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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. All conversations are public.🤣 Perhaps your simple little keyboard solution isn't worth discussing anyway. WOT??? That is a little fantasy that you simply MUST have in order to live. The open border debacle mostly serves interests crucial to Democrats. Of course they can, with a guest worker program. Nor do they need Biden's 22 million. Eric Adams can tell you that. But you're just going to ignore your popped balloons and bicker forever until the subtopic gets removed, or at least your posts, following the established template passed down over the decades from our champion bickerers. It's just SO important to you believe in your naive, uneducated solution, and the supporting naivete, pecked out on your trusty keyboard, I'll not laugh at it further. You may make your last authoritative pronouncement in comfort.
  2. But, you see, one doesn't promote legislation that won't work or won't get passed. No, your little facile solution pecked out on your keyboard isn't getting a mention. Actually the candidates are in campaign mode so they're not getting into the weeds of implementation. Kamala hasn't found the weed patch yet. You've been given the real reason. Securing the border and deporting illegals is definitely a big part of oft-repeated policy, however. All the "benefits" are largely leftist propaganda you've swallowed. The real benefit sought is more Democratic voters and expansion of the welfare state.
  3. Little facile solutions, as we're famous for pecking out on our keyboards, aren't going to be workable. "Proposing" is one thing; getting the needed legislation passed and overcoming the legal noise is quite another.
  4. You knew nothing to recollect. Legislation passed and a raft of challenges overcome. The Rwanda plan was ready to implement. Raids were launched. Then, the idiots voted in Labour. End of story. Now, they're having fun time. 🙂
  5. I don't recall. Something was being done in the UK until the election. May be buyer's remorse now. We'll see after Trump's elected. The Republican Platform includes the idea. Vance is strongly on board. The voters seem fed up with the immigration problem and illegals. Much depends on whether both Houses go red or not. Dems will block if they possibly can, and the low information admirers of performative phony virtue signaling and socialist fantasies will still vote for them. Big idiot Masie Hirono won her primary the other day.
  6. Sigh. No, you can download and install a legal copy of Windows directly from M'soft without any paid license. See, you're "authorized": https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 And you can just go ahead and use it. You get a nag watermark; you can't personaize it. "Helps," but isn't required. If your copy is genuine, as it definitely is when downloaded directly from M'soft, then the M'soft Software License Terms allow you to use it without the "help."
  7. No, usual fearmongering. Let's hope the abomination comes true. UK should follow suit. Let's be sure we don't. Stealth way to legalize all the illegals that are here, bring in more, and turn them into Dem voters.
  8. Like Dems? Evidence? Left-Wing Influencer Ridicules Size of Trump Rally, Then Deletes Tweet After Learning It Was a Harris Rally
  9. Slow loading, but works.
  10. Why are you not sure?
  11. Did you call and ask? http://www.lekhotel.com/
  12. But the OP's Win 10 wouldn't update to an activated version of Win 11. Therefore . . . .
  13. Traditionally, our ANF Life Coaches have defined exercise and dieting as the stress to be avoided. Posters in this thread seem pretty sensible, however.
  14. No, you purposely refuse to understand the point after these 36 pages, and you always will. That ain't the point. By your same illogic. Vance enlisted for four years, and he served his entire enlistment term. His term was known, factored in, and his duties covered.
  15. It's only common sense to avoid putting oneself in danger needlessly, when one can just cut and run. True. The men he abandoned disagree, as you would have if you'd been serving under him. Sitting at a keyboard spewing out campaign talking points is quite another matter. But you've fallen into another of your bickering loops. I suspect you're going to need help finding the EXIT statement, based on past experience.
  16. It was very carefully and conveniently planned, yes.😁
  17. Your hope will never die. Recall that comforting thought in times of trouble.
  18. Suddenly, after finding out about the coming deployment. Good excuse. Laughable. Now, watching downtown Minneapolis businesses looted and burned was certainly minding his own business, no? Their problem, not his.
  19. Nothing to have stopped him if he had wished. Can't campaign in uniform, however. His National Guard wasn't a full-time job, plenty of time.
  20. Hold that thought.
  21. Yes, it is, as nothing suggests that possibility in the available evidence. So you're merely conflating that incident with others that supposedly occurred. Spurious claims to Authority, not to say misunderstanding and lying, are legion around here. Are you really so daft as to believe I'd take your word for anything? If you've got any real evidence, let's see it. The Pattaya Mail and the forum have been around for decades, so should be plenty of reporting. Otherwise, you got nothing, and, by an irrelevant speculation on this case about what could have happened (but didn't), have lost credibility on the topic. But you're of course to believe whatever you wish, even though no one else, or perhaps a few bashers, agrees with you. 🙂
  22. You are, and not for the first time. He could run and his wife or whoever could campaign for him. He could not campaign in uniform. If elected, he'd evidently have to resign from the military to serve in office. That said, "Ohio Congressman Brad Wenstrup, was deployed. He was a doctor before deploying, and that's what he did during his deployment. He pretty much had staffers run things for him." A precedent for you: https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Senator_Killed_In_Battle.htm#:~:text=He was also the only,close friend of Abraham Lincoln
  23. Oh, remembering much better times when he was prez, I suppose. Biden/Kamala have brought us "an insecure national border, inflationary deficit spending, unaddressed homelessness, anti-Israel pandering and the funding of an intractable, existentially dangerous proxy war against Russia." That's for starters. He's obligated to follow the Republican Party platform, which promises to solve those problems, at least. Of course, they're just politician's promises, but those sound better than more of the same from Kamala 2.0 and that buffoon she's picked up as VP.
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