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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. But, truth to tell, you bought all those new computer parts from JIB and then let JIB put them together and deliver the finished computer, didn't you? We'd need a shipping confirmation from Amazon to prove you bought anything from Amazon. Your post is merely dreaming about buying something from Amazon if it weren't for customs & shipping costs. That said, there's little need for Amazon in Thailand nowadays. True, Amazon has stuff you can't find here but might like to have, and have w/o import tax added. But then you realize that you don't really need it and can find acceptable substitutes. Moreover, returns and support could be an issue w/ Amazon you don't have locally. Nowadays, Lazada, Shopee, Aliexpress, and Temu, not to mention the big retail outlets, can provide all that's needed except specialty gear. Though some of our old members have problems with them, as with Immigration and god knows what else, I never do. Returns have been painless and refunds issued.
  2. Yes, but Biden's lying low and has little time left in office. Now it's "she" justfies, blah blah.
  3. Merely ineffectual little swats, always missing the mark. The point for our leftists is to deflect as usual to personal attack and ignore the real news that Kamala caved and the debate's on, with the same rules. The beloved narrative over 20 pages--poof!😁
  4. Just tellin' like it is in his own inimitable, endearing style. Gon' have to suck it up, I guess.
  5. If it works in safe mode, as the OP affirms, it'll work with Linux.
  6. I quoted, so you can feel safe. Trump himself says the debate's on, same rules. Kamala caved. 🙂
  7. Kamala caved, and the debate's on, same rules, according to Trump himself. We can close the topic now. I have reached an agreement with the Radical Left Democrats for a Debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. It will be Broadcast Live on ABC FAKE NEWS, by far the nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business, on Tuesday, September 10th, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone except, perhaps, Crooked Joe Biden. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113035417108806850
  8. Trump is appreciative of the support. RFK Jr. came around.
  9. Oh, but Dowd is the smart lady, and you've supported her w/ the dictionary, or rather pretended to. I'm following the highly respected, authoritative, leftist propaganda writer at the NYT on this one. And other Dems who aren't wearing the blinders on this one.
  10. You'll need to inform your comrade, then.
  11. But news to you. She's smarter than either of us, which should carry great weight with you, no? You can find it in the Times if you wish. She's not the only Dem calling it a coup, BTW.
  12. Yah, yah. Dems are always pretending to high intelligence in the absence of evidence-based, logical argument and believe their word suffices. 🙂 Trump won the election over Hillary, who's a lot smarter than Harris. 'Nuff said. No. It's Harris who wants notes to tell her the answers and is trying to change the rules that were already set and previously agreed to.
  13. Why don't you email a prominent Dem consigliere and ask her? NY Times’ Maureen Dowd likens Democratic ‘coup’ against Biden to plot against Julius Caesar: ‘Et tu, Nancy?’
  14. Biggest reason she won't even do interviews now with the sycophantic media. She's afraid she might cackle. Workin' hard to keep it under control. She probably won't cackle at the debate while she's being shredded.
  15. But I suggested you merely consult your fellow "lads" here. With Indians, you probably won't have a choice, as they share your own attitude. My apologies on that point. I went back and read theblether's post and see that he was accusing others of such. Spoiled the fun. 🙂
  16. Yeah, that was great and enabled the coup. Let's see if Kamala can do better--or worse. 🙂
  17. Who makes such childish, irrelevant arguments in 2024? A brainwashed Dem, I guess.
  18. Very impressive. Then she shouldn't need "notes" to tell her what to say. Duh.
  19. You may start your own there.
  20. Indirectly you were responding to the OP, as theblether was merely following up on the topic set by the OP. Have you smelled many Indians lately? Their scent is rather infamous among most of our other Brits on the forum and used for bashing purposes. Talk to the other "lads." So my assumption appears correct that you're merely projecting your own antiquated drivel.
  21. No. The OP quickly made it clear that he's really talking about perfumes/colognes. Are you Indian? I guess that works for you then. Not sure what you mean by antiquated drivel. Probably just a projection, as you'll figure out from reading posts from younger people on https://reddit.com/r/fragrance/
  22. Our renters have always been strict followers of the Little Miss Muffet Principle of Thai residency. Condo owners are forever desperate to sell and heading for the exits. (Gotta love forum rhetoric.) A motorcycle shop could easily open in the condo next door to yours. The OP should expect to heed this sage advice or else. But we've had a couple of knowledgeable owners dare answer, with good advice. Search the forum for more of that, if you're serious. As said, if you're not a sophisticated real estate investor here, then only buy as a primary residence long-term, and that AFTER due diligence. If you know what you're doing, you can make good money. I think we have only one member here who's done really well. Shrewd buying in favored locations (people tend to like sea views), higher end condos, and adding value (work!) were keys.
  23. No. Russians, too. Chinese, but Chinese are everywhere. Ni hao! (你好)
  24. Critical omissions: bashing; blather about footy.
  25. The suits have built-in retractable massagers. No worries there.
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