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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. No. Then give references to studies that say creatine supplementation is NOT useful for seniors in particular. Necessary isn't the issue. Think.
  2. Never underestimate the placebo effect.
  3. Right, your claim to forum cred will have to be based merely on the usual cynicism. Always plays well here.
  4. 75, 2 weeks from now. Time flies, trying to stay above ground!
  5. Yup, that's EXACTLY what they do and say. Overpriced paracetamol + anti-inflammatory a must. They don't know sports medicine, and they're not accustomed to dealing with seniors who exercise. Been there, done that. Once I figured I had tennis elbow and I talked to the ortho at THE private hospital in Pattaya. He said, "You have tennis elbow," and told me to rest and take pills. I fixed it on my own w/ stretching and particular exercise, done regularly. Thank you, Dr. Youtube. Now the problem is that doing nothing may (or may not) make the pain go away, but soon as you do your exercise again, it will start back up. So it's necessary to be proactive and find some potential stretching & strengthening exercises from the gurus on youtube. I've had great success that way, but it takes time, like a month, to see good results--if you get good results. In case of a serious show-stopper, it seems only the best at Bumrungrad can come up w/ a good diagnosis and treatment that might work. So my idea is to get the initial X-rays and MRI at a public hsp then bring them to the Big Guns. If the problem isn't that structural (requiring surgery) chances are that therapy will fix it IF you find the right therapy--and you have the discipline to stick to the routine. Tough to keep it up for hoped-for results weeks later . . . .
  6. The key word you missed was contribute. It doesn't say that's how much they spend. And so the total spending (total) isn't ONLY what they spend. The total comprises all that generated through direct, indirect, and induced revenue.
  7. But our Economists judge reliability according to how negative the stats are, 'cause we like negativity. If numbers and revenue have declined, our Economists wholeheartedly agree. That's cause we've been mistreated so badly by the Thai authorities, and Thailand has so many repulsive characteristics, how can can tourism and the economy be growing? It's impossible. And we want justice. If they're quite good, as with the 40 million in 2019, then we sneer and proclaim how wrong they are, but without ever providing any figures of our own. On the other hand, in 2020 when COVID decimated the tourist numbers, our Economists suddenly reversed themselves to accept the 40 million in 2019 as now accurate after all. That was to increase the dramatic horror of the new low numbers and enjoy exaggerating their significance by contrast as much as possible. It basically depends on what our Economists will think most enhances their forum cred as wise, shrewd and cynical.
  8. If you're ignorant about the economics of tourism, then that would be a mystery, of course. 🙂 You can educate yourself by reading up on the tourism multiplier effect. Here's a little morsel: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-multiplier-effects-of-tourism-as-to-income-generated
  9. Our ANF Economists always grab their calculators to make this childlike division to come up with the usual laughable mathematically conclusive proof that TAT tells porkies. Somehow, the subject of tourism revenue wasn't covered in their studies at the LSE or readings in the Bodleian. generate. All these TAT articles, despite the occasion slipshod journalism (journalists can be just as ignorant) are talking about revenue generated, not average spend per tourist. Very different, a much larger and meaningful figure reflecting the tourism multiplier effect that you've never heard of and don't know about.
  10. The bike instead of running is well-advised. Made the same change myself and am going to get rid of my old treadmill. Some walking is still good and needed, however. I do a fast walk of about 20 min a few times a week on the beach and then walk up a mere 5 flights of stairs on the way back in. About a month ago I started using the side stepper machine at the gym for 10 min sessions. Doesn't stress the knees, and it's great for helping your balance. Lazada has home versions: https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/side-stepper/?q=side stepper&catalog_redirect_tag=true Danger is that pain or debilitation may stop the exercising. So I hope your working to resolve it helps enough. Doesn't have to be 100%, just manageable and not getting worse. (Consulting orthopedist recommended, of course.) I might also suggest knee supports during exercise that stress the knee, like this: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-aolikes-i314588943.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-aolikes-i314588943.html I wear the straps during my interval sessions on the bike and I find them helpful. Keep the kneecaps from wandering around and getting into positions they don't like.
  11. Been a couple of months now. Is this difficult, George?
  12. Blogger may or may not allow you to add CSS styles to an external .css file. Probably not, so I had in mind adding it inline w/ the editor in source mode. You'd need the <style> tag; read about that here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_css.asp As an aside, in the good old days of ThaiVisa, before all the downgrades, the posting editor had a useful source mode. It's still possible to apply your own custom styles to a page, for personal viewing, via a browser extension. I created a few of those for myself to correct some of the font and spacing downgrades, and hide sections in the sidebar wasting space.
  13. Money spent in Thailand rather than spent in China, Malaysia, Russia, South Korea, and India means extra revenue for Thailand.
  14. Suggest Poliquin Step-Up: And isometric leg extensions: Don't need a machine, you can improvise at home. I do one long hold twice a week and find it beneficial. Same, with bodyweight: https://www.backpacker.com/video/leg-extensions/
  15. Exactly. A welcoming country where he can freely indulge in road rage and kick respectable young ladies in the back in the dark as he and wife curse her out. Man'll be in hog heaven. What other kinds of bullying of the inferior locals can he enjoy? Hee.
  16. As explained a number of times, two different branches of gov't involved. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court via a trial. "Undesirable" is up to Immigration's discretion.
  17. Or maybe you are. We done? You'll bicker and repeat endlessly.
  18. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27108652/css-how-do-i-show-page-breaks-on-screen
  19. He informed Fehr the appeal will be denied and he should go home. He commented that the investigation should go forward w/o bribes or influence, not about Fehr's guilt or innocence. So the court understands it's to apply the law as it sees fit, doesn't matter long as it's objective. And I do believe it really doesn't matter to Anutin. No matter the verdict, Fehr's leaving, good riddance. If he doesn't get time, he leaves even sooner.
  20. BigStar


    But your neck of the woods isn't the location referenced in your OP and thus the object of your knickers, or diapers, soiling. What Chinese in your neck of the woods were expecting to go around soaking people for 3 weeks--in your fantasy, as only one is known to have started early? TAT's successful brainwave applies to the entire country, in particular places in the country as listed here: https://www.tatnews.org/2024/03/celebrating-unesco-listed-songkran-in-thailand-and-other-festivals-throughout-april-2024/ Since it seems this year's extended Songkran was successful throughout the country generally, in the areas listed here: https://www.tatnews.org/2024/03/celebrating-unesco-listed-songkran-in-thailand-and-other-festivals-throughout-april-2024/ so I informed you--for the sake of your knickers--that they're just going to follow the same brainwave next year, which, as it turns out, has nothing to do with you anyway, LOL. Just needed a little attention, I guess. All clear now?
  21. You read a lot of personal experiences and opinions about taurine on Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/Supplements/search?q=taurine&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all I'm not in the least opposed to the taurine idea and take a few supplements myself. I can afford to waste the money.😉 I'd first optimize the lifestyle, however, meaning diet and exercise to get the numbers all in normal range: And the HbA1C 5.7 or less, normal BP and HR, normal BMI or waist/height ratio. The idea being to use proven measures to compress morbidity to lengthen the period free of chronic disease, slow the progress of sarcopenia (lessen risk of falls, for one thing), and so increase the probability of longer lifespan. Centenarians live so long because genetically they postpone chronic diseases. You got to do it without counting on the genes.
  22. BigStar


    Only til next year. Then, the same extended Songkran, as you'll see. Heard it here first. 🙂
  23. BigStar


    Well, the truth hurts, don't it? Just gon' have to suck it up, pal. As I do--I don't care for Songkran either, like all long-term expats in Pattaya. Be great if they abolished it except for the classic Thai cultural bit w/ the monks and all.
  24. BigStar


    We know of ONE Chinese, obviously confused but w/o sign of being upset. No evidence of anything "awry." Anyone who looks at the schedule can see what activities are scheduled during this year's extended Songkran period in the area they're visiting--and note that they are various ceremonies, shows, presentations, etc. Pattaya's extended 9-day water throwing should be the only real surprise, but after all it doesn't go on for the entire month. Anyone reading about Pattaya beforehand should be aware it's unique. So far tourism seems up and this year's extended Songkran on track to be a success. The new format will probably continue going forward.
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