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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. It doesn't mean "caught sleeping" it was a typo. It's been corrected to, "taken aback."
  2. Don't forget that this is a measure aimed mainly at Thai customers. I can assure you that for the average Thai, these would definitely be considered high value transactions. Some banks don't even include foreigners in this. For instance, I made a transfer of over 50,000 baht from a Kasikorn bank account two days ago and there was no facial id required.
  3. Now I know you're just having a laugh. Even Asian people admit that they can't always tell which country a specific Asian person is from. In Thailand for instance, the entire ethnic origins of the Thai people are a matter of scholarly debate. For a start, you have a mixture of people of Chinese, Khmer, Malayan or other Asian country origin, along with the various hill tribes. The history of South-East Asia is full of population migrations, invasions, subjugation of adjoining territories, shifting borders etc, leading to various amounts of mixing of the populations. How many times for instance, has Thailand invaded or been invaded by Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam etc? The answer is many, many times, stretching back over centuries. And every time one country invades another or the borders change, there is a mixing of the gene pool.
  4. I think you're the one who's delusional. For instance, many people of white Southern European (Mediterranean) origin are almost indistinguishable from some Indian people. As an example, here are pictures of two men taken at random from the internet. I can tell you that one at the top is Indian and the one at the bottom is Italian. I would defy anyone (who didn't already know that) to say that they could distinguish their respective ethnic origins with 100% certainty.
  5. I said she was the only witness to the altercation. I stand by that. None of the other people you mention were witnesses to the actual fight between the two men. Also, being related to a murder victim does not make someone an unreliable witness. She may not be totally unbiased but that doesn't mean she's unreliable. Bullman's testimony that he was acting in self defence is the account that I would say is unreliable - especially given that it's contradicted by the physical evidence. So I would say her testimony would be pivotal to the case and given the corroborating factors, will probably be extremely compelling to any judge or jury.
  6. The only witness to the altercation as far as I'm aware, is the dead man's wife (the son was only two at the time, so too young to give testimony). I'd have thought she would readily give witness testimony in Norway. It's not as if it's that far from London, where they live, according to reports. She would no doubt reiterate the account she already gave. As stated in the following BBC article: Thailand hotel fight: Briton Amitpal Singh Bajaj killed
  7. Sorry, but that's untrue. Sometimes, physical characteristics can be suggestive of an ethnic origin but they are by no means always "clear" or definitive. Do you honestly think that if you looked at a hundred photos of random people, you could definitively identify the ethnicity of all of them? Genetics simply aren't that uniform and predictable.
  8. That was the initial report - very possibly based on Bullman's account of events (since Bajaj obviously, was not around to give his version). Later on however, the police stated that after further investigation, both eye witness testimony (from the dead man's family) and more importantly the physical evidence, indicated that their initial report was incorrect and Bullman had broken into the British family's room by battering down a door separating the rooms. See Thai Examiner report below, from back in 2019. Bullman still on the run, to be charged with murder In another report, it was stated Police also apparently concluded, based on the angle, positioning and depth of the wound that Bullman already had his victim in the stranglehold when he was stabbed. So again, based on that view of events, it seems that Bullman was the aggressor and the Brit was the one acting in self defence when he stabbed Bullman while trying to break free.
  9. Again, you're totally ignoring the fact that none of the links you've given, provide actual evidence of what Comer calls "influence peddling," (sometimes also referred to as a "pay for play scheme"). All they contain are uncorroborated allegations of such a scheme. Even Comer himself admitted in public that they have not uncovered any actual evidence of illegality. As the article below puts it: Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden
  10. No, he was a British guy from the UK. According to reports from the UK, he was a member of the Sikh community so probably (but but necessarily) of Indian heritage. That doesn't make him Indian. For instance, my family is of Irish heritage but I am not Irish.
  11. No, it does not. A photograph of a person does not provide evidence of their nationality (unless it's a photo of them holding their passport, of course).
  12. His claims of self defence seem a little hard to credit when you consider all the evidence (and all the accounts of the crime apart from his) indicate that he broke into the other guy's room and killed him there - or injured him severely enough that he died shortly after. Police found the British guy severely beaten and near death in his own room, and there was evidence that the door between the rooms had been broken down by Bullman when he forced his way into the family's room. It sure doesn't sound like self defence.
  13. There's nothing inherently wrong with changing it. That's why there are already 27 amendments. However, as Sheryl already pointed out, the President is not part of the process and it would require a 2/3 majority in both houses, followed by ratification by 3/4 of the states. So until MAGA Republicans (and not just Republicans) hold 2/3 of all government seats and control 3/4 of the states, it's not going to happen and certainly not just because Trump wants it to.
  14. So you haven't had it medically confirmed, then. Even your doctor is saying on this one point that it could be either the vaccine or long Covid. And based on the statistics, it is much more likely to be long Covid. Incidentally, it has been found that even asymptomatic Covid can lead to long Covid symptoms. Post COVID-19 Syndrome in Patients with Asymptomatic/Mild Form As far as I know, plaques in the brain due to Alzheimers can only be confirmed at autopsy. As the article below from the NIH site points out, there is: Which is associated with plaque formation, but: How Is Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosed?
  15. There are not 1,000 overstays. The headline is completely bogus. Reading the article properly, it turns out that Immigration looked into over 1,000 people because of a discrepancy between the number of arrivals and the number of people thought to be staying on the island but it turned out the vast majority were not on overstay. In the end, only 11 people were arrested for overstaying their visas.
  16. I also have a UK account despite living abroad for over 40 years. However the post you were replying to wasn't about people who have existing accounts (like us) it was about non-UK residents opening new accounts now.
  17. Yes, and as that article further points out: Even Bill Barr said that information from the Ukrainian sources this document came from, can't be taken at face value.
  18. No, the FBI have not confirmed that a document exists that describes "Biden's pay for play in detail." They have confirmed the existence of a document from a confidential informant that alleges wrongdoing by Biden. It is Comer et al who claim it contains details of a pay for play scheme - the FBI has not confirmed that is what it contains. And since Comer has apparently not seen the document yet (though the FBI has said he's free to look at it) then he can't confirm what it contains either.
  19. Yes it exists but as even that NY Post article headline says, it is nothing more than an uncorroborated allegation. I could allege all kinds of wrong-doing by anyone I care to mention - it doesn't make my allegations true.
  20. That link doesn't provide any evidence whatsoever. All it has is James Comer talking about the presentation and memo he was going to come out with that would be "judgement day" for Joe Biden. However when Comer gave his presentation and released his memo neither of them contained any evidence whatsoever of illegality. As stated in the article below: Republicans offer no evidence of crimes at press conference on alleged ‘Biden family corruption’
  21. I'm pretty sure it depends on how old they are. I've done three marriage extensions and our daughter (who is 34) has never been required to be on the photos.
  22. Erm, because the suspect himself admits having strangled the British guy? Admittedly, he claims it was in self defence but since he was the one that broke in to the Brit's room (which is where the deadly confrontation took place) that seems unlikely.
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