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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Try telling the Local Community in the Villages around us how well things are going and they would likely be soon hanging from the nearest Tree !
  2. Whatever he did he will get away with it; just like all his untouchable Mates, some who get their Watches from Dead Friends !
  3. Ah yes; just what the Army and the Meg Rich want. They have no desire to change things for the better as they are very happy plundering the Coffers whilst dragging the people back 200 years !
  4. Just lately it looks like they are getting real with bad Policemen. Long may it last !
  5. Yes; ad there many Bone Idle Soldiers as well that would rather be doing nothing as they are already doing !
  6. Presume you work for the Thai Government then ? It is their stock answer every year !
  7. Come back or not come back won't change the Political Climate much in Thailand. EVERYTHING here is about money and who can plunder the majority of it. The Country needs a Zi like figure to appear who would clear out the Gargantuan Corruption from every Government Department including Police and Military and Execute all the 'leading lights' of said Departments, even Women, as many in high positions are just as greedy as the Men. Sheer Fear of Death is the only thing that will stop the plunder and actually make people think twice about having sticky fingers. If all the plundered money were used in the proper way it would relieve many millions from Poverty in Thailand and the Country might actually start moving forward instead of constantly marking time for the benefit of the relatively few in number !
  8. Next time you pull up at Traffic Lights next to one of these Buses take a look around the Tyres. You will quite often see bald ones or almost bald and Tyres of several different makes. Mind you; same goes for all the Trucks and Trailers as well. 'Maintenance' is a dirty word here !
  9. The Terminal 21 Shooter was not killed by Police; he shot himself after making Mincemeat of the 'Attacking Force' !
  10. Only targeted because they weren't Thai and won't play the game with handouts to Corrupt Cops !
  11. From my observations here Police drivers are no better than the average Somchai ! RIP those lost.
  12. Big Joke is rightfully going for the throat at Immigration as he was deliberately dumped on in the past when trying to do a decent job of getting many of these Corrupt and Lazy Officers out of the Service or actually 'working' for a living. They thought they had got rid of him for good but he is having the last laugh !
  13. 'High Speed' ? With 12 Station stops it will never be High Speed but they don't even begin to understand the concept. Anyway; Yingluck already bought the Lunchboxes but i wonder where thay all ended up ?
  14. No worries; he will just transfer the Business to a Relative or Friend, even 'dead friends' are used as excuses for wrongdoing here !
  15. Amazing how Thai's can be 'Masterminds' when it comes anything Illegal but are dumb as bricks when it comes to actually 'working' and doing a decent job for a decent days pay !
  16. RIP those lost. Never known a Country where so many people fall asleep at the wheel !
  17. Seem to recall this Geezer was caught with a Brown Envelope full of cash on his desk and was seen counting it. Is any other evidence needed ?
  18. No worries; any bad news will be 'rectifed' by the Thai's and before you know it everything will be 'booming' !
  19. So; the 'Crackdown' started on Thursday and finished on Friday. Sounds about normal for Crackdowns here !
  20. Easy answer would be crush all the siezed Bikes that the Rental Companies hired out to Unlicensed Riders; that would stop it happening again pretty quickly. However; this is Thailand, where a Brown Envelope fixes everything !
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