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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. Russians and Chinese according to Thai's; as they are buying up all the empty Condo's !
  2. What i would do is what i did many moons ago; get a Yellow House Book. Not Rocket Science and you will never need another COR for your entire life in Thailand !
  3. Been here 20 years and i think the Locals are great; we show each other respect and get on with our lives. I find the most ignorant people i meet here are other Farangs !
  4. Laughable; they just spout the same stuff every week 'in case' it may happen !
  5. Funny; i thought it was still in the 19th Century !
  6. I wonder what happens to all that Booze i see them buying almost every week in Big C then ?
  7. New and Used Cars in Thailand are way overpriced and always have been. This article seems to point to Rich people who can afford a Mercedes needing credit to buy one; doesn't make too much sense to me.
  8. And how many Thai Companies are going to pay Western pay rates for these 'Skills' ?
  9. And of course the Rich will continue to get away with everything as they always do. They just need one sentence...''Do you know who i am ? '' !
  10. This years refunds were defo slower than usual; Mrs usually gets hers in one week and mine in one month. This year Mrs got hers in two weeks and i got mine in two months !
  11. Took me one day in Hnag Dong Amphur; no problems at all but that was about 17 years ago, so who knows what would happen now ?
  12. I was recently talking to a Lady Thai Maths Teacher who will retire later this year. When she told me she was a Maths Teacher i said 'Well; i don't mean to insult you perrsonally but after living here for almost 20 years i have yet to meet a Young person who can count lore than the fingers on both hands without the use of a Calculator or Electronic Device ! ' She replied'; ' Well, Thai Kids are generally very lazy and it is not easy to teach them anything that they are not interested in , so we leave it to the Parents to organise additional private lessons if they are worried their Children are not learning enough at School '. Not much hope for the future then !
  13. Only 16; falls well behind Trump then but probably not sent any Hush Money, so the numbers keep stacking up ! Perhaps in Court he will convince everyone it.... 'Was just an Illusion' .
  14. Sadl i know several Thai's that have failed the Test; so they just don't bother taking it again !
  15. Same here with 60 years of driving all around The World !
  16. My deceased Father-in-Law killed a Man by stabbing him in the same circumstances 40 odd years ago. He did 5 years of a 10 year Jail sentence and always said he couldn't remember doing it and therefore wasn' sorry about it at all, even though the Victim had a Wife and young Kids !
  17. And he will travel with a Plane loaded with a massive Entourage; all on board for a free holiday. Same thing happens with every Goverment Thailand has !
  18. Probably doessn't have a Fire Extinguisher in the house either or wear Seat Belts in her Benz; all normal behaviour for Rich Thai's !
  19. Thai's can't count more than the fingers they have but they know how to steal money faster than they need to count it !
  20. Back when Thai were good, 25 years ago and more, they were very good. Britsh Airways haven't been any good since the days of a Fleet of Brtannia's !
  21. They lost the plot when they seperated with Scandinavian Airways; been very mediocre since then at best, mainly owing to very poor Thai Management. Gave up flying with them many years ago and would never go back !
  22. Those Polled were most likely Family and Friends of Thai Politicians !
  23. Good plan if that's what you wanted because as long as you spend 6 months of the year in Blighty you are entitled to a full Pension.
  24. Didn't read the small print then did they or do enough homework !
  25. I paid in huge amounts of NI for the full 50 years of my working life but will never get a rise in Pension living here ! However; i knew that before coming here and prepared myself financially. Those that don't do so are just poor Managers of money and should live where they can get the increases, simple is it not ?
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