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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. This is the first time that I see the daily dietary intake of salt indicated in milligrams. Usually, it is grams, eg 3.6 grams. If milligrams are used to make the large numbers look scary, why not write, for example, 3,600,000 micrograms or 3,600,000,000 nanograms? Incidentally, the OP does not mention what period is covered by the numbers.
  2. I have not been able to find the publication of the requirements for the "exemption from quarantine" plan, also known as "test-and-go" plan, which I understand started on 1 November 2021 A.D. Gregorian calendar, in the Government Gazette. As an alternative, I have been reading related information on what seem to be official government websites, most recently the following: https://tp.consular.go.th/en/plan https://www.caat.or.th/en/archives/61230
  3. I see nothing about a taxi mentioned in the OP and anyway, how would you book and pre-pay a taxi trip? Doesn't the arriving passenger have to travel from the airport to the hotel under guard from a hotel employee?
  4. As at 11.00 h UTC, the website of CAAT still has this update of 4 November 2021 on its website. If the rumour about the change to an ATK test is true, they will probably update that web page on 4 December. Source: https://www.caat.or.th/en/archives/61230
  5. The OP gives no link to the source, presumably a web page on the website of CCSA or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on which this information is based. Therefore, I shall treat is an uncorroborated rumour for the time being. I don't know how official https://tp.consular.go.th/ is but as at 09.00 hours UTC on 26 November 2021, it still has this requirement listed: Source: https://tp.consular.go.th/en/plan If the rumour is true, that web page will probably be updated on 1 December and until then, Thailand Pass applications will still require documents as per above to be uploaded.
  6. What is the rate of false positive ATK tests, compared to the PRC test.
  7. Fitting an electric vehicle charge point could add £50,000 to your home’s value DARREN CASSEY 23 November 2021, 1:49 pm The UK is making the switch from combustion-engined vehicles to those powered by electricity. In 2030, the first phase of the UK’s plan to stop the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles begins, and by 2035, only pure electric vehicles can be sold new. Official figures show electric vehicle sales are on the rise, and although they still only make up a small market share, so far in 2021 EV sales are up 86 per cent on 2020. Read more: https://www.aol.co.uk/motoring/fitting-electric-vehicle-charge-point-134934908.html?guce_referrer=YW5kcm9pZC1hcHA6Ly9jb20uZ29vZ2xlLmFuZHJvaWQuZ29vZ2xlcXVpY2tzZWFyY2hib3gv&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABVNQU1HHwl74tHeTAcPnC9VrcJLAYt_x2pbLa6eu-9reAPRasdz-AyMNfNSt9J83KqGBfYJ_dI9at05qT-HDPi_XOHVA0UqxsVtn29GhNlJdEhBtL-1S1YMoRSuuEZGkas4TYy4fd1U-8jI7Hxgyrfie57pHH85gzqb3MciJEZE&guccounter=2
  8. As Bandersnatch suggested, get only the cable (I would make it 32 A) installed when building the house, with a simple socket at the end into which the wall box can be plugged when the time comes. This way there is no worry about the compatibility of future wall boxes. At worst, the socket might have to be changed or an adapter used if there is a design change.
  9. I believe that in Thailand the recommendation is to use another vaccine for the booster shot after initial vaccination with Sinovac.
  10. Your experience: three hotel reservations, two Thailand Pass applications. It could have been worse. My reluctance to fly to Thailand is slowly waning.
  11. I want this car in Thailand, and I want it now. While waiting for it, I had better talk to the condo management about the installation of an electrical socket at my parking space.
  12. Kalashnikov Enters The World Of Electric Cars With A Bang 16 HOURS AGO No, we won't apologize for such a glorious pun. Meanwhile, in Russia, Kalashnikov has decided that it wants a slice of the electric vehicle pie. The infamous Russian manufacturer of the most widely used assault rifle in history announced its intentions in 2018. It put an EV motor inside the restomod of a Soviet-era hatch, and it was beautiful. Actually, it was horrible to look at, but would you say that to Kalashnikov? Read more: https://carbuzz.com/news/kalashnikov-enters-the-world-of-electric-cars-with-a-bang
  13. What gave you the idea that "email" should not be used as a verb? https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/email
  14. What is a "trump flake" and how is it relevant to this topic?
  15. Thank you, @richard_smith237. You've made a good point.
  16. The OP paraphrases what I have seen printed somewhere else as this direct quote: Source: https://www.khaosodenglish.com/?p=0 I can't help it, but to me, this sounds like a bugle call to start a hunt on unmasked foreigners.
  17. This sounds like a call for police to hunt down unmasked foreigners and fine them but more likely, many police officers will "fine" them.
  18. Also I own part of Pfizer. 100 shares, in fact. Bought them eons ago (1970s) and forgot about them. Got booked for my Covernaty booster shot next week, in Italy, without having to play the line "Do you know who I am?"
  19. What vaccine was available so early that the second shot could be administered in January 2021?
  20. That would be Google Chrome, then. I tried it out with that browser on my Android phone Pixel just now and did not get that monstrous ad. Don't know why, perhaps because there is some antivirus and malware protection installed.
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