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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. Thank you. I didn't know that. It shows that I'm not betting on horses.
  2. The way I see it, the basic and universal problem is that the legal distinction between male and female humans is itself a discrimination on the basis of sex, a discrimination between men and women. Eliminate that distinction and all problems are solved. Separate sports competitions, for example, have been mentioned and possible problems arising if a man choses to identify as woman and enters a competition for woman. If you have competitions for humans instead of separate competitions for men and women, no problem arises. Has anyone ever seen separate races for male and for female horses or dogs or mice, etc? (Don't mention cock fights or the animal rights activists will come after you 🙂)
  3. In the photo, Anne's breast implants look like perfect semi-spheres made of hard plastic. No effort could make them look more ugly and so absolutely fake.
  4. How do you pronounce your "yun"?
  5. It is still not nice for a passenger to try to open one. Then there was recently the door of a Boeing plane that came off without anybody trying to open it, but I guess that one doesn't count because it was a door that was not intended to be used as a door, from what I read.
  6. What value does the number 109 on your map represent?
  7. 1. From outside. 2. From the exhalation of the of people and animals on the inside.
  8. Does it give an electric shock every time it gets near a magnet?
  9. What does EM stand for? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the news article.
  10. The new Check The Dust app gives an even higher value for PM2.5 for the same location (but time stamp one hour later)
  11. I am on my fourth day of treatment for acute bronchitis and think I will stay indoors today.
  12. Yes. Given the absence of a link to the General Terms and Conditions, it is too good to be true.
  13. Is a foreign owner of a condo unit allowed to sell it, ie transfer ownership of it, to another foreigner?
  14. I found it finally on Google Play Store for Android phones, where it is listed with the Thai name เช็คฝุ่น https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gistda.pm25check Have fun with it!
  15. They keep it in their computer database for at least the minimum period required by government regulations and print a copy if and when requested by an authorised government agency.
  16. How does a satellite camera measure the diameter of fine dust particles in the air near the earth's surface and determine the weight of the particles measuring 2.5 micrometres per cubic metre of air I am not suggesting that it is impossible but I am genuinely interested in knowing how this is done.
  17. I'm in Thailand for a few weeks, got a cough with thick phlegm, went to the neighbourhood 7-eleven but they were out of stock of Leopard Brand Brown Mixture. Went to a nearby Pharmacy and they had Brown Mixture Leopard Brand, contains no codeine or other opioid. Bought a small bottle ad will see if it helps me.
  18. Medicines containing codeine are not illegal in Thailand.
  19. Frankly, I am not sure what KhunLA was talking about, transliteration, transcription or romanisation, which is the reason why put "transliteration", which KhunLA used, between quotation marks.
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