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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Her initial outward symptoms may only have been diarrhoea but at the hospital she was found to be suffering from kidney failure and in the midst of a hypotensive crisis. She then needed dialysis so that means she had only 10 - 15% of her kidney function left. This does not sound like just a simple case of mild food poisoning and "the runs." She was having serious, serious kidney problems.
  2. As per the officially-announced policy, Kamala Harris's son Cole is also omitted from the White House visitor logs. Is that also somehow suspect?
  3. As has been pointed out several times already, Hunter Biden as an individual, was not specifically excluded. What part of the official White House statement (made when announcing the reversal of the Trump policy of not releasing any visitor logs*) that no personal visits from any family members of the first or second family would be recorded, do you not understand? * Trump White House Will Keep Its Visitor Logs Secret
  4. OK, that would make them the majority of Wagner's troops in Ukraine but but necessarily the majority of their entire forces.
  5. They've only started recruiting prisoners since the invasion of Ukraine. It's not clear whether they make up the majority of their personnel, as estimates of their numbers vary. They do seem to make up the majority of their casualties in Ukraine recently though, with one estimate saying that 90% of Wagner's casualties since December have been convicts.
  6. I think you're getting confused. 95% of Wagner's personnel are Russian, with most of the others being Ukrainians, Armenians, Kazakhs and Moldovans. They've fought in Syria and Libya but they don't recruit from there, as far as I can tell.
  7. Still unconfirmed but I also read the same thing on a number of different sources. Supposedly the GRU and FSB rounded up the families of all the Wagner members they could find and used that as leverage to get Prigozhin to turn his forces around.
  8. I don't think you understand what the word "processed" means in the phrase, "processed meat." It refers to processes that meat undergoes after having been produced, and which alter the chemical composition of the meat. It does not refer to how the meat is made in the first place. As stated in the Healthline article below: Why Processed Meat is Bad For You Lab-grown meat has not been subjected to any of the preservation techniques mentioned above, so does not qualify as "processed meat."
  9. There seem to be a number of people laboring under a misconception as to what lab grown meat or (or cultivated meat as some prefer to call it) is. As stated in the article below: Why Do Some Critics Still Call It Lab-Grown Meat?
  10. Does anyone know if this applies only to people who have not started receiving their pension yet? I started getting my pension last year - is there any chance of topping up missing years to boost my current pension?
  11. Of course - if you don't try something you don't know what it's like. I wouldn't buy it, but I'd certainly try it if offered a free sample.
  12. All we have here as yet, are unsubstantiated allegations of undue deference and interference from two whistleblowers. Firstly, as the AP report on this says: GOP releases testimony of whistleblowers claiming interference in Hunter Biden case Secondly, even if there was some kind of interference from within, by the FBI or DOJ, over how the investigation should be conducted, that again isn't proof of criminal activity by Hunter or Joe Biden.
  13. None of that's evidence though, is it? For instance, as I'm sure you're aware since you're following this so closely, the filing of an SAR is not evidence of misconduct. They are automatically generated based on the transaction type and amount.
  14. Oh, they most certainly do. On the firearms charge, as others have pointed out, almost nobody is jailed for putting false information on a gun purchase application. And as I already mentioned, Roger Stone got an even better deal on failure to pay taxes. He owed 10 times as much in unpaid tax as Hunter Biden, the offences stretched over a much longer period of time and he refused to cooperate, contesting the charges for years before finally admitting guilt. Yet he also got off without any jail time. So if Hunter got a "sweetheart deal" only because people in the Biden administration were helping him (of which there is no evidence) then who in that administration do you think intervened to help Roger Stone? Or maybe, just maybe, both cases illustrate how such offences are routinely handled.
  15. Please provide some evidence that Hunter Biden ever lobbied the US government on behalf of foreign clients - or laundered money. A Trump-appointed prosecutor investigated him for 5 years but the only crimes they could find were the tax and gun-related offences under discussion here.
  16. That's untrue. Starmer never said any such thing. What happened was that a Labour Party spokesperson initially said she wasn't there, before correcting the record after finding out that in fact, she was there. And just to remind you what Durham constabulary found, here's part of their statement on it. This one, work-related meal stands in sharp contrast to the multiple, clearly and obviously non work-related, parties held week after week at No 10 and as now seems apparent, Conservative Party HQ.
  17. This is true, at least in my experience - when I got a new passport last year, I updated my TTB account at the branch nearest me, not the one where I originally opened the account.
  18. For those saying Trump is being unfairly targeted solely for political reasons and prosecuted in a way that other people would not be for similar offences, take a look at the story below of a woman sentenced just today: Former KC FBI analyst sentenced for keeping documents related to national defense
  19. If that's the case, then perhaps it also pays to be an associate of and adviser to Donald Trump, since it's very similar to the deal given to Roger Stone. Hunter Biden owed around $200,000 in taxes covering just two years, which he had already paid, plus fines, very early on in the piece. Roger Stone had failed to pay his full taxes going all the way back to 2007 and eventually ended up agreeing in 2021 to pay $2,000,000 to the IRS. He, like Biden was also given a deal that did not include any jail time. So where's the massive disparity there? If anything, Stone's offences were even more egregious than Biden's, since he owed more, the offences covered a longer period of time and he was less cooperative in terms of paying back the money promptly, vowing initially to fight the charges and dragging it out for years before finally agreeing to pay up. Roger Stone Finally Agrees to Pay $2 Million in Back Taxes
  20. Also, the wider point is that all the various voting restrictions being introduced by Republican-controlled legislatures is specifically aimed at reducing the number of Democrat votes. And how do we know this? Because one of their lawyers, when arguing before the Supreme Court no less, openly admitted it. When asked about the more restrictive requirements for voting, this was his response: In Supreme Court, GOP attorney defends voting restrictions by saying they help Republicans win
  21. Voter ID requirements (a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, since there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud) disproportionately affects poorer voters, according to the article below. Free voter IDs still burdensome for poor people, says voting rights group
  22. You might have thought that even Trump would realise that, "I'm very busy," is not a valid legal reason for failing to comply with a subpoena. Clearly not, though.
  23. Here's an article about that change of emphasis at Toyota. Toyota Wakes Up To Find That It’s 2023 & There’s An EV Revolution Going On As it states:
  24. I'm not sure what you mean by that - it was a straightforward shot taken with my phone on normal settings, in outdoor light (without flash). Even with indoor light, it's still clearly only dark blue.
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