags first because nobody from any 'Ministry' ever teaches them how do do anything properly to protect the Environment. Of course; it will never happen because Public Officials here only want to do things that earn them Backhanders !
  7. Banks constantly pushing people away from Cash by removing hundreds af ATM's from all over the place. Banks want to control everyones money at the lowest possible cost to themselves and it's time to fight them in anyway we can.
  8. Seems to me many Thai's live in Outer Space for the most part already !
  9. At School they teach the Kids that Thailand is 'The Greatest Nation On Earth'. If this were truly the case then surely it would be completely self sufficient and wouldn't need Tourists ! Lol.
  10. Same he wasn't pointing in the direction of his own head ! But wait....maybe he was !!
  11. Whilst it sounds covienient i don't trust any Thai Officialdam and always get mine at the Immigration Office before time to fly.
  12. Well; we live in Chiang Mai and have been wearing Masks in Public Places since the Covid Outbreak. Now we are in 'Pollution Season' so all the more reason to use them. In other words; any new regulation is pointless for us personally but it is descriminatory no matter how you look at it, but what do you expect when the whole Country is Xenophobic thanks to years of Government mismanagement regarding people from other Countries. As i remind Immigration Officials on every visit to Offices...'' People from another Country are called 'Foreigners' and people from another Planet are called 'Aliens' '' !
  13. No doubt every Family members Suitcase will be full of 'Unearned Income' !
  14. 2028 ? The 'Feasiblity Studies' wlll still be going on by then as they only started ten years ago !
  15. MONEY is much more important than health in Thailand. The Prime Minister confirmed that with his comments about the disastrous effects of Pollution in The North !
  16. As usual they want it all their own way or they cry foul !
  17. After several years of normal readings; i have two full medicals a year and i'm 78, my LDL went above the safety levels and the Doctor asked me if i wanted a Drug to help or if i wanted to try to correct it myself through diet and exercice. I upped my excercise every day and stopped eating so much processed food laced with too much salt and sugar and six months later i was back in safe numbers. I find it just takes will power and more thinking about what food i eat. I hate Drugs unless there is no other way and the longer i can control life without any the better.
  18. He won't be coming back until May then !
  19. You haven't learned yet then that this is a Country of Flag Waving Chest Beaters who all Wannabee seen to be 'Somebody' instead of the Nobody's they actually are !
  20. Are all Swiss Expats as Arrogant an Belligerent as the latest two we have learned about ?
  21. They think they are so important they shouldn't have to pay. Anyone here who calls themselves a 'Government Official' (Civil Servant to us) thinks they are above all other beings !
  22. What's his 'vision' of the filthy Pollution at this time of year; or is it (or he) so thick that he can't see his way through it ?
  23. Easy to solve; scrap the whole idea and spend the money trying to make ordinary Folks lives better instead of buying Chinese Junk to make a few Admirals happy !
  24. 250,000 Cars seized last year and how many Homes ? Thailand has a mega debt problem owing to the Banks and other Lending Institutions dishing out Loans to people who would never have the slightest hope of getting a Loan in the majority of Countries !
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