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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Even James Comer, who is the main person pushing the allegations against Biden, has admitted that they have no actual evidence of anything illegal having happened. Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden He also conceded that they can no longer find the "whistleblower" whose allegations form the basis of their case. Republican Admits Key 'Informant' Against Joe Biden Now Missing Talk about a whole load of nothing.
  2. Sorry, I need to amend part of that as I had mis-remembered it. It was Pence and Biden's attorneys who first did a search and discovered that they still had some classified documents in their possession. In Pence's case, the documents found were immediately returned and that was the end of the matter. In Biden's case, a further search was conducted by the FBI with the full cooperation of Biden and his lawyers and (as with Pence) any classified documents found were immediately turned over. Unlike Trump, neither Biden nor Pence tried to conceal or withhold documents after they were discovered nor did they make false statements about what documents they had and obstruct attempts to recover them,
  3. Because, as even a number of Republican luminaries, including Trump's own Attorney General Bill Barr have pointed out, Trump didn't just inadvertently retain the documents, he deliberately held on to them and refused to hand them back, unlawfully concealing and withholding over a hundred documents with classified markings even in the face of a subpoena requesting their return. In complete contrast, both Biden (and Pence) actually invited the FBI to come and look for any documents that might be classified, and any such documents (about a dozen or less in each case) were immediately turned over to the authorities without any prevarication whatsoever. As Barr states in the article below: Bill Barr on Trump documents case
  4. Interesting - when I looked up 'Tokyo Sukkiri' I got directed to a Kohler model bidet seat on Lazada for only 1,650 baht.
  5. So you think the Ukrainians should just go out and commit multiple war crimes, (murdering innocent civilians, sick people and schoolchildren) simply because the Russians do it? Yes, I'm definitely going to disagree with you on that one.
  6. Absolutely not - deliberately attacking civilian targets (and especially hospitals) is a war crime. The Ukrainians must on no account sink to the same levels of depravity and criminality as the Russians.
  7. The 90 day report has everything to do with leaving the country and returning. As evidenced by the receipt I just got from my latest such report, the IO who signs it is acknowledging that they "Have received Notification of staying in Thailand for 90 days" from me. (Emphasis mine). So if you haven't stayed in Thailand for 90 days, you don't need to submit a report.
  8. What's that phrase about rats leaving a sinking ship? Trump lawyers quit hours after indictment
  9. Posting a picture of boxes in an insecure location as part of an indictment that provides details of the highly sensitive nature of some of the documents found in those boxes, on the other hand, does mean something.
  10. You don't seem to have read my posts. I clearly stated that I am not required to go through facial recognition and was able to do a 50,000 baht transfer without any such requirement, and that it is my wife (who is Thai) who is required to go through facial recognition for transfers of 50,000 or above.
  11. You keep ignoring the fact (which has been pointed out to you multiple times already) that since none of the charges relate to the documents being classified, it makes not a single iota of difference, whether they were classified or not.
  12. Except that no other former president or former vice president (which is what you're obviously referring to) has ever done what Trump has been charged with doing. None of them ever wilfully retained national defence documents or refused to hand the documents back when requested to do so, or lied about having handed back all the documents in their possession.
  13. That wasn't the issue being dealt with in my post, but as I pointed out in two other posts, the requirement is already in effect for Thai customers at certain banks, including Kasikorn bank.
  14. The trouble with his claims is that there is absolutely no evidence that he ever declassified the documents. Even his own lawyers have never claimed, in any legal submission, media interview or statement, that he did so. More importantly though, it doesn't even matter whether they were declassified or not. Because (and again, according to his own lawyers) he has not been charged with keeping or mishandling classified documents. Rather, he has been charged with "wilful retention of national defence information." Also, there are charges of obstruction of justice (that are both more serious and carry longer sentences). He is further charged with making false statements. So basically, none of the charges rely on the documents being classified. See info on the BBC article below. Trump indicted I should point out that although the BBC article's headline uses the words "classified documents," if you read the article, it becomes clear that none of the charges actually revolve around questions of their classification.
  15. I already stated in an earlier post that I (as a foreigner) did not have to do a facial recognition check to make 50,000 baht + transfers and that it is my wife (who is Thai) who has to do it.
  16. Also, even the very article that is the OP in this thread, says that: "Financial institutions in Thailand have begun mandating facial recognition for customers conducting high-value transactions." (Emphasis mine). It doesn't say they're going to start mandating this as of July 1, it says quite clearly that they have begun doing it already.
  17. What, so you think I've just decided to lie about something as trivial and inconsequential as this? I can absolutely guarantee you that for Kasikorn bank transactions, this is already in effect. I just got her to try another 50,000 baht transfer, to double check. After putting the account details and amount, and hitting "Confirm" this is the screen that appeared.
  18. The photo accompanying the article shows two US flags and one Pride flag. There's also no photo showing what was there beforehand. Do we know that a US flag was actually taken down, or was a Pride flag just added to what was already there?
  19. It is for some banks. My wife tried to do a 50,000 baht transfer from her Kasikorn account the other day and it wouldn't let her do it until she provided a face scan.
  20. If you're just going to indulge in sealioning, there's not much point in continuing the discussion.
  21. Finland already trialled this over a two year period. As the McKinsey & Company analysis of this says, the results were intriguing. For instance, despite fears that people would just take the money and not bother working, the opposite was true. In addition, the basic income scheme: An experiment to inform universal basic income
  22. Maybe some people are slow to pay electronically but not everyone. I always have whatever app I'm using (usually True Money) ready before the teller has even finished ringing up the items. Then there are some people who are really slow when paying with cash. My wife for instance, never seems to think about getting her purse out until after the amount has already been rung up by the teller. I stopped bothering to remind her about it years ago as she just gets all defensive if I do.
  23. There's plenty of ways to steal money electronically. In fact, most banks lose much more money to cybercrime these days than they ever did to physical bank robberies. According to statistics, the average bank robbery nowadays nets less than $100,000.* Cybercrime can run into the millions, if not billions. For instance, according to the Reuters article below: Cybercrime ring steals up to $1 billion from banks *Edit: That was based on an older article I found. 2023 statistics actually puts the average bank robbery in the US at less than $10,000. The Most Surprising Bank Robbery Statistics And Trends in 2023
  24. Not sure if I'd want to do 500 km without stopping - I know my family (who I always travel with) certainly wouldn't. In any event, EV ranges are constantly improving. For instance the Neta S, which was mentioned just above, has one fully electric version with a 715 km range - plus a couple of extended range versions with a 1,100 km range. Neta S previewed in Malaysia – EV sedan with gullwing doors; up to 715 km range
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