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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. The excerpts they chose to select amid their overall (approved by whom?) editing were unedited, LOL. Those were bad enough.🙂 Stoner wins, as noted.
  2. Sometimes. Other times, Lazada may be marginally more expensive, but you may get faster shipping and a local vendor to beat on if you have a problem w/ the item. Aliexpress has a much wider variety of specialty items, reflecting a more international market. I like both companies. Don't usually use Shopee, as I'm set up well in Lazada, and Lazada sends out notices, but I found a good used graphics card there a couple weeks ago that Lazada didn't have. Chatted w/ vendor, good rep & reviews. Ordered, working great, quite impressed. Willing to try Temu if there's occasion.
  3. In most cases they are only looking for official form of ID w/ address, not visa, so that's how it works. I used my pink card to check in at a hotel in BKK just two weeks ago.
  4. Stoner wins handily. Interview sit-down was an hour long, CNN edited it down to 18 min (so far) and won't release the full transcript. Another question is who needed to "approve" the editing.
  5. I check into hotels and do other stuff w/ my pink card. Some claim to use their Thai DLs.
  6. Good 'nuff. Take a photo of the mailing envelope to Immigration and keep your receipt from the PO.
  7. Just nothing like a stroke or a heart attack-induced oxygen deprivation to guarantee instant cognitive decline. No doubt many of our members have observed, or experienced, that phenomenon.
  8. That dept did pretty good business back in the day.
  9. With no evidence of ever having done so. Irrelevant, however, as the time of reference is the present day, as you well know. So let's see a recent shipping confirmation from Amazon of anything you ordered that was supposedly "delivered to your door." I've led the way, and so you now know what one looks like. You should have several still sitting in your inbox. You've also had nearly two weeks to order something after the big announcement. I suspect you haven't ordered anything and probably never will.
  10. Mere personal attack to deflect from the point. Note you didn't deny my point about JIB. And you have no Amazon shipping confirmation to show you've ever bought anything from Amazon, let alone a computer part. Here, I'll go first: Now you.😁
  11. Haven't you seen the vids of Harris obviously drunk? You could practice your Body Language expertise. Try to keep up.
  12. Did you read the indictment?
  13. True. These leftists don't believe a lot of the nonsense they spew, just trolling and arguing for the sake of argument. Wouldn't be surprised if one or two are paid shills. I'm sure we have a couple in other forums.
  14. Drinking wine and giggling, mostly.
  15. Read the indictment. WOT?
  16. Like your own? ANF Poster Body Language Experts🤣, our latest category of authoritative Expertise, joining the Economists, Thai Shopping Mall Experts, Condo Glutters, Road Tunnel Construction Engineers, Cable Burying Experts, etc. etc. You've done us a service via the Poster Inverse Indicator Principle, verifying what Trump is NOT. 🙂
  17. Debunked the nonsense, didn't find any evidence to indict. What you want is an indictment that Trump would have to win in court to be cleared. Ridiculous. Arguing that there's evidence anyway, without giving it, merely commits Russell's Teapot fallacy. It's a fantasy you NEED to believe is real.
  18. No. The Russian Collusion hoax formulated by Hillary and the Dems you cling to was thoroughly investigated by Muller and Durham and debunked. The nonsense impeachments failed. Try to keep up.
  19. You wish. Trump didn't depend on Truth Social before and he doesn't now. Merely leftist hyperbole and an irrelevant distraction.
  20. Currently it's the mics, Harris' cheat sheets, and Harris' need to sit down. Previously Trump would have preferred open mics, an audience, and Fox News. Only way he could get Biden outta the basement was to agree to his terms. Trump seems to have found that muted mics actually works to his advantage, so he's not making it an issue himself. Nonsense. Trump can listen to advisors sometimes and let them do their jobs. Otherwise, our leftists would accuse him of being a dictator.🤣 Duh.
  21. Democratic Party first.
  22. A revision of the old indictment that will need new litigation, and the case won't be resolved before the election. Nobody's much concerned about that. Truth Social was an alternative to Twitter when Twitter was controlled by leftist operatives. Since Musk, TS doesn't fulfill any compelling need, and the share price reflects that realization.
  23. You can't have it both ways. But Trump definitely helped determine the Republican Party platform, and parts of it look written by him. And who's heading up the RNC now? 🙂 He dominates the party, obviously, so Dems will love to accuse Repubs of "obeying Trump." Harris is merely a headless puppet like Biden, strings pulled by DNC campaign operatives. The only issue under discussion now is about the open mics. Trump seems flexible on the issue, however.
  24. Harris just does what the DNC tells her. The DNC never refused the debate on the old terms, so neither did Kamala. They merely floated the idea of changes. Trump says that attempt has been abandoned. Otherwise, he'd still be objecting. DNC will probably not confirm publicly, but it doesn't need to, as it never officially changed the original terms for the Biden debate.
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