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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. "Registration number: G64 / 45" Looks like a registration number of the Thai FDA for traditional medicines.
  2. The problem with the label is that the law doesn't require the declaration of all ingredients for wine and for most other alcoholic beverages.
  3. ขอโทษ ฉันยุ่งมากในอีกสิบปีข้างหน้าและไม่มีเวลาคุยกับคุณ
  4. ขณะนี้ที่นี่ฝนไม่ตก
  5. What does "Taley" mean?
  6. What does "Talay 6" mean"?
  7. The company should not step in and help; it should pay everything.
  8. 1. What is bahm mi? 2. Are you saying that you ate too little boy for breakfast?
  9. Is beer cheaper per litre if you buy a tower?
  10. I wish you all the best with your operation and that you can get it soon.
  11. No, Thaksin won't be arrested because of this post you made.
  12. That's a brilliant idea. So there will be only one account to hack instead of three or more for each ministry to get all all information stored by the government.
  13. The lack of police action where required can be reported to http://www.ombudsman.go.th/10/eng/index1.asp and www.1111.go.th
  14. It's going to be interesting to see the text of the law if and when it is finalised and the law is promulgated.
  15. In some advanced countries it is illegal for the owner or staff of a repair shop to copy information from a client's computer and pass it on to other people, and it is also illegal to pass the hard drive of a compter or the entire comuter to other people. In some advanced countries it is illegal for courts to take into consideration evidence obtained by illgal means. But not all countries are as great as the United States of America.
  16. You've got that right. The government had workgroups and committees trying to get the tourist tax incorporated into the ticket price but there was no way IATA could do it the way the tax was conceived. Luckily, and this being Thailand surprisingly, they had the good sense not to go for collection of the tax individually and in cash in Thai currency from arriving foreign passengers subject to the tax. The manner in which the PM announced the abandonment of this scheme is a face-saving way to bow out of it.
  17. Isn't it a bit risky to wait until the last moment? The shelves may be empty by the time you get there.
  18. When you write "falang", do you mean what in an English dictionary is written as "farang"? https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/farang
  19. Are there globally accepted methods and international norms for buning the fields after the sugar cane harvest?
  20. "SCAT Airlines, legally PLL SCAT Air Company, is a Kazakh civil airline... Its name is the acronym of Special Cargo Air Transport." Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCAT_Airlines
  21. It's the principle that matters. "It won't reduuce the number of tourists", a government official was quoted as saying. Let them get away with 300 Baht and before long, it will be increased, then increased again, and again, and again...
  22. My favourite beer comes in bottles of brown glass that provides UV protection. What else is new?
  23. Pixel 6a, Android version 14, Chrome browser.
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