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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. It's true that any of Epstein's clients who had sex with underage girls committed the crime of statutory rape. However, if we're talking about other people involved in the crimes Maxwell was charged with, they date from between 1994 and 1997. As I already mentioned, most such crimes would be a) almost impossible to prove, especially 25-30 years later and b) beyond the statute of limitations now, anyway.
  2. Even if they did, for those that were underage (which was nearly all of them, at least to start with) they were too young to give consent anyway. For those young girls (some as young as 14) if anything of a sexual nature took place, it's a crime no matter what.
  3. One of the problems with prosecuting any third parties is that according to pretty much all the accounts I've read including those given by the girls, the alleged offences almost always took place behind closed doors. So it would come down to a case of, "He said, she said." If the people alleged to have been involved, simply say (as for instance, Alan Dershowitz does) that nothing happened except for a simple and legitimate massage with no sexual component, that would be almost impossible to disprove. Without independent eye witness testimony there wouldn't be much chance of a conviction. The other big problem is that even if they could prove crimes took place, in most cases, the alleged offences involving these girls are beyond the statute of limitations now. They were only able to indict Maxwell so long after the events took place, because of a change in New York law that allowed historical crimes to be prosecuted. However it's too late to use that again now, as well. Any charges under that law had to be filed before the end of 2020. So I would say there's little to no chance that any others could be prosecuted at this stage.
  4. This is not an article written to describe the details of the cave rescue as such, though. It's an article about how two of the British divers involved, have received honorary degrees from a UK university. Many other people, of multiple nationalities, were involved in the rescue and of course they all deserve credit but once again, that's not the main point of this story - it's about the fact these two specific people were given honorary degrees.
  5. Legally and technically, it can be undone - all it requires is for the UK to re-apply for membership. Whether that is likely to happen though, is a different question altogether. Although it is perhaps interesting to note that one of the most recent opinion polls on this shows a majority in the UK are in favour of re-joining. Joining or Staying Out of the EU
  6. Yes, please, please let it be JRM - aka "The Honourable Member for the 18th century." That would be an absolute godsend for the opposition parties. I doubt if there's a more widely disliked politician in the Tory Party. This is the man, that when appointed by Boris to find and publicise the benefits of Brexit, decided the best way to do that was to ask readers of The Sun (probably they most "down-market" tabloid newspaper in the UK) to write and let him know if they could identify any possible benefits. Jacob Rees-Mogg issues plea to readers of The Sun to flag possible Brexit benefits to him
  7. Congress already gave them the right. This was pointed out by Justice Elena Kagan in her scathingly-worded dissent, as follows: Kagan Calls the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the EPA ‘Frightening’: Read the Full Text
  8. Final total of resignations in one day - 44! The highest number of resignations in one day that any PM has ever suffered. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/jul/06/boris-johnson-rishi-sunak-sajid-javid-resignations-uk-politics-live-latest
  9. It's not hearsay when the evidence consists of the person committing the crime on tape, using their own words.
  10. Well, quite. As one of Brexit's greatest proponents, Jacob Rees-Mogg said, we may start to see some benefits of Brexit in about 50 years' time. Although I'm pretty sure that's not what the Brexiteers were promising during the campaign. Jacob Rees-Mogg Says It Could Take 50 Years To Reap The Benefits Of Brexit Of course, in the meantime he has moved his Somerset Capital Management investment fund business to Dublin, with the company warning investors of the "risks" of Brexit. A ringing endorsement, if ever there was one, of how the UK is such a great place to do business now, after Brexit. Jacob Rees-Mogg defends his City firm's Irish opening
  11. T3 already available in Thailand according to the graphic below from EVAT.
  12. I've seen articles that seem to imply the 100 km/h limit is only for vehicles sold in China. The image posted by @Bandersnatch above clearly states a top speed of 120 km/h, not 100, as well.
  13. Not on all of them any more. When traveling on highway 4 north from Hua Hin for instance, there are several sections with 120 kph speed limit (and minimum 100 in the outside lane). And if I recall correctly, there are some more on the 35 heading into Bangkok.
  14. The poor guy's dead. To call that "a mixed day," is taking understatement to a whole new level.
  15. Only if you believe the Russian claims. The same Russians who also claim that they haven't invaded Ukraine and there is no war happening there.
  16. It could be to enhance the range, as well. Electric cars top speed: Are they slower than normal cars? I agree that sometimes you need to be able to go over 100 kph. I can't imagine doing a long distance journey in Thailand (or in most countries, for that matter) and being limited to 100 kph. You'd be stuck in the middle lane in among convoys of 10-wheelers for much of the time, unable to get past them.
  17. The question wasn't whether it was likely, it was whether it was possible. And as the old truism goes, "Anything's possible." Here's an example of a girl being held captive in a man's apartment in the US, where even the kidnapper's roommate was unaware of her presence. Teen Kidnapped in Oklahoma, Held Captive in North Park Man's Apartment Admittedly it was only for 4 days but if he hadn't accidentally left his cellphone behind, allowing her to call for help, she could have been there a lot longer. Up to a year? Probably not, but again, possibly. Now, all cases are different and I wouldn't necessarily say it's likely in this particular case, but it's certainly not outside the bounds of possibility.
  18. Not necessarily, depending on the child's age. As far as I'm aware up to the age of 16 there is no overstay fine - and no requirement to do 90 day reports. Certainly that was my daughter's experience when she was younger and used to regularly enter Thailand on a visa exempt entry (sometimes for up to 3 months at a time) on her UK passport. Admittedly, that is going back a while but as per @BritTim 's post it still holds true.
  19. Of course it is, Ariel Castro held 3 women captive for ten years. Jaycee Dugard was held for 17 years. Just Google "Women held captive for years" and you'll find numerous such cases.
  20. They actually told my wife 11 weeks when she handed her application in. She just got her approved visa back today, exactly 3 weeks later.
  21. Probably getting confused with the requirement for a TB certificate for Thais applying to stay for longer than 6 months (so not a visitor visa). According to the website: Tuberculosis tests for visa applicants Thailand is one of the listed countries.
  22. My wife handed in her passport and completed application exactly 3 weeks ago to VFS. When she was in there they told her it would take around 11 weeks unless she paid 10,000 Baht for expedited processing. She just received her passport back with her approved visa in it today. YMMV
  23. You've just proved my point again. There's no reason why the exact same argument you've just made for drivetrains wouldn't apply equally to batteries. The majority are likely to last getting on for 20 years, according to the data but guaranteeing all of them for that long would be cost prohibitive. HOW LONG SHOULD AN ELECTRIC CAR’S BATTERY LAST? Also, a battery is not the equivalent of a fuel tank and it's ridiculous to pretend that it is. A fuel tank is nothing more than an empty metal box. See @Lacessit's post for a further explanation of why most manufacturers don't offer a warranty for the full life of a product. As stated therein, "No manufacturer would offer a warranty on vehicles that matched the expected life, the service departments of car dealerships would go broke."
  24. TTB opens for me but has a warning message about possible performance issues.
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