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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. That's for the mentally retarded Forest Gump look characteristic of most farang resident in Isaan.
  2. Thailand's become the go-to country for the Brit criminal class, well-known in the council estates. Cheap beer & pussy, nice weather, known for lax law enforcement. Good last holiday fling if nothing else. Forum Brits have duly stepped up to defend one of the "lads" with whataboutism and questioning the severity of his sentence back in the Islamic Republic of the UK.
  3. Pattaya tourism isn't "low," year-on-year, but is doing quite well, recovering nicely from the COVID disaster. Most tourists spend no money on prostitutes. They do spend a lot on hotels, restos, and shopping in the malls.
  4. ALL isn't required to validate the point you were trying to refute.
  5. It's quite difficult to be friends with a leftist nowadays unless you're also a leftist. They're too dogmatic, smug, and deeply emotionally invested in their self-assumed intellectual superiority and high moral virtue. Any suggestion that you may dare (cough) disagree will result in name-calling and cancellation. I have one leftist friend left, but it's necessary that we totally avoid any political topics. Leftism is a religion.
  6. LOL. I can SO back up my totally accurate assertions and have wasted time doing so in the past. Your first obstacle will be that there's no backup from MSNBC, CNN, the ladies of The View, and the rest of fake news that you consider valid "sources." Hence, as is typical, you'll refuse to read any facts.🙂 If you had, then you wouldn't be posting from The Upside Down where you don't know what a woman is. Your posts claiming "dillusion" were a laugh, thank you.
  7. Yes, you did. You claimed my post is "dillusional."
  8. But who cares? I merely replied in kind to a diversionary post with no facts. All these issues have been argued ad nauseam previously, with facts, in other threads. Leftists will simply ignore any facts contrary to their brainwashing. Pop one balloon, they'll just blow up another. Eventually, they'll just repeat what's already been refuted. No point in wasting time.
  9. Your post calling my post "dillusional" [sic] is delusional with little to nothing based in facts.
  10. DNC propaganda echoed in the fake news. They weren't fake but contingent, under the law. Hardly unheard of. A nothing burger used for DNC propaganda. Appointed constitutionalists to interpret the law as written, not legislate from the bench. Dems, starting w/ Roosevelt, do wish to stack the Court and are threatening justices and considering other measures to make if a rubber stamp of the DNC. They have appointed a couple of unqualified DEI judges too stupid to be on the court, as Laurence Tribe said of Sotomayor from the beginning, Predictably, they're ouputting nonsense for the Dem base to lap up. Yep, Biden and Dems have been quite busy doing that. Hunter Biden laptop good example, keeping knowledge away from the 2020 voters. Leftists will call it retribution but actually he'll try harder to get rid of leftist political operatives throughout the Deep State. He was too nice last time; needs to take the gloves off, now that he's experienced the results. However, their resistance may prevent much progress on that. That's what free speech means. Dems use it extensively, including Schumer threatening the Justices. It's spot on, but you'll consider it deluded, of course, as you must. I'd be worried if you agreed with it. 🙂
  11. Subtle irresistible condescension from the NYT, the point being to convert Trump voters to Democrats in the pursuit of the Socialist Uniparty and blind them to how much worse they are under Biden. Dems talk empathy while simultaneously demonizing. Forgot the entire Clinton statement demonizing 35 million of her fellow Americans: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” Similarly Biden talks unity but then always pivots to attacking his political opponents: Divider in chief? Biden continues repeated attacks against political opponents while calling for unity The division really started with Obama; he was the end of the happy warrior Democrats who could be reasoned with. Dems have continued using division as political strategy ever since. Now it has to be total warfare against leftist thuggery. Trump is in a way something of a reaction against that Dem legacy, fighting fire with fire, so to speak. If they really want unity, then respect the Constitution, the separation of powers, equality (not "equity") under the law, free speech, religious freedom, and stop demonizing Trump and become Republicans. Sorted! 🙂
  12. You can enjoy that same retro experience after you send your gf/wife to a course at a beauty school or shop.
  13. Pixels are available. Pixel 9 XL is just one of @GammaGlobulin's usual trolling fantasies, he'd never buy one of those and knows it. Should just buy a used Android for B5000 and call it a day. Three years ago, I bought a used Pixel 3a on Shopee. WOT??? Android 12, good 'nuff. Been great, takes good pics, like the size, all I need. With an armored case & tempered glass, it's a tank. Been treated like a tank, too. I mainly use a PC or laptop for anything online, phones aren't important to me. I have an old Huawei tablet for reading e-books in waiting rooms.
  14. Need a "Big Bums" barbershop for the Brits. In her case, possibly exactly the same.
  15. You don't have a clue. Your post is quite foolish. Go to lunch or dinner w/ Thais a few times and observe how it's done.
  16. I really don't want any drama at check-in, so I just follow published policy. Works.
  17. Oh, the leftist hypocrisy. You don’t get to insist Donald Trump’s private peccadilloes are a criminal matter while being silent about the corrupt relationships of Kamala Harris, the Clintons, and so many others. . . . After the current DA passed over Kamala Harris, a woman who failed the bar exam and is not exactly known for her mastery of the law, Brown was instrumental in alienating the existing DA, and was personally involved in raising money and running Harris’ successful campaign to get elected district attorney. Once in office, Harris let a number of Willie Brown’s friends off the hook when they were facing serious charges — including an egregious case where she let a city contractor and Willie Brown donor skate after endangering people’s lives after defrauding taxpayers by using cheaper, structurally unsound recycled concrete to build bridges and other important structures. --If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game For The Election, So Is Kamala Harris’
  18. The KLM website surely gives the size limitations of checked luggage. Go look it up.
  19. Smaller size usually means excitable premature ejaculation, hence many more condoms. Most of our posters here, however, require XXL and occasionally worry about possible shortages in Thailand.
  20. The Thai economy isn't "souring," a forum myth that's been repeated for decades. And there's no hard evidence it's "getting worse." The OP incident had nothing to with the economy, LOL. Usual xenophobic paranoid fantasy. Small business owners in Pattaya are notorious for poor-mouthing. Our ANF Barstool Pollsters talk to a few every high & low season, then pronounce the current season "the lowest ever" in the Perpetual Pattaya Death Spiral. Another bigoted fantasy.
  21. Much better visuals. However, our shrewdest members have avowed NEVER to buy those vastly overpriced genuine goods sold at malls, esp. when Thai markets sell cheap fakes. But they do pass through on occasion for the cheap food sold in food courts.
  22. Cultural preservation, good on 'em for making the UK's last stand.
  23. Of course you'd think that. Dana. Nor would I rely on google. CNN could release the entire transcript of ALL the interview to verify. Why not?
  24. Yep, our old buzzards have quickly swooped in as usual to enjoy a latest poop party on the Pattaya sign improvement. It's important: self-validation, forum cred, and just having a bash.
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