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Everything posted by Puccini

  1. That's interesting. So if the PCR test on arrival at the hotel in Thailand is positive and if I recovered from Covid-19 within three months before departure and have a medical certificate to confirm it, I must show this certificate. What happens then? The FAQ does not say. Weird.
  2. To get the Thailand Pass, ie permission to fly to Thailand, he had to show proof of a health insurance with a minimum cover of USD 50,000. The hospital should collect from the Insurance company.
  3. There's no need to do the test if you get no notification.
  4. You forgot to post the link to the text you quoted. I tried but could not find a web page with that text. https://www.google.com/search?q=If+the+applicant’s+RT-PCR+test+result+is+positive%2C+they+must+present+a+COVID-19+recovery+form&oq=If+the+applicant’s+RT-PCR+test+result+is+positive%2C+they+must+present+a+COVID-19+recovery+form&aqs=chrome..69i57.2660j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  5. Yes, it is mandatory. If you get the alert, you must do the test and give the result. I have seen posts on this forum from people saying that they did not get the alert.
  6. "glass" is an unsuitable, useless unit of measure for wine and everything else.
  7. Having grown up with the International System of Units (SI), I would write temperatures as follows: 16 °C = 60.8 °F = 218.15 K
  8. Are you saying that you have stomach pains?
  9. What app is used in Thailand to read the QR code on this International Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate for the purpose of verifying its validity?
  10. Six weeks were too short. Originally, a waiting period of 16 weeks was recommended after an AstraZenaca jab before administering the second shot with the same or any other vaccine. Later, the recommendation was reduced to 12 weeks.
  11. Many Swedes got microchip implants years before the covid-19 era for various purposes. All the Rage in Sweden: Embedding Microchips Under Your Skin ...The technology itself is not new. In fact, Swedes (and others) have been using microchips this way since at least 2015... Read more: https://futurism.com/sweden-microchip-trend
  12. In Thailand, forget about the Mo Prom app. Instead, get a microchip implanted. I wonder if this will get fashionable in Thailand.
  13. Facing COVID passport mandate, more Swedes get microchip implants Rise comes after Sweden required vaccination passport at all events with over 100 participants as of Dec. 1, local media reports Atila Altuntas | 01.12.2021 STOCKHOLM Following Sweden’s announcement that the coronavirus vaccine passport requirement will be put into practice, the number of people who got microchips inserted under their skin rose, according to local media. Swedish daily Aftonbladet reported on Sunday that a rise was recorded in the number of people who had microchips inserted in their hands following Sweden's announcement that a vaccination passport will be required at all events with over 100 participants as of Dec. 1. Citing a resident, Hannes Sjoblad, the daily reported that he had a microchip with his vaccination passport inserted to his left hand. Read more: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/facing-covid-passport-mandate-more-swedes-get-microchip-implants/2436048
  14. What is a cvc appointment? http://www.acronymfinder.com/CVC.html https://www.google.com/search?q="cvc+appointment"&oq="cvc+appointment"&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l2j0i457i512j0i512l4.44311j0j4&client=ms-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  15. What was the interval between the vaccination with the AstraZenaca and the vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine?
  16. I don't think burglars and thieves make any distinction between m3, m8, m47 or any other m number when selecting their targets.
  17. I would write back to them to say 1. Your requirement was that the Covid-19 vaccination certificate must be in English. If you will kindly look once more at the certificate I have submitted you will see that it is both in English and in Thai. You may want to consult the legal department of KLM for confirmation that the fact that the certificate is not only in English but also in Thai does not render it invalid, considering that Thai is the official language of the country where the vaccination was administered and the certificate was issued. 2. Your statement that there are "other reasons" is not helpful and I should be grateful if you advised me what other reasons you have for the rejection of my vaccination certificate.
  18. "RIGHT NOW" is the important part to remember. Like another poster has mentioned, right now travel to a place of your choice may need no certificate and tomorrow or next week the certificate may be needed for travel to your next destination. These uncertainties and the authority of local bodies down to the village level to change rules at a moment's notice are what makes travel in Thailand so exiting during this COVID period.
  19. What did the local KLM office say when you emailed them to say that the certificate is indeed on English?
  20. Thank you for the link to the article in the British news publication "Independent", the first paragraph of which reads as follows: The operative word here is "could". The World Health Organisation (WHO) could have named the new variant "Nu", which would have been logical, but for reasons which to discuss here would be off topic the WHO skipped Nu and Xi and used Omicron, reported here by the same publication: Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/omicron-variant-meaning-greek-alphabet-b1965952.html
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